This Earth Is A Bit Fearsome

Chapter 590 - Barrier Suppression, Lu Xuan’s Trump Card

Chapter 590: Barrier Suppression, Lu Xuan’s Trump Card

Lu Xuan thought it would’ve been right to just deal with someone at the Divine Transformation Realm who had lost his edge.

He saw no reason to talk with Ye Xuan any further.

Ye Xuan glowered at Lu Xuan as he said, “Alright, if you want me to kill you that badly, then I’d be happy to oblige!”


His pressure at Divine Transformation Realm burst like waves of the oceans, shrouding the entire site of the sect. Being at the Divine Transformation Realm, the pressure that he exuded burst like waves and shrouded the site of the sect completely.

The massive pressure swept all over the place. It was as if the ocean was engulfing everything in its path.

Ye Xuan was in no mood for further chatter with Lu Xuan, either. He did not care about whatever the young man was plotting.

After all, any form of trickery would mean nothing when compared to absolute power.

Lu Xuan was half a step into the Divine Transformation Realm, making him invincible among those at the same level.

However, he still wasn’t officially at the Divine Transformation Realm. Compared to a cultivator who was truly at the Divine Transformation Realm, he was clearly inferior.

The aura around Ye Xuan seemed to be boiling.

The aura was so thick that when it swirled around in the air, it formed a massive tornado that one could almost see with the naked eye.

“Today’s the day I skin you alive and drain the blood out of your body, Lu Xuan. You’ll pay for killing those people from Taichu Path!”

Ye Xuan’s eyes reddened, especially when he saw what remained after Lu Xuan’s Dance of the Dragons spell destroyed everything. At that moment, he wanted nothing more than to tear Lu Xuan to pieces right there and then.

The Taichu Path was doomed.

Even if Ye Xuan was still in charge of things, his days were still numbered.

They still had Yan Han, who was the sect’s last hope.

As long as Yan Han was still alive, there was still hope for Taichu Path to survive.

As long as Yan Han was able to make a breakthrough into the Divine Transformation Realm, Taichu Path still had a chance to be rebuilt.

Then again, Lu Xuan had to die before they could do any of that.

There was no way Ye Xuan would let Lu Xuan stay alive; that young man posed an immense threat to all of Taichu Path and turn the sect into a laughingstock.

Otherwise, the entire sect would be reduced to a mere stepping stone for Lu Xuan to rise to prominence.

Seemingly unconcerned about the situation, Lu Xuan let out a mild sigh and performed a seal.

The terrifying pressure that fully enveloped the site of the Taichu Path was dispelled so quickly.

A massive barrier appeared above the entire place, shrouding the entire site of the sect within.

Boundless spirit qi coalesced above the barrier before instantly conjuring into a golden dragon.

The golden dragon roared at the heavens, pinning down the barrier from above.

Ye Xuan said with contempt, “An ambush, huh? Still…” He believed that Lu Xuan’s powers made him unworthy of his attention. However, his face turned glum once he quickly realized that something was wrong.

It felt as if a terrifying aura was pinning down on him from all directions.


In an attempt to resist the workings of the barrier formation, Ye Xuan immediately spat out some blood. Even then, he still couldn’t overcome the suppressive aura of the golden dragon, who remained above the barrier.

Ye Xuan looked astonished. He exclaimed, “How is this even possible?!”

He felt his powers being suppressed, dropping from fully being in the Divine Transformation Realm to only halfway into said realm before he was barely able to resist the pressure around him. This prevented him from being suppressed until he vomited blood yet again.

That was a way to reject his existence. More specifically, it was a way to reject anyone who was at the Divine Transformation Realm; everyone in that realm would still be subjected to that kind of pressure.

There was no way a human could resist the natural forces of the world after all. It was impossible for a human to resist the natural forces of the world, after all.

That was what made formations and barriers so powerful; the natural forces of the world were what was suppressing him.

A terrifying suppression bore down on him from all directions.

It was only then that he discovered something; to his surprise, Lu Xuan was actually well-versed in formations.

It was worth noting that people versed in the arts of formation were extremely rare even in the entire Blessed Enclave.

Only a rare handful would study the ways of formations. Many formations from ancient times had been lost around the time Liu Bowen severed the dragon’s vein.

For instance, the formation in the site of Taichu Path was something passed down from ancient times. Nobody had what it took to lay down another formation like that. Thus, they had to resort to making one themselves by referring to historical texts to maintain the integrity of the formation.

However, Lu Xuan was capable of laying down a formation out of nothing in a short amount of time. What’s more, the formation was powerful enough to suppress Ye Xuan’s powers.

That formation was far more powerful than anything that Ye Xuan knew of in the past.

The most bizarre thing about that formation was that it could borrow the forces of the world to suppress someone’s powers, though nobody knew how that was possible.

That golden dragon was a construct borne out of the powers of the world, which was far more troublesome than one that was conjured out of the formation’s powers alone.

Lu Xuan had too many measures at his disposal.

Not only was he incredibly powerful and capable of growing at a frightening rate, but he was surprisingly also well-versed in the arts of formations.

Ye Xuan said with clenched teeth, “So, this is your trump card.”

His eyes remained glowering at Lu Xuan, desperately wanting to tear that young man to pieces.

Lu Xuan replied, “That’s right. You’ve been too careless. You’ve lost your edge the second you stepped into my formation.”

He continued, “This formation is called the ‘Golden Dragon’s Sky Entrapment Formation’. I laid it out specifically to suppress your powers.”

Ye Xuan was overflowing with anger as he continued, “I’ll admit, you’re pretty crafty. Even so, do you seriously think you could trap me with a formation like this? I’d tear it apart right before your eyes!”

Ye Xuan saw that although the formation possessed immense powers, it also had some obvious weaknesses. Its biggest weakness was the fact that it had very crude requirements for its layout. That meant that the formation wouldn’t suppress him for long.

Lu Xuan would’ve been doomed as soon as the formation crumbled.

Ye Xuan believed that without such a trump card, Lu Xuan was only an average cultivator who was half a step into the Divine Transformation Realm.

Lu Xuan snickered. “You? Tear it apart?”

Of course, Lu Xuan would have known something that even Ye Xuan could easily perceive. The formation was able to temporarily suppress Ye Xuan’s powers, enabling both parties to fight on the same level.

However, that didn’t last forever.

Then again, it was enough for Lu Xuan.


It was only then that, after staying quiet the whole time, Lu Xuan finally made his move.

The aura around his body shot upwards.

At that moment, the entire place began to rumble. The site of Taichu Path was completely shrouded by Lu Xuan’s boundless aura, making it look as if the place had only begun to form after the chaos settled.

Turbulence conjured out of aura spread out in all directions.

Meanwhile, the Auric Flower above Lu Xuan’s head also emerged.

After conjuring the Auric Flower, Lu Xuan grew to become even stronger.


He then stepped out, shattering the sky right away.

His silhouette instantly disappeared from where he stood. He then reappeared in front of Ye Xuan.


A fist that blitzed like lightning directly hit Ye Xuan, sending him flying back on impact.

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