The Mech Touch

Chapter 5363 Ant vs Giant

Chapter 5363 Ant vs Giant

The Evolution Witch and the Singularity Lord had already spent enough time probing each other.

Their earlier collision had given them a much greater understanding of each other's strengths.

Neither side lost confidence in themselves!

The fact that the Singularity Lord managed to make the Geneforger bleed had given the alien leader a decent amount of confidence in winning this confrontation.

This was especially the case when his adversary had given up on copying the Darkstar King and returned to a much more miniscule form!

Size mattered a lot in the Red Ocean. The strongest gods had always been the larger ones.

Even though the Singularity Lord was wise enough to understand that the Geneforger did not grow any weaker after losing all of its excess mass, it was still hard for the ancient phase whale to shake off his old mentality.

As for the Evolution Witch, she recognized the strength of her opponent's titanic body, but that did not mean she became intimidated by all of that mass!

Instead, the greater strength demonstrated by the Singularity Lord made her hungry for more.

She and her Geneforger had devoured and assimilated the biomass of so many powerful aliens in the Milky Way that it had been hard to find any new organisms that could add to her personal genetic library.

The Red Ocean Dwarf Galaxy introduced a lot of fresh and novel biodiversity, but the vast majority of them failed to attract her interest.

Only the strongest specimens of the most powerful race in the Red Ocean deserved her full attention.

As long as she was able to devour the Singularity Lord, she believed that she could fully replicate the native god's corporeal advantages and add them to her own god mech!

With that ambitious goal in mind, the Geneforger in its exoskeleton-covered form began to move again!

The god mech fearlessly flew forward while organic cannons morphed from its shoulders!

Instead of firing energy beams like the two dreadnoughts, the cannons launched solid organic matter that quickly crossed the distance and collided against the spatial barrier that surrounded the ancient phase whale!

Though it seemed as if the proportionately tiny mech was launching grains of sand against the much larger body of the Singularity Lord, the damage inflicted by these attacks turned out to be much greater!

Each strike significantly shook the parts of the spatial barrier as if they got struck by projectiles that were ten times more massive!

This was an astonishing result as the spatial barriers of an ancient phase whale was long considered to be the toughest defense in the Red Ocean!

While none of the projectile attacks managed to break the enormous spatial barrier right away, each consecutive hit caused it to weaken and destabilize to a greater extent.

Not only that, but the Evolution Witch's God Kingdom also gained a greater hold over this area.

It soon became clear why the Singularity Lord was losing ground.

The projectiles did not disappear after they struck the spatial barrier!

While they shattered upon impact, the biomass that flung away from the impact site quickly reversed course and started to converge in a strange organic amalgamation that carried the Evolution Witch's resonance.

The growing organic construct acted like a node that extended the Evolution Witch's God Kingdom!

It took an awfully long time for the Singularity Lord to notice what was happening. It was hard for the alien to pay attention to small objects when his true body had grown to such an enormous size.

If not for the fact that the Geneforger radiated so much will, the Singularity Lord would have found it difficult to track the god mech as well!

As it was, the ancient phase whale's belated discovery of the growing tumor came too late.

Once the reformed biomass had reached a certain size, it began to take on the shape of a black flower before slamming itself against the much less stable spatial barrier.

The strange growth that turned out to be infused with a lot of phasewater started to pulse and drain a lot of energy from the barrier, causing it to lose even more strength!

Although the Singularity Lord tried to detach this flower, his weakened control over this section of space failed to make it move.

The alien decided to employ a more physical solution and extended a couple of tentacles to shove the flower away by force.

Unfortunately, the large tentacles were so large and heavy that it took a lot of time for them to overcome their inertia.

By the time one of the tentacles was just about to shove the flower away, the charging Geneforger had already closed the distance!

The god mech did not slow down at all. Instead, the machine held its sharpened sword arms forward until it formed a long needle!

Though the Singularity Lord quickly managed to form an extra spatial barrier in front of the god mech, the lack of control over the area prevented the alien from making it strong enough.


In the final moment, the armored Geneforger flapped its wings, causing it to boost forward with much greater speed than before!

The Singularity Lord's titanic body reared back as the comparably tiny Geneforger managed to punch through all of the barriers in the way!

From the moment the god mech's needle pierced through the flower that had formed on top of the main spatial barrier, it had exploded like a transphasic warhead!

Combined with the charge of the Geneforger, a momentary gap had formed that lasted long enough for the god mech to slip through.

The Geneforger had managed to bypass the first defensive layer with surprising ease!

This was incredible as the tranphasic energy shields or spatial barriers of the native aliens were usually their strongest forms of defense.

It usually required a lot of time or effort to exhaust the energy defenses of a tough alien adversary.

The Singularity Lord had never experienced such an absurd event!

There was not enough time for him to think on why the Geneforger managed to bypass his spatial barrier with ease.

