The Mech Touch

Chapter 5570 Cogito Ergo Sum

Chapter 5570 Cogito Ergo Sum

Nobody knew that Ves and Master Quan secretly engaged in a profound and shocking discussion.

They had no idea that the pair of mech designers talked about the dangerous secrets centered around the Cosmopolitan Movement because the fight taking place in the main arena attracted all of their attention!

Compared to the affordable and cost-effective mechs that fought in the previous challenge matches, the two state-of-the-art quasi-first-class mechs existed on another level!

The two machines immediately displayed their formidable prowess from the moment the countdown reached zero.

The Elite Fey Fianna immediately turned into a machine that wielded the power of both fire and water!

The space suppressor fey and the energy shield fey both stuck close to the mech. The former worked hard to attract as much water energy as possible while the latter immediately activated its transphasic energy shield while also drawing in a lot of water energy.

The main body and the two fey did not work by themselves. The dominant spirit along with the two subordinate spirits had developed a much more extensive familiarity with the water element.

The higher grades of water hyper materials integrated into mech enabled the living spirits to become exposed to the water E energy to a much greater degree.

This directly contributed to the faster and more comprehensive growth of the living mech as a whole!

Though the dominant spirits and the subordinate spirits were all driven by their own independent personalities, they were still a single whole in essence.

This meant that what one of them learned, the others learned as well!

This provided massive benefits to the Elite Fey Fianna. When three of its five spirits all channeled the power of water in unison, they were able to sync up and coordinate their efforts to produce a significantly stronger effect than what they were able to accomplish by themselves!

A glowing blue corona surrounded the exterior of the drone mech as the living machine leveraged the power of its artistic conception.

As one of the earliest copies of the Elite Edition of the Fey Fianna, the drone mech enjoyed a privileged position. It was not only among the stronger mechs of the entire line, but also received personal guidance from its progenitor!

Ves had already taken the possibility of challenges into account. He had personally guided the formation of artistic conceptions for each of the Elite Fey Fiannas.

The one that had entered the field had managed to outperform its peers due to the power of its artistic conception.

Unlike other living hyper mechs that focused their thoughts on whirlpools of water dragons, the mech in question developed a more ambitious artistic conception.


"What is that? Is that a projection?"

"It is more than that! I can feel the power of the oceans through this machine!"

The living mech tried its best to form the image of Poseidon, one of the ancient gods of the seas and the storms!

As one of the ancient human myths to survive to the present day, the name of this deity held such great meaning that it was difficult for a relatively new living mech to develop an accurate impression of this storied figure.

This was why the growing energy manifestation that appeared behind the back of the drone mech only revealed the contours as well as a few vague details.

The humanoid figure that was surrounded by mist only revealed a fraction of its majesty, but that was already enough to significantly improve the Fey Fianna's control over water E energy!

Perhaps the boost could not compare to the help that the Oceancaller provided to Ves upon use, but the strong meanings associated with Poseidon caused the Fey Fianna to entertain the illusion that it was a spiritual descendent of the mythical god!

This was clearly false and absurd, but that did not matter when it came to cultivation.

E energy was spiritually reactive. It actively responded and molded itself to the thoughts and emotions of sentient beings.

Ves learned that the stronger and more concentrated the mental activity, the more that E energy would try to turn fantasy into reality!

Under the deliberate guidance of its progenitor, the Elite Fey Fianna successfully managed to delude itself into thinking that it had become one of the inheritors of Poseidon, thereby enabling it to display a minute fraction of this ancient figure's strength!

In other words, it was a successful case of a self-fulfilling prophecy!

As stupid as it sounded, the effects were very real. As the vague and mist-obscured image of the trident-wielding god took hold, the Fey Fianna looked as if it was being possessed by Poseidon himself.

The aura of the living hyper mech evolved as the mech resisted the continuous hyper positron beam attacks launched by the Dustweaver.

The power of decay that sought to erode the water energy shield on a gradual basis found itself stymied by the sacred and inviolable nature of a myth come to life!

That was not the extent of Poseidon's power.

The resistance granted by the remarkably powerful artistic conception was so all-encompassing that it even negated a small portion of the transphasic characters of the incoming energy attacks!

The shoulder-mounted positron beam guns of the Dustweaver continued to expend energy in an effort to wear down the formidable defenses of the Elite Fey Fianna.

While the constant release of energy rays steadily damaged the integrity of the Fey Fianna's energy shield coverage, the Dustweaver's progress was far too disappointing.

Despite being piloted by a hand-picked elite mech pilot, the shoulder-mounted positron beam guns occasionally failed to hit the drone mech that had already begun to leverage its superior mobility by weaving around in the air.

It was a testament to the mech pilot and the quality of the Dustweaver that the positron beam guns achieved a hit rate of 65 percent!

The occasional misses were still highly consequential, though. They gave the much more powerful azure energy shield generators a brief moment to stabilize their conditions and restore a bit more integrity.

