Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 99: First Mission -I

When the candidates heard these rules their faces became black, just as they were about to complain.


A loud smack was heard and the principal's voice which gave a majestic feel immediately took a 180 degree turn.

"You, old bugger, just because you are Marquis don't think I won't beat you to death. How dare you smack me?"

The candidates were immediately floored. Particularly the twenty people who are from the marquis city. Some of them are previously students of this academy and they saw principal many times. But all those times, they only knew the dignified leader of the academy.

Never did they expect that he would be swearing the Marquis like this. Marquis' voice interrupted their thoughts.

"you, old fool. I wish I could really beat you to death. Can't you say the rules properly? Let me tell them. I will deal with you later." After a brief pause, he addressed the candidates.

"Everyone, the rules stated by the Principal are all correct except the rule about your spiritual energy. I will make it clear to you.

Your cultivations will not be sealed and you can use your spiritual energy, but in order to restore the energy and recover, you don't have any access to spiritual energy sources. The environment around you doesn't have spiritual energy dense enough to allow to you to absorb and cultivate. Your access to the spatial storage items is also gone and you won't be getting any spiritual stones from us.

The only way you can restore your energy is from the food we are going to send you.

Other than that, we will be giving you some missions and the ones who will achieve the best score will be rewarded. So, until the next announcement, take care of yourselves.

As your principal said, anything can happen inside those walls and you can do anything. Your life is in your own hands regarding the status you have outside and you will have to be responsible for your actions. Nobody from outside is going to interfere, no matter what happens.

Those who aren't able to take it anymore and want to give up come to the main door and shout out that you want to surrender"

After that statement everything went silent and after that brief silence, the candidates started to chatter. Some of them are confused, some of them are looking forward to it and some of them are feeling vexed that their cultivation isn't going to improve.

Sam probed to access his normal spatial ring and he wasn't able to access it. When he tried to do same thing to the divine dimension, he was able to see and communicate with Yanwu and Sky inside it, but wasn't able to get anything out of it.

But he still has one advantage over others and that is, his cultivation improvement isn't going to stagnate. Sky and Yanwu will cultivate for him and who knows, maybe by the end of six months, if he can meet them, he will even reach the Novice level 6.

After some thought, he felt that it is useless to worry about it and started observing the surroundings.

The ground isn't that damp, in fact it is a bit on the dry side and the trees are also not that dense in this land. There are a lot of open spaces with in this area.

There are no residences, no trees which have edible fruits, not even a single beast could be seen. Even the trees are a bit unusual. They only have leaves and the wood seemed to be strong.

Sam went to one of the trees nearby and scr.a.p.ed some bark. The bark isn't hard and tough, it is smooth and more like skin of bamboo. It has slight moisture content.

He observed the wood, which is hard and dark brown in colour, he wasn't able to recognize the trees.

While Sam is looking at the tree, members of the Falcon Cliff city are also doing the same except for Philip and Jack. They are waiting for Sam to say something.

They knew that they are slightly vulnerable in a new environment, so they aren't trying to do anything that they don't know.

Sam is very good at this, since their relationship isn't that bad, they aren't ashamed of getting his help.

The rest of the members are trying to do something, some of them are trying to communicate with the people from other cities, some of them are checking the surroundings and some of them are still hung up on that vexed feeling because of the rules.

After checking around, Sam started walking. First thing he did is get out of the crowd and went to look around the area. He walked slowly as he looked around seriously observing everything.

Philip and Jack followed him hurriedly.

Soon, they found something. They saw a stream which is more than ten meters wide flowing near the wall.

Sam looked around and came to a conclusion. The area they are in is rectangular in shape and surrounded by the tall walls, completely isolating them from the outside.

The only connection to the outside world is this stream which is flowing from one side of the rectangle to the opposite side. And even this stream didn't have any fish or other animals.

Sam took a sip of water and after confirming that they are normal and drinkable, he sighed. He suddenly felt glad that he enjoyed himself yesterday.

"Sam, what do you think we should do?" Philip asked.

Sam looked at both of them as if asking 'Are you planning on following me blindly?'

Jack felt a little shy, but wasn't completely ashamed as he felt that admitting what he doesn't know and asking for help isn't a bad thing. But Philip isn't least bit shy and in fact his face was proud as if saying. 'Isn't it obvious?'

