Walker Of The Worlds

Chapter 1039 - The Elders' Resolve

While the Disciples were doing their best to survive, the elders of the Noon Grass sect were starting to lose ground.

"Elder Sun, we need to retreat." One of the Dao Shell elders of the Noon Grass sect spoke.

"We can't afford that. If we do, men will go and attack the disciples too!" Elder Sun replied.


And just as the elder said that, an attack was sent his way.

"You all are getting too complacent! As if you will be able to escape us anyway!" One of the Gu Legion members yelled.


A shield managed to block the attack before it ever reached Elder Sun, but the spirit tool sustained damage as well.

"Are you okay, elder Sun?" Elder Pigu asked.

He was the one who had blocked the attack.

"Barely… we are outmatched here." Elder Sun replied as he wiped the blood dripping from the side of his eye.

All the elders were injured, with Elder Sun being the most injured. The one saving grace that they did have though, was that they were yet to have any casualties on their end. It only showed how much their preparation was effective.

Even though they were now being pushed back, the Gu Legion was still the only one with any casualties.

It was something that had surprised even the Gu Legion members and infuriated them as well.

'How are we still unable to kill any of them? Master said the pills will make us more powerful?' The Gu Legion members thought.

"Enough!" A Dao Shell realm Gu Legion member said as he used a powerful technique.


The very air itself shook as a mass of black energy formed above the man's head. The elder created waves in air and sucked in all the spirit Qi that it could.

"Careful!" Elder Pigu warned a couple of elders that were directly in the line of attack.


The mass of black energy shot forward and increased its speed more and more. 

"GAH!" One of the elders was unable to fully move and one of his legs was caught in the attack.


As if it were a beast, the black energy devoured the elders leg instantly and continued onwards. The elder barely managed to hold his scream in as he focused on retreating.

"NO!!" Elder Sun shouted, seeing the elder losing his leg.

"AGAIN! OTHERS JOIN IN TOO!" The Gu Legion member who had just attacked ordered.

Several different techniques and weapons were thrown at the elders while they attempted to block and dodge. The one elder who had lost his leg was unable to continue on and was finally caught in the barrage.

"NOOOO!!!!!!" The Noon Grass Sect's elders shouted as they finally saw one of them die.

The elder who was struck with the attack was entirely eliminated and no remains were left of him. 

"CURSE YOU GU LEGION!" The elders yelled.

"We won't let you get away with this!" Elder Pigu said, his face filled with rage.

"Ahahaha! As if it matters once you all meet the same fate!" They taunted.

"Enough!" Elder Pigu said as he gritted his teeth.

His hand withdrew a pill bottle from his sleeve and its cap was quickly opened at the same time. 

The elders who were near him saw this and were surprised, for they knew what was in the bottle.

"You can't use that Elder Pigu." Elder Sun said with disbelief.

"I have to. Only I can handle the pills effect, the others might not be able to fully take advantage of it." Elder Pigu replied darkly.

Then without giving the others to speak anything, he threw the pill into his mouth.

"WAIT—" Elder Sun tried to say more but it was too late.

As soon as the pill entered Elder Pigu's mouth, it melted and flowed down his throat. For a moment there, it was as if the entire area had fallen silent, but then in the very next instant a low pitched sound was heard.


As if the bells of a temple were ringing, the heart of Elder Pigu thudded non stop. A powerful aura surged from him and all the injuries he had sustained till now were healing visibly.

And that was not the end of it either. The wrinkles on his face and hands disappeared, as if he was returning to his youth. In just a few seconds, Elder Pigu turned from a middle aged man to a young man who had barely crossed his teens. 

The Gu Legion members who saw it all were stunned. Not just because Elder Pigu had turned young, but also because the spirit Qi fluctuations coming from him were rapidly rushing.

"AAAAAAAAA!" Elder Pigu let out a loud shout as his Dao Shell appeared above him.

The Dao Shell was only half complete, yet now it was quickly turning into a complete sphere. 

"WE HAVE TO STOP HIM!" The Gu Legion members frantically shouted.

"DON'T EVEN THINK!" Elder Sun and others countered.

Just a minute was all that Elder Pigu needed as soon, his Dao Shell was completed. And when that happened, he opened his eyes that were utterly bloodshot.

"This has been enough… time to end this." Elder Pigu said in a hoarse voice that surprise his fellow elders.

That was because while his appearance looked young, his voice was now older. Far older than it had been before. 

Elder Pigu extended his hand and made a handseal.


A bright orange flame burned in his hand. He moved both his hands in a complicated gesture as spirit Qi fluctuations intensified. And just when he was done, he brought his hands together, with just the tips of his fingers touching each other.

"Never though I would reach this point only with a pill… I am a failure.." Elder Pigu muttered to himself.


He parted his fingers as a small flame appeared between them. But what was different about the flame was that it was no longer orange, it had turned a deep blue.

"Time to show you how Pill Alchemists truly battle!" 

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