The Mech Touch

Chapter 5362 The Flesh is Weak

Chapter 5362 The Flesh is Weak

A lot more people focused their attention on the live feed that tracked the First Armada.

At this time, none of the mechs, warships and dreadnoughts appeared to matter anymore.

The confrontation between a god mech and an ancient phase whale was by far the most important event that took place on the battlefield.

It was rare for opponents of their level to fight against each other.

It was even rarer for them to do so in a live broadcast!

Both sides understood that their performance in this clash could exert an extensive amount of influence on the war.

A decisive and crushing victory could raise the morale of all friendlies, allowing them to fight without losing confidence!

A devastating loss would do the opposite. Morale would plunge as the fall of one of their most powerful representatives signified weakness in a way that could never be denied!

Given that the Red Two deliberately planned and executed Operation Night Jazz after months of careful preparation, it was obvious that the humans possessed a lot of confidence in the strength of their own champions.

The Red Cabal shouldn't have initiated this duel so easily, yet the Singularity Lord clearly did not want to abandon the Tenth Tide Station and enable the humans to wreck this critical space station.

The 27 Tide Stations had many uses! They were the only way for the phase whales to amplify their abilities to the point where they could affect the entire dwarf galaxy.

The Red Cabal could still accomplish a lot more feats so long as this critical piece of galactic infrastructure remained intact.

The loss of just one Tide Station did not necessarily render the remaining ones useless, but knocking out several of them would make it impossible for the Red Cabal to use the other ones for a long time!

For better or worse, the Singularity Lord had little choice but to step up and resist the human intruders in an attempt to preserve the Tide Station under his protection.

Besides, the massive ancient phase possessed his own confidence.

He had already taken the measure of his opponent. The Evolution Witch was incredibly young and was not as formidable as the older and more experienced god pilots.

The Singularity Lord was one of the oldest surviving members of his race. He had lived for a long time, and while his growth rate was slow, the accumulation of lots of years not only allowed him to gradually grow the size of his immense body, but also gain greater mastery over his extensive abilities!

The Darkstar King was only a child compared to an ancient alien like the Singularity Lord!

In the Red Ocean, age translated to power. Many alien races were subjected to limited lifespans due to their weak and frail physiologies.

Where there were numerous ways to extend these lifespans, none of them granted them so much power and longevity as blessing their bodies with godblood!

The Singularity Lord did not fully understand the powers of the Evolution Witch, but it was not necessary for him to know this information in order to dominate this battle.

A strong body and masterful control over his own godblood was enough to break any enemy!

As the two sides continued to take each other's measure, they began to wrestle for control over the surrounding space.

The space around the two began to grow shakier and fuzzier as two conflicting domains attempted to push each other out. The fabric of space constantly rippled due to the Singularity Lord's fluctuating control over space.

This was a contest that directly pitted the Evolution Witch's willpower against the strong spatial dominance of the Singularity Lord!

The more ground they gained, the greater they could exert their respective abilities.

The Singularity Lord found out that he was only able to maintain high control over the space immediately surrounding his body.

As soon as he attempted to control the space beyond this point, he quickly lost his strength.

The God Kingdom centered around the Geneforger turned out to be much more unshakeable and resistant to external influences!

This caused an odd phenomenon to occur.

A sickly purple glow enveloped a massive sphere that was large enough to envelop a gas giant if not more. The God Kingdom was almost completely uniform in strength aside from the smaller oval centered around the lengthy ancient phase's body!

The Singularity Lord looked like an intruder that had just entered someone else's swimming pool.

This made it a bit more difficult for the ancient phase whale to harm his opponent at range.

The old and wise alien leaders already figured out that he needed to get closer in order to prevent the Evolution Witch from maintaining the home ground advantage!

As the tension on the battlefield continued to rise, the Evolution Witch finally decided to take action!


Just as the god pilot uttered these words, her entire God Kingdom started to light up as her willpower strengthened her control over the massive area!

The space within her domain became a lot more solid and stable. It had become a lot harder for the Singularity Lord to manipulate it with his own power!

More significantly, her God Kingdom started to push into the territory under the Singularity Lord's control until it crashed right against the latter's spatial barrier!

The spatial barrier of an ancient phase whale could not be underestimated. The Evolution Witch failed to overcome this obstacle right away, but she continued to assail it with her special abilities!

Many observers did not fully understand how the Evolution Witch managed to overpower the Singularity Lord to this extent.

It was not until the live feeds zoomed in on a few areas of space that it became clear what was happening!

"What is that, papa?" Marvaine asked in a confused tone.

"Those... those are bacteria!" Ves gasped in astonishment. "The Geneforger secretly produced a lot of microscopic organisms and spread them out into space!"

"Why produce bacteria? They are so small and weak!"