Suddenly, Jack felt that he shouldn't have told Philip about how good Sam was, in that wilderness test of the Falcon Cliff city.

Sam didn't know what to say when he looked at Philip's expression and resigned himself to explain.

"I don't think the test is as simple as they said. The main point isn't even following the rules but the missions. Particularly the statement, 'anything can happen' is giving me a bad feel.

The main thing is that we have to frugal about the spiritual energy. So, we can't stay openly and need a proper place to rest to have enough energy. So, the first thing is we need to find a place to stay.

And we have to wait for the food they are going to send. Even though, with our cultivation we can stay without food, we can at most stay for a week or so at our level and it will cost spiritual energy.

We will think what to do after we are done with these two things."

"Okay, then where are we going to stay?" Philip asked.

"We will decide but the resources we can gather."

Even though, he can make a camp with resources of the wilderness, Sam couldn't find any of them here. The tress here are only suppliers of the wood, but there are no vines or any other things suitable to make long ropes.

Even though, the bark is a little on the soft side, it isn't easy to do make a rope out of that.

To have a camp, he needs to see, if he can gather any more teammates.

So, three of them went back to the crowd, who are now sitting down and talking with smiles. The people from the Falcon Cliff city all sat together and when Sam and the duo following him went there.

The weird trio are sitting separately seemingly not interested in joining their conversation.

"What are your plans?" Sam asked Hawk and others.

Hawk looked at Sam and said. "I don't know. I think we can wait for the mission first and see what type of missions there will be. After that we will plan on what to do."

Even before Sam could reply, Philip said.

"We want to make a camp and have a place to stay and rest anyone wants to join us?" He is pretty straight forward. The rest of them looked at them and then exchanged glances. Kelly is the first one to agree.

"I don't mind." After some thought, Hawk said.

"Sure. But where do you want to camp?" The rest of them also agreed.

"We found a stream nearby, so we can find a place near it to make a camp." Again, Philip took it up on himself to say. So, even without his effort Sam now has six teammates.

Just as they were about to move, Sam felt some one tugging his vest. He turned around to look at Jasmine's innocent face.

"Where did you go?" She asked. From her tone, she must have been looking for him.

"Nowhere, come follow us." Sam said and now he has seven teammates.

Soon, they came near the stream. But Sam didn't let them camp too near and moved them 50 meters away from the stream.

There is a considerable area of open space surrounded by trees in this place.

Sam looked at the crowd and said.

"Since, we are on the same boat, I will tell you how I feel about this competition…" And explained his opinion just like how he did with Philip and Jack. After letting them digest the info properly and giving them a chance to contemplate, he said.

"Even though, you guys might think that it will waste your spiritual energy to make a camp and you will be having some hard time in missions. But in long term, I think it is necessary to have a place t rest properly."

After some though, everyone agreed and Sam asked.

"Okay then, I need to know your abilities to be more efficient. One by one tell me you abilities."

"I am wind and water dual elemental mage." Hawk said first.

"I am earth and fire dual elemental mage." Kelly gave a surprise to everyone. Because, nobody knew that she is a dual elemental mage at all.

Sam felt even more weird. He has been meeting this dual elemental mages and warrior mages too often, considering that they are supposed to be rare.

"I am a warrior, swordsman."

"I am also a warrior, Sabre wielder." Drew and Ray said. Sam didn't ask Philip and Jack since he already knew his abilities.

Finally, he looked at Jasmine who is silent all along.

"I am metal element mage." Sam nodded.

Metal element mages have slight disadvantage as most of their attacks are close range and many of them use weapons. They are more like warriors. The metal element is one of less versatile elements.

He thought for a moment and said.

"Kelly, Hawk. Both of you are responsible for making shelter. Since the soil is dry it will be hard to mould it, so Hawk, you will use your water element to make it gain some moisture just enough to mould it.

Kelly, use your earth element and raise walls using these seven trees as corners. Don't worry about the roof. It will take a lot of energy from both of you if you do it." Both of them nodded and went to work

Sam took the remaining people along with him. He started cutting down the tress one by one and split them along vertically. All this time he used his wind element. Since, his control is high, he used minimum energy to make maximum work

Soon, the remaining guys came while carrying the wood to keep them as room.

Finally, Sam took a large bunch of leaves and covered the gap along with them. To finish the roof of the house.

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