This Earth Is A Bit Fearsome

Chapter 589 - What Happens when a Slowpoke at Divine Transformation Realm Catches up? Deal with Him!

Chapter 589: What Happens when a Slowpoke at Divine Transformation Realm Catches up? Deal with Him!

The vault of Taichu Path was filled to the brim with a variety of treasures.

The sect had been gathering countless pieces of treasures throughout the ages, and all of them were found in that vault.

Other than spirit stones, the true treasures consisted of divine materials and advanced herbs. Lu Xuan had deemed such findings as things that he would never be able to buy normally, no matter how many spirit stones he was willing to pay.

Over time, all of those treasures became what they now were.

The majority of the herbs that he found in there were very difficult to come by that had been growing deep in the mountains. The herbs had also been nurturing in their medicinal fields for years; the whole process likely involved several generations, lasting from one hundred to several hundreds of years.

They were not something that could be cultivated by a cultivation force that was less than a sacred ground. A sect that wanted to cultivate them had to have possessed a long history and vast wealth.

It was impossible to tell how many years it would have taken if Lu Xuan were to do so himself.

Lu Xuan simply said, “I’ll be right here waiting for you, Ye Xuan. Today, you’ll die here.”

He showed utterly no respect for Ye Xuan, the grand ancestor of Taichu Path. The only thing that could’ve been seen in his eyes at that moment was coldness. Yan Han wasn’t his only mortal enemy back in his past life. Ye Xuan was also the one that had truly come close to killing him early in the conflicts.

At that moment, he was compelled to get rid of Ye Xuan.

That thought alone motivated him to begin taking action, activating his Delusion-breaker Eyes and scanning the entire site of Taichu Path. Endless waves of information immediately went into his mind.

Moments after performing intense analysis on the information that he received, a virtual massive formation emerged within his mind.

The entire site of Taichu Path was turned into a formation that extended as far as his eyes could see.

The entire place was turned into an open trap where a Lu Xuan was like a predator lurked in the shadows, with its prey being none other than Ye Xuan.

Fighters from all kinds of cultivation forces gathered outside of Taichu Path at increasingly huge numbers.

While the news spread like wildfire all across the Blessed Enclave, those from the sects and clans that learned about the attack from fleeing disciples of the Taichu Path began to gather around.

Even then, many people would’ve rather looked at it from a distance instead of getting any closer.

As more disciples of the Taichu Path fled, many came to learn that the party that destroyed the Taichu Path’s site had not been the forces of some kind of sacred ground.

On the contrary, it was the work of a single person.

It had to have been none other than Lu Xuan, the man who had just made himself known far and wide not too long ago.

Anyone who first heard the news was unable to believe it at all. Lu Xuan had been going on a killing spree at the old site of the sect before.

No one had anticipated that he would’ve had what it took to singlehandedly attack Taichu Path. The entire vast estate of the sect had been obliterated only by him.

“Taichu Path had been around for millennia, yet all of it fell within a single day.”

“Nobody expected something like this to have happened. I remembered that the Taichu Path had still been pursuing Lu Xuan all over the place days ago. He’s even gone so far as to send formidable ones to Earth to take out Lu Xuan.”

“Who would have thought that he would come to wreck the entire sect just like that. It must be true: one wrong move and everything is lost.”

Many could not help but gasp at the turn of events.

Before this, hardly anyone cared about the existence of lone cultivators. This was because, no matter how powerful they might’ve been, lone cultivators were always caught in some kind of disadvantage when fighting against those from a cultivation force.

Even the Heretic, who was known as one of the strongest lone cultivators out there, had trouble fighting someone from Taichu Path.

Yan Han alone had been able to pummel the Heretic to the ground. To make matters worse, several cultivators were still half a step into the Divine Transformation Realm with the grand ancestor being around.

Lu Xuan’s existence, however, disproved everything they thought they knew.

He alone had become powerful enough to destroy sects and clans, possessing enough power to level cultivation forces.

The existence of a time-lapse changed nothing about the situation.

Even if the grand ancestor at Divine Transformation Realm was absent, countless formidable fighters remained in the sect. Even then, Lu Xuan still managed to wreck the place all on his own in the shortest time possible.

One could only imagine just how powerful Lu Xuan was. Many thought that his existence was nothing less than miraculous.

While everyone was still reeling from the shock and awe of what happened, a deafening voice in the sky roared, “Lu Xuan!”

“The grand ancestor is back!”

Everyone held their breath, knowing that Ye Xuan had indeed returned.

Someone murmured, “Is Lu Xuan still around? I thought he escaped. Now that the grand ancestor’s back, it’s too late for Lu Xuan to leave if he’s still around.”

Everyone around that person agreed to what they said. They already knew that the grand ancestor would not have simply forgiven someone who had decimated his sect.

The grand ancestor would have most probably hunted Lu Xuan to the ends of the world.

The shout immediately caused the clouds lingering in the sky to disperse.

A silhouette was seen barging inside within mere seconds afterward.

Everyone focused on the silhouette to discover that it truly was Ye Xuan, the grand ancestor of Taichu Path.

At that moment, everyone else followed him inside. They were able to see a young man with a bluish-white robe in the site of Taichu Path. The man was sitting in midair with his legs crossed and his eyes closed; he appeared to have been meditating.

The young man seemed as if he was completely unaware of the danger standing before him.

“Lu Xuan, I’m impressed with how bold you are for staying around after what you did. Truly, I am!”

Rage was written all over Ye Xuan’s eyes as he glowered at Lu Xuan. His gaze was so sharp that it looked as if beams of swords were about to shoot out of his eyes and cut Lu Xuan where he stood.

Nevertheless, he was still surprised that Lu Xuan chose to stay behind in broad daylight after destroying the sect.

Ye Xuan could not help but keep his guard up. Despite being consumed by rage over what had happened, he was still reasonable enough to keep himself in check.

He had never encountered a living, walking disaster like Lu Xuan before.

He wanted to tear Lu Xuan apart very badly, but that bit of reasoning in his mind still told him to stand down. He definitely was not about to believe that Lu Xuan dared to stay around out of ignorance and arrogance.

He knew that there had to be some other reason as to why he stayed around.

Lu Xuan’s calm and collected demeanor seemed to have verified his suspicions; he could tell that the young man was up to something.

Even those outside of the fight who were watching from afar also suspected as much.

It had to either be that, or Lu Xuan had truly gone insane.

Ye Xuan would’ve found it even worse if all of Taichu Path was decimated by a lunatic.

Lu Xuan smirked as he said, “So, you’re not just gonna come up and just kill me, huh? I didn’t expect you to still have some semblance of rationality in you.”

Ye Xuan doubtfully scanned Lu Xuan’s surroundings and said, “Lu Xuan, what kind of resentment do you hold against Taichu Path? What angers you enough to make you plot against us and wipe us out as you did?”

Ye Xuan bit his teeth as he asked. He was unable to fathom why Lu Xuan had been so persistent in eliminating Taichu Path that the latter did not even bother trying to negotiate with them.

Lu Xuan went on a killing spree as soon as he arrived, showing no intentions to negotiate; that alone seemed completely unconventional.

Lu Xuan maintained his smirk as he replied, “Do I need a reason? Would finding you people an eyesore count as one, then?”

Ye Xuan’s expression turned grim after hearing that. He shouted, “You’re digging your own grave, Lu Xuan!”

“Alright, that’s enough talk. If you wanna fight so badly, then come at me.”

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