Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 630 - Incomplete Ancient Medical Manual

Chapter 630 – Incomplete Ancient Medical Manual

The items in the auction also became increasingly precious as time passed. The backbone of the TCM Alliance unconditionally donated some of them. Song Sichen even donated an incomplete book of the Ancient Medical Manual. Despite only having ten-odd pages, there’s a significant meaning behind this book.

The author was a physician in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, Fu Shan. Not only did he have superb medical skills, but he also had high attainments in calligraphy. Hence, this book was extremely valuable as a collection item. Even if it’s incomplete, it still caused a commotion in the auction.

Su Tao had no idea about the source of these treasures in the auction. When he learnt that Song Sichen actually donated such a precious item unconditionally, even he couldn’t help sighing. Song Sichen and Dou Fanggang didn’t lack money, and in their eyes, a treasure like the Ancient Medical Manual had great significance to them. At the same time, it meant that their attention on the Qihuang Charity Funds wasn’t inferior to his own.

At this moment, Su Tao felt extremely confident in his heart. With this group of seniors supporting him, was there a need to worry about TCM not being able to change its current position?

In the end, the Ancient Medical Manual was bought by a famous entrepreneur for ¥18,000,000, bringing the atmosphere in this auction to the climax.

This entrepreneur was here for the calligraphy by the founding leader, but he could only withdraw from the competition since he’d already spent so much money. However, he had also gotten a harvest from this trip, and even spending ¥18,000,000 wasn’t too ridiculous.

After all, Fu Shan’s Avatamsaka Sutra was auctioned for over ¥30,000,000. Although this Ancient Medical Manual was incomplete, the calligraphy standard wasn’t any weaker than the Avatamsaka Sutra, not to mention that there’s also medical worth in it.

The entrepreneurs who could call a bid here weren’t ordinary people. All of them had an advisor planning for them. Firstly, there were specialists to verify the authenticity for them, and secondly, they would also provide an estimated price to help in their decision.

According to the estimation of a specialist, there’s a huge room for the price of the Ancient Medical Manual to rise in the future. After all, the prices of antiques were getting higher, especially a famous calligrapher like Fu Shan. The price of his work would only rise, not to mention that TCM has shown a trend of rising. As a physician, this incomplete Ancient Medical Manual was worth researching, and it’s categorised as a priceless treasure with meaningful content.

On the other hand, Asaka Ochi showed regret in her expression since she wasn’t well-prepared. She never expected that the Ancient Medical Manual would show up in the auction, so she did not prepare sufficient funds. Otherwise, she would try her luck in bidding for it. The moment the price went over ¥10,000,000, which had already gone over her budget, she could only give up on it.

Asaka Ochi was from a physician family, and she knew Fu Shan better than anyone. When she was eight, she had already started to research Fushan’s Obstetrics and Gynecology; this was something necessary to learn as an obstetrics and gynaecology physician.

“These people are all insane!” Lin Kun smiled and continued, “To pay nearly ¥20,000,000 for some tattered old pages. This is definitely all an act!”

Asaka Ochi was speechless from his attitude. Ever since they entered the auction, Lin Kun had been making thoughtless remarks. She had a good temper, and ever since she came to Hanzhou City, Lin Kun had been taking good care of her. Hence, she bore it down in her heart due to the gratitude she had for him. At the same time, she had a deeper understanding of Lin Kun. Not only was this person a hypocrite, but he’s also a superficial person.

Seated in the front row, Su Tao looked at Song Sichen with gratitude. “Master, you actually took out something so precious!”

Waving his hand, Song Sichen smiled. “These are just worldly objects. If TCM disappears in the world, Fu Shan’s name as a physician will also be worthless. Didn’t we preserve the treasures that our ancestors left to us to pass them down and promote? As long as Qihuang Charity Funds is truly helping others, a few tattered pages are nothing.”

Song Sichen and Dou Fanggang came to Hanzhou City yesterday to participate in the auction. When they saw that everyone here was a famous entrepreneur in the country under Su Tao’s planning, they felt pretty good. If there weren’t any powerful bidders, it would be a huge waste if their treasures were sold cheaply.

According to Song Sichen’s estimation on the bid, he priced it at around ¥15,000,000, so he was naturally satisfied for the final bidding to exceed ¥3,000,000 from his expectations.

Dou Fanggang had also donated quite a few treasures, but his collection wasn't as deep as Song Sichen. Looking at Song Sichen, Dou Fanggang clasped his hands together. “Old Song, I admit my defeat in this auction today!”

