The Mech Touch

Chapter 5571 Oscillator Hammer

Chapter 5571 Oscillator Hammer

The effectiveness of the medium-range hyper molecular disruptor astonished many people among the audience.

While it was not entirely unheard of for cutting-edge weapon systems to gain the capacity to circumvent the protection of energy shields, they were far from common.

These exotic and prototypical weapon systems were usually attached to experimental and restricted first-class multipurpose mechs.

The weapons had to be made of incredibly rare and powerful materials, and often had to be sustained by powerful first-class power reactors.

Perhaps it may be possible for a small troop of elite first-class mechs to be equipped with these expensive boondoggles, but it was unthinkable to bestow them to any second-class mechs.

The Dustweaver completely changed the equation!

Even though the mech was a quasi-first-class mech that was unaffordable to most second-class customers, its price had to be within the same range as the Elite Fey Fianna.

This meant that second-class forces could already gain the ability to bypass energy shields by paying just too MTA credits for a mech like the Dustweaver!

Just as people started to fantasize about disintegrating the molecules that made up an entire alien warship, a lot of mech designers and other scientists quickly disabused them of their delusional notions.

"The hyper molecular disintegrator is not a panacea. Look at how little damage it managed to do against the Fey Fianna. It only managed to scrape away a small amount of surface matter from the mech. The transphasic energy shields of a typical alien warship is much stronger without adding in the factor of hyper technology. I can guarantee you that the Dustweaver cannot even disintegrate a single molecule of a properly shielded warship."

"The value in Master Quan's breakthrough lies in its subsequent development. The current version of his hyper molecular disintegrator is still useless against a shielded mech, but maybe other developers can add their own solutions to the weapon system that can amplify its penetration power. If a brilliant mech weapons developer is able to find a way to make the weapon transphasic, then its ability to bypass energy shields will likely skyrocket!"

Many discussions erupted around the same topics.

The Elite Fey Fianna that was leveraging the power of the image of Poseidon used to attract their admiration, but the powerful hyper mech quickly became an afterthought in the face of another astonishing technological breakthrough!

When the Dustweaver fired its medium-range hyper molecular disruptor for a second time, the arena became filled with the same awe-inspiring sound.


This time, a slightly greater quantity of dust particles fell from the surface armor plating of the fey and the drone mech.

All of these particles used to comprise the outer structure of the Elite Fey Fianna, but the effects of the exotic weapon had caused the powerful matter to break down and crumble into dust!


"The weapon is slightly more effective at closer ranges."

"I wonder how much of the Fey Fianna will break apart once the molecular disintegrator is able to strike the mech without an azure energy shield in the way."

Everyone who was familiar with Master Quan's work knew that molecular disintegrators only truly demonstrated their full power against solid matter.

The immediate goal of the Dustweaver was to demolish the annoying azure energy shields that protected the Elite Fey Fianna!

Unlike the mechs that fought in the previous matches, the speed of the Dustweaver was much greater.

Although the mech endured numerous transphasic fire laser beam attacks that weakened the integrity of its azure energy shield even further, the machine successfully managed to close the distance and get within melee striking distance!

The Dustweaver did not fire its molecular disintegrator again. Its mech pilot focused instead on striking the mech's transphasic hyper oscillator hammer onto the enemy machine's azure energy shield!


A sharp vibration spread through the air as the oscillator hammer produced a bizarre effect that significantly destabilized the energy shield projected by the defensive fey!

Despite all of the power invested in the transphasic water hyper energy shield, the oscillator hammer had been expressly designed to counter this powerful form of protection!

The power of water energy and the artistic conception of Poseidon helped the Elite Fey Fianna buffer the damage to an extent, but that did not stop the exotic hammer from directly shaking the fabric of space upon impact!

A single blow from the hammer was dozens of times more damaging to energy shields than a single attack from the Dustweaver's shoulder-mounted positron beam gun.

What was important to note was that the oscillator hammer was not excessively large and heavy. It was not designed to bash in armor, so its mass was relatively light compared to other hammers. Much of its structure was devoted to high-tech technological components that was responsible for producing a crucial spatial oscillation effect.

All of this meant that the Dustweaver could easily smash its oscillator hammer at the Elite Fey Fianna in quick succession!

"That warhammer is weakening the Fey Fianna's energy shield at an astonishing tempo!"

"If this goes on, then the drone mech will soon become exposed to the molecular disintegrator. Once that happens, the Fey Fianna will lose more than a thin layer of surface molecules!"

Everyone understood that the odd hero mech was a terror to fight against up close. The oscillator hammer expended a lot of energy in order to produce its exotic effect, but the high-quality power reactor of the Dustweaver continually ensured that the high-tech melee weapon could continue to do its job without interruption.

The Dustweaver even silenced its useless shoulder-mounted positron beam guns in order to maximize the operation of its oscillator hammer!

The Elite Fey Fianna could not afford to let this continue. Seeing that the power of E energy and the image of Poseidon could not effectively negate the hard power of the Dustweaver's frightening hammer, the drone mech had little choice but to lock weapons against its adversary.

