The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2182 - This Is Abduction (3)

Chapter 2182: This Is Abduction (3)

Bringing something that would let others locate you was really annoying!

Shen Yanxiao could almost imagine that every time she performed alchemy, she needed all kinds of ways

to hide.

She guessed that she could not count on practicing alchemy safely in the Momo laboratory, or else the

target would be exposed.

“I think I’d better not go back to the Momo Tribe for the time being.” Shen Yanxiao felt mixed joy and

sorrow in her heart. The sad thing was, she had unknowingly abducted a quasi-elemental spirit, and in the

future, each time she used the multiple element furnace, she might be chased by the elemental spirits.

The happy thing was….

The eect of ordinary unusual ames in alchemy could already stun people. Now she could go and

directly use a quasi-re elemental spirit in doing alchemy. Wouldn’t the eect be enough to pierce

through the sky?!!

‘It’s also ne to be out here. Think of it as learning through experience.’ Shen Yanxiao touched the tip of

her nose and informed Taotie through their spiritual link that for some time in the future, he would stay in

the Momo Tribe disguised as her. When the Dwarf King summoned the chieftains of all tribes to go to the capital city, Shen Yanxiao would change places with him again.

After Taotie, who was in the distant Momo Tribe, received this bolt from the blue news, his whole beast

self was struck dumb.

Didn’t this mean that he had to continue to endure the abuse of his fourth brother?

Taotie howled miserably, but Shen Yanxiao unilaterally cut o their link.

There was still some time before the summons of the Dwarf King, but Shen Yanxiao would go ahead and

prepare. She intended to leave the Kumu Mountain and go all the way forward in the direction of the

capital city. She would practice alchemy while on the way, saving herself from being caught by the

elemental spirits.

This would be the rst time she would truly be able to learn a skill of the dwarves, yet it was like this. Shen

Yaxiao felt that she was at odds with the Storm Continent.

Coming out of the cave, Shen Yanxiao took out the map of the Storm Continent. The Kumu Mountain was

very far away from the capital city of the dwarves. Shen Yanxiao decided to set out towards the capital city

and wait for Taotie to come to the capital, then change her identity back.


Puko’s bazaar.

One of the ve largest bazaars in Storm Continent.

It was also one of the ve areas in the Storm Continent that was closest to the construction of the capital

city, apart from the capital city itself.

In Puko’s bazaar, a large number of dwarves came to sell goods every day. The entirety of the bazaar was

a huge circle. Entering through the gate, each layer of shops was arranged in a circular formation from

large to small, and each circle sold dierent things. Compared with other bazaars, these ve major

bazaars were very systematic. The areas where each commodity was sold were divided internally; the

same kind of goods were sold in each circle, which made it easier for other dwarves to come and buy

what they needed.

It took at least seven days to get through Puko’s bazaar.

In such a huge bazaar, apart from the areas where you sold things, there were also a lot of places for the

dwarves to carry out leisure and work activities.

The Alchemist Guild, the Pharmacist Guild, and the Swordsman’s Guild. These three major guilds were

established in this bazaar.

In the whole Storm Continent, the Alchemist Guild was the place that all alchemists aspired to join. Each

top alchemist was a member of the Alchemist Guild; it could be said that joining the Alchemist Guild was

the ultimate dream of every dwarf who aspired to be alchemist.

The same was true of the Pharmacist Guild, which brought together the best of all the dwarf Pharmacists

in Storm Continent.

But unlike the hotshot Alchemist Guild, the status of the Pharmacist Guild was somewhat subtle.

Among the dwarves, there was a huge gap between the number of alchemists and pharmacists.

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