In fact, the Dustweaver should have been capable of wearing down even stronger defenses if it was able to leverage its decay attribute correctly.

Yet because the living hyper mech enjoyed the protection of a remarkable artistic conception, the accumulation of decay energy that was supposed to degrade the Fey Fianna's defenses over time simply couldn't find any purchase!

Real gods did not age and rot away like mortal beings.

They were immortal and eternal. Only other gods possessed the power to afflict them with maladies that could shorten their amazing longevity, but the Dustweaver definitely did not possess these qualifications.

Compared to a magnificent machine like the Elite Fey Fianna, the Dustweaver was a lifeless mortal object.

The only living spirituality that drove the quasi-first-class hero mech was its mech pilot, who was also just a mortal.

This perceived gap granted the Elite Fey Fianna an even greater boost in confidence!

Each subsequent positron beam attack that struck the azure energy shield seemed to deal a fraction less damage than before.

This subsequently increased the Fey Fianna's confidence even more, causing its azure energy shield to become even more effective at blocking incoming attacks!

It became clear to everyone that the Elite Fey Fianna immediately managed to gain the upper hand in this challenge match.

Not only did the Elite Fey Fianna produce a much more ostentatious light show, but it was clearly hammering the Dustweaver a lot harder!

In contrast to the shoulder-mounted positron beam guns, the transphasic fire hyper luminar crystal cannons mounted to the offensive fey were proper primary armaments.

These fey were not as modest as their Standard Edition counterparts. The inclusion of higher grades fire hyper materials as well as a dash of phasewater completely transformed their lethality!

Each fire laser beam that crossed the distance at the speed of light not only inflicted significant damage to the Dustweaver's own azure energy shield, but also caused the mech and the surrounding air to heat up at a faster rate.

The attribute restraint of the azure energy shield of the Dustweaver did not even play that much of a role.

This was because the subordinate spirits of the two offensive fey had joined forces to produce their own artistic conception!

Much of the living mech's focus had to be used to maintain the demanding artistic conception of Poseidon.

The luminar crystal cannon fey could only produce a more modest image of a naughty and mischievous fire elf, but that was already sufficient for their purposes.

The fire elf not only enabled the two offensive fey to attract more fire energy and shape it in a more effective manner, but also add a few frustrating characteristics to the fire laser beam attacks!

The transphasic properties of the energy beams fluctuated from time to time. They weakened in one moment, but the next ones became stronger for whatever reasons!

This randomness not only made it harder for the Dustweaver to configure its defenses properly, but also caused the water element fortifying the energy shield to become less controllable!

The fire elf attracted so much fire energy that the two offensive fey needed to be deployed further away from the main body and the two defensive fey.

If they did not maintain enough distance, then the two opposing elements would interfere with each other!

As the seconds passed by, the Dustweaver failed to improve its circumstances. Its elite mech pilot made multiple adjustments, but nothing worked.

The fact of the matter was that the Dustweaver was at a clear disadvantage when engaging the Elite Fey Fianna in ranged combat!

There was no point in maintaining distance as the positron beam attacks did not even do a good job at softening up the Fey Fianna's defenses.

Since that was the case, the Dustweaver had no choice but to get closer!

"The hero mech is finally accelerating forward!"

"It's fast!"

"Look! It is raising one of its arms. The hero mech is about to fire its exotic weapon system!"

The Elite Fey Fianna immediately became more alert when the Dustweaver started to take aim with its medium-range molecular disintegrator.

Even though it was far from reaching the most optimal range, the Dustweaver experienced so much pressure that it pulled the trigger anyway.


A bizarre low pitch buzzing noise immediately spread throughout Phoca Arena.

The sound was so weird and disruptive that many people temporarily lost their focus.

Once they regained their wits, the audience immediately set their sights on the Elite Fey Fianna.

Different from all of the previous attacks launched by the Dustweaver, the single activation of the molecular disruptor actually produced a visible result!

"Is the modular armor plating of the fey and part of the drone mech looking a little... thinner?"

"The Dustweaver... actually managed to disintegrate the molecules that comprise the exterior of the Fey Fianna. It did so in spite of the fact that the drone mech's azure energy shield is still active."

"This is impossible! I am not an expert in molecular disintegration technology, but from what I have read about Master Quan's work, his exotic weapon systems have never demonstrated the capacity to bypass energy shields of any kind! Molecular disintegrators aren't even transphasic because their tech is incompatible with phasewater."

"Many old technologies have completely reinvented themselves since the start of the Hyper Generation. Isn't the answer obvious? The molecular disintegrator somehow managed to gain this power after being combined with hyper technology!"

This was a remarkable result! The value of a weapon that could actually bypass the protective measures of a powerful transphasic energy shield was considerable!

Even if only a small fraction of the effective attack managed to make it past the azure energy shield, its future potential was limitless.

This was already a result that could one day lead to more effective implementations that could damage and cripple alien starships more directly!

Master Quan was on the verge of making a massive contribution to the development of human technology!

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