The oscillator hammer was a specialized anti-shield weapon. Its effectiveness against solid matter was much weaker!

"Fix bayonet!"

The Elite Fey Fianna performed a familiar maneuver. It drew out its backup knife and attached it to the front of its transphasic hyper luminar crystal weapon.

Different from the Standard Edition, the backup knife of the more expensive variant of the mech line was a bit more special.

A fiery glow emanated from the edge of the bayonet blade.

"It's a plasma torch, no, a plasma blade!"

"That will surely do a lot of damage!"

"It is also putting a large amount of strain on the Fey Fianna's power reactor."

The plasma bayonet was not as effective as a proper plasma sword. Its power was considerably weaker, but still remarkably high compared to most cold weapons.

The Elite Fey Fianna could not maintain this state for long. Not only did the plasma bayonet consume a lot of energy, but it also generated a lot of heat and stress to the luminar crystal rifle and the mech frame itself.

It was worth it as far as the Larkinson mech pilot was concerned. When the drone mech skillfully started to swing its plasma blade against the strained azure energy shield of the Dustweaver, the hero mech seemed to flinch as the brief moment of contact inflicted a lot of damage!

When the Elite Fey Fianna thrust its bayonet a second time, the Dustweaver had no choice but to deflect the attack with its oscillator hammer.


The brief contact produced a much weaker oscillation noise. The high-quality luminar crystal rifle minutely shook for a few seconds, but other than that the weapon did not appear to have suffered any significant damage. It only exhibited a small amount of instability when the oscillation effect disturbed the phasewater integrated into the ranged weapon.

Seeing that it would take far too long to shake the luminar crystal rifle apart, the Dustweaver no longer channeled any power into its oscillator hammer during subsequent collisions.

Only when the hammer was able to strike the Fey Fianna's azure energy shield on occasion would the exotic hammer produce its characteristic effect!




Phoca arena continued to produce strange noises as the Dustweaver did its best to drain the energy barriers that kept the Elite Fey Fianna safe.

However, the drone mech was not taking all of these hits without hitting back in return.

The two offensive fey continued their efforts to drain the sole azure energy shield of the Dustweaver with the power of the fire elf.

The more the luminar crystal cannon fey fired their weapons, the more their subordinate spirits embodied the power of their shared artistic conception.

The fire laser beams gradually became a little more mysterious and ephemeral. The differences were difficult to spot, but the slow shift signified a lot of promise so long as the fey had enough time to develop this capability in the future.

The two mechs continued to weave and dance around in the air while seeking to deplete each other's energy defenses as quickly as possible.

The fourth challenge match turned into a high-stakes endurance contest as neither mech wanted to lose the protection of their powerful energy shields so soon!

The Dustweaver possessed a pair of remarkable weapon systems, but its defenses had clearly fallen behind in order to control its mass and cost. Its transphasic hyper armor system only offered limited protection against the potent attacks of the Fey Fianna.

The Fey Fianna and its various fey were also incredibly vulnerable to the full-powered effect of the molecular disintegrator.

If not for the fact that the Fey Fianna had access to two azure energy shields, it would have become exposed a lot sooner!

Throughout the furious exchange of attacks, there was one more factor that significantly affected the progression of this duel.

The lone space suppressor fey had begun to exert its effect onto the azure energy shield of the Dustweaver!

The auxiliary fey had not showed up in any of the previous matches because there was no point in utilizing it. The space suppressor fey wouldn't have been able to play any useful role when used against normal energy shields.

It was only when the Fey Fianna was locked in a fight against an adversary that was protected by a transphasic defensive system that the space suppressor fey had a chance to shine!

Under the faint but all-encompassing blessing of the image of Poseidon, the space suppressor fey started to exert a more stabilizing effect on the surrounding space.

The azure energy shields of the Fey Fianna were already specially modulated to shrug off the newly erected space suppression field.

The same could not be said for the azure energy shield of the Dustweaver!

Its operation suddenly experienced multiple different hindrances due to the close proximity of the active space suppressor fey.

The effect was incredibly dramatic! The Dustweaver's energy shield suddenly lost much of its transphasic properties.

This caused the transphasic fire laser beam attacks as well as the potent plasma bayonet attacks to drain the impaired azure energy shield much faster!

The Dustweaver's weakened defensive layer even started to show signs that it was unable to prevent the attacks from going through and striking the mech frame outright!

"Bringing a space suppressor fey in this fight is almost cheating!"

"The Dustweaver isn't equipped with a space suppressor. All of its capacity is already taken up by high-tech components and energy cells. There is no room for any additional modules inside its cramped mech frame."

While the Fey Fianna's azure energy shields were still at around 50 percent capacity, the Dustweaver was already on the verge of losing its own energy barrier!

The hero mech took more risks and attempted to strike its oscillator hammer against the enemy more often, but none of its effort could change the fact that its mech frame would get exposed first!

If the Dustweaver started to take real damage, then it was highly unlikely that it would last long enough to be able to fire its molecular disintegrator at the naked mech frame of the Elite Fey Fianna!

Would the Dustweaver be able to prevent this cascade?

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