The Geneforger had already come close enough to tangle with the gigantic tentacles that stuck out of the ancient phase whale's body!

The enormous organic tentacles may be relatively slow to move, but their momentum was more than powerful enough to flatten highly fortified cities with a single swing!

As the closest tentacles threatened to collide against the Geneforger, the god mech did not take the sensible action and attempted to dance its way around the dense attacks.

The Geneforger drilled through the flesh of the tentacles with unstoppable force!

Even though the hastily grown tentacles were a little less dense and resilient than the Singularity Lord's main body, they shouldn't have become so vulnerable in front of the god mech!

Yet that was exactly what was happening at the moment. The hardened frame of the Geneforger largely shrugged aside the frequent collisions and kinetic impacts of all of the nearby tentacles and speedily made its way to the 'surface' of the gigantic phase whale's body!

The lack of progress in hindering or harming alarmed the Singularity Lord to the point where he decided to sacrifice the useless limbs and excite their phasewater-rich cells in a violent fashion.

A cluster of violent explosions completely engulfed the position of the Geneforger as the tentacles all blew themselves up at the same time!

The phasewater-enhanced explosions not only inflicted a lot of material damage, but also tore the fabric of space for a brief amount of time!

The panic move caused the old alien leader to lose a small chunk of his own flesh, but given how much of it was left on his organic body, the sacrifice did not even hurt his foundation!

Unfortunately for the aliens, the simultaneous explosions did not nothing to halt the advance of the Geneforger!

The dark exoskeleton-covered god mech only exhibited mild scuffs and deformations that the god mech was too lazy to fix.

The powerful machine soon completed its journey and crashed its needle into the thick and scarred hide of the ancient phase whale!

Instead of piercing through the thick surface, the Geneforger finally got stalled as the Singularity Lord's flesh not only proved to be extremely dense, but had also been reinforced with numerous different phasewater effects!

Unlike the Darkstar King whose true body was far from perfect, the Singularity Lord had already polished and optimized his body for many years!

No matter whether it was his outer layers or his inner core, the ancient phase whale's body was actually much more solid and resilient than any moon!

This was the pinnacle of godhood in the Red Ocean. The Singularity Lord's various measures may have been less than effective, but his greatest strength had always been his tyrannical body!

As the Geneforger momentarily struggled to penetrate through the hide of the ancient phase, the more distant intact tentacles swung down in an attempt to slam the god mech or at least swat it away!

The powerful god machine amazingly resisted the strong physical impacts.

Seeing that its tentacles were not making much of a difference, the Singularity Lord altered them further, causing their ends to form into hardened transphasic spears that soon began to thrust straight onto the Geneforger.

The giant organic spears struck the back of the god mech with so much force that anything else would have shattered apart by now, but the relatively tiny mech continued to remain fully intact!

The spear tentacle attacks hadn't even left a single scratch onto the god mech's exoskeleton.

This forced the ancient phase whale to try out other attack measures!

Everyone looked amazed as the god mech fully lived up to its reputation and steadily managed to drill deeper inside the true body of the ancient phase whale.

The Geneforger easily resisted attacks ranging from acid attacks, forceful explosions, dimensional attacks and even space tears!

No matter what the Singularity Lord tried, every attack became substantially weaker as they got close to the Geneforger.

This was the strength of a god mech!

Even though the Evolution Witch's God Kingdom still failed to penetrate through the ancient phase whale's body, it had no problem maintaining a high degree of control over the space surrounding the Geneforger.

This was a huge advantage as every incoming attack and effect automatically weakened by a huge margin before they actually impacted the exoskeleton surface of the god mech. Unless the Singularity Lord was able to weaken or counteract the Evolution Witch's incredibly solid willpower, there was no way for the alien to overcome this outrageous effect! The ancient phase whale understood that only the simplest and purest brute force had a chance of overcoming his adversary's God Kingdom.

The massive whale narrowed his eyes and exerted all of his strength to execute a single spatial ability.

Before the Geneforger had managed to fully penetrate the incredibly resilient outer layer of the Singularity Lord's hide, the moon-sized phase whale actually disappeared from view!

The alien was not gone for long, because he quickly reappeared in almost the exact same place as before.

The difference was that the Singularity Lord had somehow changed his orientation to the point where his massive whale mouth was positioned right around the Geneforger.

The open mouth exposed huge rows of sharp and triangular teeth of a carnivore. Each tooth was almost as strong and resilient as the Singularity Lord's bones, which meant that they were much tougher than his flesh!

If that was not enough, the prepared alien also generated a strong spatial field that was was meant to stop the Geneforger from teleporting away!

With speed belying its titanic size, the ancient phase whale snapped his enormous mouth shut, giving the god mech no time to slip away!

The enormous lips of the ancient phase whale completely pressed against each other, causing the god mech to disappear from view!

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