Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 631 - Trump Card

Chapter 631 – Trump Card

This man was the trump card that Su Tao prepared to ensure that the auction would proceed well!

He’s an outstanding hacker.

A few windows appeared on the laptop with images. This wasn’t the Qihuang Charity Funds’ auction venue. The criminal organisation was intelligent, and they knew that the lodge was definitely guarded. Hence, they installed surveillance cameras in the streets near the lodge.

“These guys are pretty smart. They know that it won’t be easy to make a move at the auction, so they’re waiting for the auction to end before making their move.” The man grinned.

The man continued to key in several commands on the keyboard as a conversation came from the speaker.

This young man was a skilful hacker who made use of his ingenious skills to control the other party’s computer.

Even the Pink Leopard’s member had no idea that his computer was hacked, and this was also the reason why the man could eavesdrop on their conversation.

After briefly listening to their conversation, the man turned off the function with his head splitting. The other party was talking in Serbian; it’s one of the Slavic languages. He might be proficient in languages, but he couldn’t understand their conversation.

However, he could tell from their tone that they’re pretty relaxed right now, so that meant that they’re pretty idle. At the same time, it also meant that they’re well-prepared, and they’re just waiting for the right moment to strike.

The man sighed as he continued to extract data from the other party’s computer. He found a useful piece of information, their arms list. At the same time, that also meant that they’re armed. The man inwardly sighed. He was shocked that the six of them even possessed PF-98, a 120mm unguided anti-tank rocket launcher.

These sorts of big guns were extremely terrifying and could penetrate through armour up to 800mm. It could even pierce through the armour of an M1A1 tank. If it’s used in the city, it would definitely cause massive casualties.

Furthermore, since the other party could obtain such a weapon, it meant that there must be someone supporting them in China. Otherwise, it’s impossible for them to smuggle a weapon like that into the country.

“Boss, the trouble that you’re encountering seems even more thorny than imagined!” The man grinned as he took out his phone and sent the information of what he obtained in the 5 minutes when he hacked into the other party’s computer over to Su Tao.

Seated in the auction, Su Tao took out his phone and read through the message before he replied, “Got it. Continue to observe them, and it’s best if you can lock onto their location as soon as possible. Thank you, Xuefeng!”

Sun Xuefeng smiled since he knew that Su Tao was a strategist. Perhaps everything has been under his control since the beginning.

Sun Xuefeng continued to insert commands on the keyboard as all sorts of windows constantly popped up on the screen. In the eyes of others, this was a bunch of complicated data. But in Sun Xuefeng’s eyes, they’re keys that could unveil the other party’s location.

Shortly after, he locked his brows together and inwardly sighed. The other party was pretty alert to set up anti-hacker sequences in some places. Even if he was cautious in avoiding the traps, he still couldn’t obtain some crucial information. After all, he had to lock onto their location with the shortest time possible.

However, that information had brilliant anti-hacking measures in place.

As time passed, the auction had also reached the climax. Along with Lu Shimiao’s lovely voice resounding, the focus of attention, the calligraphy, To Treasure Every Minute, finally made its appearance.

The style of the founding leader was powerful with imposing strokes. Looking at it, everyone’s heart throbbed.

As Lu Shimiao paid attention in regulating the mood in the auction, she smiled, “This is the final item in the auction, and this is also a priceless treasure. The starting bid is ¥10,000,000, and every bid cannot be lower than ¥1,000,000. Please start your bidding!”

The moment she finished speaking, the bids on the screen started to flash as the numbers swiftly climbed to ¥20,000,000, ¥30,000,000, ¥40,000,000, and even ¥50,000,000.

Looking at this situation, Asaka Ochi showed a bitter smile. She also wanted to give it a go at this item, but she did not have enough funds on her. This was a game between the tycoons in China.

As Su Tao swept his gaze through the crowd, he looked at Ni Jingqiu, who was sitting in the corner. She wore a grave expression as she looked at the bids. She did not make her move now since she knew that it’s not the time for her to make her move yet.

When the bids finally crossed ¥60,000,000, the increment finally started to slow down.

At this moment, she started her bid and locked onto ¥75,000,000.

Her bid instantly caused a commotion since no one expected that there would be such a drastic jump of ¥15,000,000. This meant that the bidder was determined to obtain it. Hence, the auction suddenly fell into silence for ten-odd seconds and the bid did not change for a long time.

Ni Jingqiu locked her brows together since she knew that it’s still impossible for her to obtain it at this price.