Looking at the two of them, Su Tao inwardly laughed. These two masters have always liked to compete, and they probably did the same for this auction as well. But it’s a pity as Dou Fanggang never expected that Song Sichen would donate something so precious, which was something that he couldn’t do when he asked himself.

“Everyone knows that you’re a miser, and it’s impressive that you’re willing to donate something. In the end, you’ve also contributed a few million.” Song Sichen smiled.

Hearing Song Sichen’s words, Dong Fanggang smiled in embarrassment. “I’m not a miser, I just know how to live my life by knowing how to make calculations. But it’s a pity that my collection isn't as deep as yours. Otherwise, I would definitely not lose out to you!”

Glancing at Lu Shimiao on the stage, Su Tao sighed. The incomplete Ancient Medical Manual donated by Song Sichen was initially planned as the final item. But ever since Su Tao got the calligraphy from Sire Shui, the Ancient Medical Manual became a prop. The Ancient Medical Manual was already worthy of being the final item, but with something even more precious, it instantly increased the standard of the auction by two levels.

The auction swiftly continued, and in the blink of an eye, nine items had already been auctioned, which gathered ¥60,000,000. This had already exceeded the Qihuang Charity Funds’ expectations. Back then, Qin Meimei estimated the event was already a success if they could gather about ¥40,000,000, excluding the founding leader’s calligraphy. After all, the market price for the items was only ¥30,000,000.

This was an auction to raise donations, so there’s no scam in it, and they’re trying to auction them out at the market price. The Qihuang Charity Funds was only trying to make use of this auction to increase their influence to attract more enterprises so that it’d be easier for them to obtain donations in the future.

If the entrepreneurs felt that they’re scammed, it would lose the original purpose of this event instead.

But fortunately, the result was excellent. They managed to invite several influential entrepreneurs. During the auction process, there would often be some of them who would get hot-headed and it would result in sky-high bids. As a result, the donations that they raised had exceeded their expectations.

At this moment, Qin Meimei had a relaxed expression. Although the final item hasn’t been brought out, the auction today was already a success. Right now, they only needed to follow up and unearth the potential in the entrepreneurs today to get them to shift their charitable donations to the Qihuang Charity Funds.

The influence of this auction was too significant to the point that several media outlets hoped that they could broadcast the event since it practically guaranteed a high viewership. But out of consideration for the guests’ privacy, Su Tao rejected their request.

Even so, there were also people broadcasting the event from their phones and the viewership had reached an astounding number.

In an exquisite villa located in Beijing, Qin Jingyu’s face was grim as he looked at the broadcast. The result at the venue made him extremely unhappy. This was just an auction, but they actually caused such a big commotion out of it that made him feel unhappy.

In his view, Su Tao wasn’t someone on his level, but even he was tempted by the calligraphy of the founding leader. However, he did not send someone to bid for it. Instead, he resorted to extreme measures. Through this method, not only could he obtain it at a lower price, but he could also create chaos in the auction.

“Truly a monkey who likes to hop around.” Qin Jingyu coldly commented as he lifted the cup on the table and took a sip of the Chivas.

He was filled with contempt for Su Tao in his heart since that fellow was still in the dark about the situation. The auction today was practically determined to be a joke.

The phone on his right rang out and a voice asked, “We’ve already made our preparations, and the calligraphy will be next. Can we begin the operation now?”

Nodding his head, Qin Jingyu replied, “Do a clean job. The other party will definitely be prepared, so you guys have to be cautious and not be caught by them.”

“Please be reassured!” The voice promised, “We’re cooperating with the Pink Leopard, who has achievements internationally. Even if a problem arises, we can shift the blame to them.”

“Then, begin!” Qin Jingyu ordered.

The Pink Leopard was an international crime organisation with roughly two hundred members. They’ve committed all sorts of high-profile crimes throughout the world, such as the robbing case in Japan’s Tokyo, Ginza. They used teargas to attack the shop assistant in a jewellery stall and robbed jewellery that was worth a total of 3,500,000,000 yen.

The unique characteristic of that organisation was that they would not take their time to commit the crime nor violence. Furthermore, their skills were superb, and they’re proficient in using top-tiered technology to catch their target by surprise.

There’s also an organisation in the country who was influenced by the Pink Leopard and they called themselves Pink Panda.

In an unremarkable room in the auction building, there was a young man wearing spectacles with thick lenses and messy hair. He’s frantically tapping away on the keyboard with all sorts of data shown on the screen. As a green notification appeared, he sighed a few minutes later and muttered to himself, “They’ve finally shown up. Their safety measures are pretty good, and it’s troublesome to hack in. Let me see what weapons you guys have!”

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