Gloriana shook her head. "That is normally true, but not always. Not only are these bacteria produced by a highly competent biotech expert, but the bacteria are also empowered by her willpower and domain. That completely changes the game!"

The rules didn't necessarily apply anymore when it came to god pilots. They could perform all kinds of crazy and illogical moves, only to use these measures to defeat their opposition by relying on sheer willpower.

This was how god pilots fought!

The countless bacteria spread across wide stretches of space immediately produced numerous different effects.

The majority of bacteria were solely responsible for stabilizing the surrounding space.

The ones that had drifted closest to the Singularity Lord began to attach themselves to the latter's spatial barrier and began to drain it of energy!

The outer defenses of the phase whale visibly started to weaken at a slow but concerning rate.

The Evolution Witch had also spread other varieties of genetically engineered bacteria that her Geneforger managed to produce from the biomass taken from the Darkstar King.

The use of scavenged flesh from a greater phase lord caused every bacteria to contain a tiny amount of phasewater. This caused them to become a lot stronger and more resilient even without receiving any willpower reinforcement!

Despite the fact that the Singularity Lord was slowly getting whittled down, the powerful alien leader did not panic. Contempt radiated from his body as he beheld these strange bacteria.


The ancient phase whale's body began to grow more active before generating a real singularity that was placed right in front of his immense body!

Different from the darkstars produced by his orven subordinate, the Singularity Lord fully lived up to his name by generating a much more powerful black hole!

Even though the black hole was not sustainable, the ancient phase whale had bent the fabric of space to such an extreme degree that light found it difficult to escape from the immediate area!

The consequences of curving space to such a powerful degree were massive.

A powerful new gravity well had emerged in the star system!

It was so powerful that any nearby pieces of debris or organic tissue got sucked into the black hole in an instant.

Any scout mechs or spy vessels that had chosen to linger in the vicinity rapidly tried to fly away! Their speeds had slowed as the gravitational forces generated by the temporary black hole tried to drag them deeper into the pit!

As for the bacteria generated by the Evolution Witch, most of them had fallen victim to the strange singularity.

They might be numerous, but their lack of individual strength left them in no condition to resist the pulling force!

The black hole did not remain stationary. It started to move forward as the Singularity Lord somehow managed to drive it forward.

Unlike all of the short-lived bacteria, the ancient phase whale easily resisted the gravity produced by his own singularity!

The Singularity Lord started out slow, but quickly gained momentum. The alien whale sought to engulf the blasphemous Geneforger with the dark maw that continued to pull in light!

The Geneforger did not attempt to evade the attack. It instead dove forward with remarkable speed and crashed right into the black hole with its oversized body!

A blinding explosion took place!

Space shook and tore as the stability of the surrounding area became compromised for a short time!

Alien blood and biomass spread out in every direction as it became clear that at least one side did not come out of this collision unscathed.

As the energies started to settle, the two sides came into view again.

The Geneforger sustained visible damage while the Singularity Lord had yet to suffer a single scratch!

Though the transformed god mech did not lose any of its limbs, its fur and skin had broken up in numerous places.

"THIS FLESH IS STILL TOO WEAK." The Evolution Witch contemptuously spoke as she expressed disdain at the assimilated flesh of the Darkstar King.

It was largely futile for the Geneforger to fight against an ancient phase whale with a body imitated from a lesser being.

Even the Evolution Witch's formidable willpower could not shore up all of the weaknesses of the Darkstar King's flesh, especially when it reached such an exaggerated size.

The god pilot made a quick decision and consciously shrunk the body of her god mech!

Much of its stolen biomass left its organic frame and disappeared into its associated pocket space.

Nobody knew how much biomass the Geneforger could store, but its pocket space turned out to be so great that all of the flesh stolen from the Darkstar King's limbs had disappeared in their entirety!

The original form of the Geneforger had reappeared.

Although the size of the god mech only caused it to look as small as a single-celled organism in relation to the Singularity Lord's moon-sized body, the Geneforger clearly looked more comfortable in its own skin!

The Geneforger did not remain in its base form for long. It began to make specific biological adaptations, some of which were derived from the stolen flesh of the Darkstar King.

The concentration of phasewater in the god mech rose at a rapid rate.

A dark but shiny exoskeleton began to envelop its fleshy form.

Its arms began to morph into bioweapons.

Wings spawned from its back.

It only took a dozen or so seconds for the Evolution Witch to mould her god mech into a form that was more suitable to fight against an ancient phase whale!

Surprisingly enough, the Geneforger was not the only combatant to make adaptations in the field.

The Singularity Lord's titanic body squirmed until millions of long and flexible tentacles erupted from his body!

Each of these limbs stretched out from every surface of his enormous body like countless lengthy puelmer arms!

The ancient phase whale clearly made this adaptation in response to the reduced size of the Geneforger.

Once the two sides had made their respective adaptations, they began to clash once more!

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