Walker Of The Worlds

1411 An Invitation From Qiao De


Lin Mu heard someone knocking the the door of the suite.

“Come in,” he said, knowing who it might be.


“Honored guest has certainly helped the Black Candle Pavilion today.” The Auction manager said with a smile on his face.

Lin Mu had allowed them to make a profit of nearly four times on Spiral Flake Crystal. Not just that, but it had also hyped up the auction itself, which would then act as good promotion for the coming auctions.

The auction manager could only imagine what the increase in profits would be for the next auction. Plus there was also the factor of someone of the Indigo World Hegemony being there.

That alone would also bring higher prestige to their branch of the Black Candle Pavilion.

Even if they were spread all over the Rust Sky world, the reputation of each branch was different. The better the reputation for each branch, the better their chances of having more customers as well as goods.

“The auction manager visiting me himself? That’s an honor too, I would say.” Lin Mu replied.

“Ahaha, you surely know how to talk.” The auction manager said before taking out a small bag.

Lin Mu looked at the bag, finding it to be a Spatial storage tool. It was basically the same as the one he had gotten earlier and confirmed the fact that these were common all over the world.

“Here are the items you bought.” The auction manager handed the bag to Lin Mu.

He took a quick look through the bag, finding several jade slips in it as well as a mask. This was the mask that Lin Mu had seen earlier and was the only item he had won since there weren’t many people willing to compete with him.

Besides, it wasn’t like the mask was anything too important. It could be made by a immortal tool refiner if one really wanted one.

“Mm, seems like everything is there.” Lin Mu confirmed.

“I have something more for you though, honored guest.” The auction manager said.

“Oh? What is it?” Lin Mu raised a brow.

“I have an opportunity for you.” The auction manager replied.

“What kind of an opportunity?” Lin Mu was a little confused as to why he would be asked for this.

“This is a very rare opportunity and will bring a great fortune to us.” The auction manager stated.

“Oh? If it really is like that, then why would you tell me? Wouldn’t it be best to keep it to yourselves?” Lin Mu questioned feeling suspicion.

“Honored guest truly looks past the facades.” The auction manager wasn’t offended.

Instead he was pleased seeing that there was someone smart in front of him. If Lin Mu had accepted right away he would have not liked it that much.

“In the world of cultivation, being cautious is the least one can do. After all, what use is cultivation if one cannot even avoid basic dangers?” Lin Mu replied casually.

“Honored guest speaks the truth.” The auction manager nodded his head. “Today, I Qiao De can say that I’ve met a wise cultivator.” The man revealed his name.

Lin Mu knew the man was now trying to fish his name but he would not give in to him.

“I won’t be saying my name if you want it… as you already know, I prefer some discreetness for now.” Lin Mu stated.

“That is no issue, honored guest.” Qiao De shook his head. “All I want is for you to hear me first and then decide.” He added.

“Alright, tell me what this opportunity is.” Lin Mu decided to hear out the man.

“It’s like this… a few years ago one of our trusted sellers brought us some information. It was about a special plane that held great fortune. Of course, there is no lack of such places in our world and they pop up often, but this was was special.” Qiao De started speaking.  “This minor plane was said to be the personal treasure of a being above the immortal realm.” He revealed.

Upon hearing this, Lin Mu was finally interested.

“A being above the immortal realm… A celestial’s treasure?” Lin Mu inquired in a low voice.

“Ah! So honored guest is enlightened to the existence of celestials too.” Qiao De was incredibly pleased. ‘If he knows about the celestials, he is most certainly related to the higher rankings of the Indigo World Hegemony…’ he thought.

“I do know about them.” Lin Mu simply nodded his head.

“That’s good. Then Honored guest will know just how difficult it is to go beyond the Immortal realm. This is the main goal for us.” Qiao De said with excitement. “We hope to find methods of breaking through to the Celestial Realm!”

“Mm… but it’s not easy, is it? If not you wouldn’t be taking more people with you.” Lin Mu was not as moved.

To him, becoming a celestial wasn’t a matter of how, but rather of when. With the guidance of Senior Xukong, there was basically no obstacle for him and since he followed the Primordial Path there was no need for a cultivation technique for him either.

Plus there was also the Saintess that Lin Mu had met.

If anything, she had already offered him a direct entry into the Immortal court and even her own sect which was a peak power of the Celestial World.

“What you said is correct honored guest.” Qiao De nodded his head. “There is danger everywhere and traversing the plane will take a lot of expertise from various people. Which is why I’ve been gathering people who can help us reach the final goal.” He explained.

“I see… so how many have you gathered so far?” Lin Mu asked, not revealing his bias yet. ‘Even if I don’t need the cultivation techniques, there are still other resources that might come in handy.”

“I have gathered ten distinguished people who shall be embarking on this quest… if I include you.” Qiao De shamelessly said.

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