Walker Of The Worlds

1410 End Of The Auction

The bid of 2000 High Grade Immortal stones was enough to make even the auction manager of the Black Candle Pavilion stunned.

‘We got this for about 500 High Grade Immortal stones since it was stolen… I only expected a few hundred more, but now it is way beyond that…’ The Auction manager thought to himself.

He gazed at the VIP suit where Lin Mu was and wondered if he should invite the man to a banquet.

‘It wouldn’t be out of normal to invite him to the event either… Though the Great Kang Palace’s people won’t take it kindly…’ The auction manager was in a small dilemma.

None of this was known by Lin Mu though as he was planning something entirely different. His eyes were on the hall, and his immortal sense watched the other VIP suites as well.

While the insides of the suites were masked, there were already people standing outside them. The VIPs wanted to see just who could be behind such high bids and allowed Lin Mu to get a look at them too.

Lin Mu was watching just how far the others were willing to go to get the Spiral Flake Crystal. He was watching their willingness to continue bidding and was adding on accordingly.

While he did have the Immortal stones needed to buy the Spiral Flake Crystal through bids, he wasn’t intending on doing that. Rather than that, he had always thought of stealing it from the buyer.

It was stolen goods in the first place so it didn’t matter much.

The only issue was that he also knew that the party that bought it would resist it. While Lin Mu intended to never get caught, it was still better to be cautious.

Thus one of the precautions he was intending to take was to drain as much of the free assets the buyer had. This would reduce their chances of recovery if they ever ended up fighting.

Or at the very least, even if Lin Mu had to escape, he would continue running till the other party was exhausted.

But the crux of this plan relied on the others bidding. Lin Mu wondered if he had bid just a little too high before.

‘Just a bit more… one more and it’ll be fine…’ Lin Mu watched the people.

For thirty seconds there was no sound, until finally… someone spoke.

“2100 high grade immortal stones!” A frustrated voice was heard.

“Who bid that high?”

“To increase it by 100 high grade immortal stones is still quite large, especially considering it was already at 2000.” The people in the hall looked for the source of the voice.

“There! It came from the Saber Battle Union’s suite!” the people quickly found out.

Lin Mu gazed in the direction too, finding two men standing outside the suite. But the one who had spoken wasn’t them, but the person inside.

“This much should be fine right? I should have drained most of their funds… but just who is this Saber Battle Union?” Lin Mu wondered.

He looked through the intelligence jade slip he had obtained earlier and quickly found out about them.

“Hmm… so they are like a mercenary company? Just that all their mercenaries are immortals.” Lin Mu discovered that they were a mid level power in the Huiqing continent.

While they might not compare to the Black Candle Pavilion in terms of status, they still had more than enough wealth to afford this. After all, they were a large mercenary company that were hired by various powers to do their work.

There were even times that they were given requests from the officials of the empire. While they might not be high ranked officials, just the requests alone showed that they had some level of approval from the administration of the Huiqing empire.

“This is a good option. At the very least they are not related to the official power of the Huiqing continent.” Xukong commented.

Lin Mu nodded in agreement. After all, if he had to pick between fighting and official power and a group of mercenaries he would pick the latter always.

“Now all that I need to do is track them for a bit before finding a good opportunity to take the Spiral Flake Crystal off them.” Lin Mu muttered to himself.

With the help of his spatial perception, he could very easily sense the presence of the Spiral Flake Crystal even if it was stored in another Spatial Storage too.

In fact, Lin Mu was counting on that as stealing from a Spatial Storage tool would be a lot easier and the other party would not be able to tell exactly what happened.

The only thing left for him was to wait for the auction to fully end.


Lin Mu changed the screen and went to the section where the other services were offered.

There he bought the entire set of Diamond Mountain Talisman’s formula as well as a few other items that he found useful. These were either sets of information or just some more formations.

Lin Mu intended on learning them and then selling them when he was good at them. At the very least, he would have a steady stream of income.

‘Choosing formations that are useful for nearly everyone is key to this… only then will there be a constant demand for them.’ Lin Mu understood.


And just as he had finished ordering them, the sound of the gong was heard again.

“And with this, we finish our auction for today!” The host of the auction announced.

He looked at the faces of everyone with a smile, and continued.

“All those that have won the bids for our items are invited to collect them from our staff after paying. As for the people in the VIP section, your items will be brought to you.” The host stated.

The people in the normal area quickly moved to get their items, knowing that loitering here would not do them any good. It was best to get away as soon as possible.

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