And just as she had expected, when the screen changed once more, the bid reached ¥76,000,000.

Without any hesitation, she raised the bid to ¥80,000,000.

A long time later, a bid overtook hers at ¥81,000,000.

Once more, she raised it to ¥85,000,000.

As the numbers continued to climb, it finally exceeded her opponent’s budget when it reached ¥95,000,000.

Meanwhile, Ni Jingqiu sighed in relief. According to her father, he priced it at ¥100,000,000 in his heart. So if her opponent continued to increase the bid, she could only give up on it.

The market price of this item was only around ¥68,000,000, and the final cost of ¥95,000,000 exceeded many people’s expectations.

In a car park roughly five hundred meters away from the lodge, six foreigners were chatting around. The air conditioner was turned on in the vehicle with two robust men sitting at the front, talking while adjusting their guns.

All of a sudden, a blonde man seated in the backseat suddenly started to frantically tap on his keyboard and cursed. The five other men immediately dropped their conversation and the bald man sitting in the driver’s seat asked, “What’s wrong?”

“My computer was hacked! The opponent is a skilful hacker, and he has been observing us for the past half an hour. I only realised it a few minutes ago. He has already locked onto our location.” The blond man replied.

“Hacker?” The bald man asked in perplexion, “Before you joined the Pink Leopard, weren’t you a famous hacker? Is he better than you?”

The bald man knew the capability of his companion. His companion was someone who even managed to hack into America’s intelligence agency several times without getting noticed. His skills were definitely amongst the top in the world.

“He’s better than me! He seems to have purposely left an opening, which I just noticed!” The blond man replied in a concerned tone.

“What do you mean? Can you phrase it in a way that we understand?” The bald man’s expression turned grave.

“After he locked onto our location, he purposely set off the anti-hacking system that I set up, and this is also the reason how I found out that he has been observing us for a long time.” The blond man wore a helpless expression and continued, “If it weren’t for the fact that he wanted me to notice it, I wouldn’t be able to find out anything.”

The bald man instantly understood the blond man’s words. In the organisation, those who were proficient in computers and hacking were the eyes and brain of the team. They’re the core of the mission since the current era was no longer the same as it was in the past, where martial abilities mattered the most. In the past, you could mask your face and steal as you wanted. But now, you needed the help of technology.

After the blond man joined their organisation, their team has been achieving success many times, but the situation this time wasn’t the same as the past.

“We have to leave immediately!” The blond man instructed. He noticed that the surveillance devices have already lost their function, and he could no longer obtain the latest video on the scene.

“The surveillance system has fallen under the enemy’s control, and we’re blinded. The other party is out in the light, while we’re in the dark!”

“How did this happen?!” The bald man roared before he calmed down a brief moment later and gave out orders, “Find a safe route for us to leave!”

For an experienced criminal organisation like them, they would never fight a war without any confidence.

Even after the auction came to an end, everyone still stayed since the Qihuang Charity Funds prepared a banquet to thank everyone for their participation. The employees of Qihuang Charity Funds and Three Flavour International have prepared all sorts of programs and they went on stage one after another. They might not be professionals, but their performance gave off a joyous atmosphere, especially the female employees of the Three Flavour International. Just their appearance alone was a feast to the eyes.

“Congratulations on achieving your objective!” Su Tao smiled as he talked to Ni Jingqiu.

Since they used software for the auction, no one knew who got the items aside from a few limited employees of the Qihuang Charity Funds.

Then again, if the other party had an expert hacker, they would still be able to get into the software and retrieve the information.

Shaking her head, Ni Jingqiu bitterly smiled. “It’s only a pity that I still haven't got the actual item yet!”

“Have you not heard of this saying before? An ordinary person has no crime, but possessing a treasure becomes a crime. If we pass you something worth nearly ¥100,000,000 right now, I guarantee that you will be robbed the moment you step out of this venue.” Su Tao explained with a smile.

Listening to his words, Ni Jingqiu was briefly stunned before she agreed, “That sounds reasonable.”

Nodding his head, Su Tao replied, “So for your personal safety, I will get someone to deliver it to Beijing. If it fails to arrive, then I will refund the money you sent me. I’m a businessman with a conscience, so I will provide the best service.”

“I never expected that you’re pretty considerate!” Ni Jingqiu smiled.

At this moment, Su Tao’s phone rang out, so he walked to a corner to pick it up.

Sun Xuefeng’s lazy voice resounded, “They’ve already started to withdraw. The pursuers should know that they’re criminals, and it won’t be good for massive casualties if they were careless.”

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