The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2183 - Puko’s Bazaar (1) 

Chapter 2183: Puko’s Bazaar (1) 

On the Storm Continent, out of a hundred dwarves, there would be an alchemist; on the other hand, out

of ten thousand dwarves, it was very dicult to nd a pharmacist.

Dwarves had a natural passion for alchemy, but only a few dwarves engaged in pharmaceutical research.

Before the battle between gods and devils, on the Storm Continent, all the potions used by the dwarves

were purchased from humans or elves. However, as the conicts between the various races intensied

after the war between the gods and devils, all races except the human beings became isolated from the

outside world. The dwarves had to study pharmaceutics on their own in order to fulll the needs of their

own people.

The dwarves had been exposed to pharmaceutics for only a very short time compared with humans and


In the past, dwarves relied on supplies of potions purchased from other races, but after their isolation,

dwarves did not even have a minimal formula. They could only awkwardly take the potions they bought in

the past to study the various herbs and proportions in the potion.

Ignorant fumbling about consumed thousands of years of the dwarves’ lives, and it made the alchemyloving dwarves give up alchemy to learn potions instead. This was an extremely dicult problem.

The life expectancy of the dwarves was far less than that of the elves and dragons; they only lived for a

few hundred years. It had been many years since the battle between gods and devils, and the kings of the

dwarves had changed along with the sun and the moon.

But every king of the dwarves spent a lot of eort encouraging the study of pharmaceutics.

The dwarves never lack good alchemists. What they really lacked were powerful pharmacists.

Therefore, no matter which king, on the day they ascended to the throne, they would announce all kinds

of administrations that encouraged pharmaceutics, and pharmacists were treated much better than

alchemists among dwarves.

Even so, there was only one pharmacist for every hundred alchemists.

Among them, there were many pharmacist apprentices who could not even make a complete potion.

Pharmacists were well-paid, but dwarves still could not extinguish their yearning for alchemy; in addition,

many alchemists looked down on pharmacists.

It was because pharmacists had the best treatment on this Storm Continent, yet the potions they made

had not gotten any better for many years.

In Puko’s, the Alchemist Guild was just across from the Pharmacist Guild.

“Yoyoyo. Who are these? Oh, it’s the herd of moths of the Pharmacist Guild! You take a month to make

such a potion? Really, such a waste of the generous treatment given by our king.” The dwarves who came

out of the Alchemist Guild looked scornfully at the dwarves who came out of the Pharmacist Guild.

The dwarves, holding a pile of crystal clear bottles of potions in their arms, were going to the pharmacy

area in Puko’s.

“If I may say, if our king had given us alchemists such good treatment, we would have already made a

high-level mechanical puppet.” A group of alchemists standing at the entrance to their guild spoke up in a

sour tone.

The pharmacists merely looked at the alchemists with very calm expressions.

They had long been accustomed to the taunts from the alchemists. In Storm Continent, the alchemists

greatly outnumbered the pharmacists, but the treatment of the latter was a hundred times better than

that of the former. This made the two occupations that were already disagreeable towards each other

become more and more incompatible.

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