Walker Of The Worlds

Chapter 1038 - Cornered Like Rats

The disciples of the Noon Grass Sect could only watch with dread as the old man was assaulted from multiple sides.

"Master…" Hua Yi muttered with fear.

It had been nearly two days since the Gu Legion had managed to break into the Noon Grass sect and their master, Daoist Hua had been fighting since that very day. He alone was handling five Dao Treading realm cultivators, which was commendable.

While they didn't know what the exact stage these five Dao Treading realm cultivators were at, they guessed that they must not be at the same level as their master at the very least.

Most of the sect might not have known this, but Hua Yi and his other fellow disciples knew that their master was not just any Dao Treading realm cultivator, rather he was at the third and final stage of it, the Dao Comprehension stage.

While they were unqualified to know just what it meant to be at that stage, they did know that in the current world, this was possibly the highest cultivation base one could achieve by normal means. 

There was indeed the Immortal Ascension realm above this, but it was something their master had told them only a few could ever hope to reach. Even he himself didn't know the requirement and the others that had reached it in the past weren't really open to speaking about them either.

Of course, there were other records from the past that talked about it and there were some theories that the requirements for it were greatly different for everyone. Then there was the fixed theory, which was often accepted as the most authentic one.

The theory said that the fewer numbers of Immortal Ascension realm cultivators were not because of a lack of cultivation talent or handwork, and neither was it due to the lack of resources. 

But because there could only exist a certain number of them in a world at a single point in time.

And because of that, a lot of higher ups of sects and other powers accepted that until at least one of the Current Immortal Ascension realm cultivator died, no new ones could reach that realm.

Of course this didn't stop anyone from trying. The top three sects keeping the information about their immortal Ascension realm cultivators didn't help either.

But then there was the fact that in the past there were greater than just three Immortal Ascension realm cultivators. And after the death of the Northern Tribe Immortal Ascension realm cultivators, the common consensus about this was that there was indeed space for more Immortal Ascension realm cultivators.

It was all too convoluted, and most never needed to worry or think about it. And the ones who did need to think about it were greatly privileged. 

And despite the fact that Daoist Hua was one of these privileged one he was still being beaten by the weaker Dao Treading Realm cultivators.

'Master was able to hold all five of them back before, but now he can only hold four of them back. This fifth one now has us cornered here…' Hua Yi thought.

Daoist Hua holding them back was also the reason why all the disciples had managed to survive till now. And not just that, but they had also defeated a lot of other Gu Legion members.

After all, the Gu Legion didn't just attack with these five Dao Treading realm cultivators, they brought a lot weaker cultivators, all the way from Qi refining realm to the Dao Shell realm. 

They had managed to kill a majority of the weaker ones since the Noon Grass sect still had numbers on their side. But the Dao treading realm cultivators were not something the disciples could kill.

The elders had managed to kill over half of the Dao Shell realm cultivators as well, but now they had reached a stalemate with the injuries piling up.

Even Daoist Hua was injured and this gave one of the Dao Treading realm elders to go after the disciples. 

Thankfully Jing Luo had been diligent in setting up the formation arrays around the sect and had prepared for something like this, just in case. One such was the defensive formation array that they were using.

There were multiple layers to it but the Gu Legion had already broken through most of them, leaving them with only the peak they were holed up in.



The attacks of the Gu Legion continued as they bombarded the barrier. They didn't even need a formation master here as it would be faster for them to wear down the barrier rather than unravel it.

"Senior brother! The west side is getting unstable!" A cry was heard from the distance.

"Dammit!" Hua Yi cursed. 

Looking towards the distance, he could see the runes getting weaker. Outside on that side of the barrier, he could see three Dao Shell realm cultivators attacking together. 

They were using some kind of a skill that combined the power of all three. That was the reason why they could affect the barrier so much.

"Again! They won't be able to hide much more." One of the Dao Shell realm cultivators said as he brought his hands together.

His hands glowed in a dark grey aura before he thrust them forward. His companion Dao Shell realm cultivators did the same and similar grey aura appeared on their hands. 


As the aura shot forward, a violent spirit wave spread along with it. The three's attacks combined into one before morphing into what looked to be a pair of large horns. The horns charged towards the barrier as if it really were a beast carrying them and let out a rumbling sound.


The barrier thrummed with spirit Qi, doing its best to hold back, while the disciples continued providing as much spirit Qi as they could.

Seeing this, Hua Yi knew that it would only get difficult for them from now on.

"Hua Er! Go and help them." He ordered.. "I'll hold this place." 

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