Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 98: Special Branch

The day before the opening of the special branch.

Sam is in his mansion sitting along with Chaya. He passed a storage ring and said.

"These energy cells will be sufficient for the supply for more than a year. Tomorrow, I will be joining the academy, I don't know when I will be able to contact you. So, I prepared them."

Chaya took the spatial ring and said.

"Do you know the news? Marquis re-invited the candidates from the two cities threatened by Zeke. But, some of them still refused to come and Zeke was able to get the slot. His lackeys though, not very lucky."

"I don't know. I was busy to care about those things." Sam has completely concentrated on his cultivation of spirit and soul and made energy cells whenever he is stressed. Yesterday, Yanwu and Sky shared the energy and his cultivation immediately rose to the Novice level 3.

His speed was just too fast. He just turned 15 few months ago. He is advancing very fast. But this time, he will be encountering a bottle neck. But this bottleneck isn't as difficult as others. They have to get an enlightenment, but Sam's cultivation is mostly breaking a barrier forcefully just like beasts.

But the higher his cultivation, the more energy he requires and the stronger the barrier is. Advancing from Novice level 3 and Novice Level 4 is stepping from initial stage Novice to Middle-stage. The barrier is strong and he needs more time to breakthrough.

Chaya left after some small talk.

Sam didn't know if people from the Falcon Cliff city are here yet.

He completely threw all thoughts and responsibilities out of his mind and went to his room. He is going to laze around for this whole day.

Even though, he has experienced all kinds of cruel circ.u.mstances in his past life and lived in a worse place one could stay, that only made him cherish his vanity for these luxuries more and more.

That is the reason, he never compromised on the place he stayed in any city. He used a very rare precious metal like silver meteorite sand and Black meteorite sand to make a hover board. Even though, it has some perks to do battle, the main reason is that he didn't want to walk these long distances in city.

Even if his task is reaching the peak and to meet Ling Tian, he will never ever sacrifice the comforts he earned. He will drown and sail in his vanity and enjoy his life to the best of his ability and his enjoyment lies in the comfort he gained with his efforts.

So, this whole day, Sam went to swim in his lake, took a sun bath in his yard, ate all kinds of street food he could get his hands on. Finally, he had a best sleep in his comfortable bed.

The next morning, Sam went to the academy zone very early. The ordinary folk aren't allowed here at all like previous times in Falcon Cliff city and Starwood city.

He saw a lot of people were there. There are ten Counts under the Marquis and a total of hundred participants were selected from all of them. The Marquis city selected 20 people, so a total 120 candidates will be participating in this special branch.

Sam came to the gate and found the people from the Falcon Cliff city. When he went there, everyone greeted him with enthusiasm, of course, the weird trio is an exception.

After some small talk, Philip asked.

"So, what did you do in this month? Did you get your hands on that guy?" Philip is Philip after all. Even getting back at Marquis' son is fun thing for him.

"Well, I planned a lot for him. Maybe, he is cursing my 18 generations as we speak." Sam said as he smiled. Until now, his plan is pretty much success.

"Oh, what did you do? Tell me the details." Philip's interest piqued. He really didn't understand why Sam came a month earlier and that too when his cultivation isn't up to par. Being nosy is his nature and now his curiosity is all time high.

"Nothing much, I just trimmed his tail which made him so proud a little bit and he is now hiding it between his legs." He replied clearly not wanting to elaborate and, in an attempt, to change the topic, he asked Hawk.

"Why are there no representatives from the Count mansion are Falcon Cliff academy?" He noticed that there are no representatives for other groups as well.

"This is the order from the Marquis. Yesterday, my father came along with us and Marquis immediately sent him back the very night itself. Not only him, every representative was sent away. They weren't even allowed to stay within the city." Hawk replied.

Sam just nodded and didn't say anything. He started looking at the rest of the candidates.

He saw, all kinds of people in the bunch. The excited guys, the nervous one, the arrogant guy, self-assumed leader. He could see all kinds of candidates. His gaze finally landed on the Marquis city group.

There are twenty-one people and the extra one is Zeke who got lucky. Even though, Sam didn't expect that Marquis will bring back the people from the two cities, he is glad that Zeke could still make it. He has something else planned for Zeke inside the academy.

The only thing that Zeke could be proud of was that his access to superior resources and his superior strength to Sam.

Sam wants to remove that feeling also. He is the going to show him that these two will only last so long and he planned to completely crush his will. By the time he was done with the guy, he will feel so depressed that even if he saw a spoon full of water, he will consider diving in it to commit suicide.

Beside Zeke, Sam saw two other people and one of them is Luther the second son of Marquis who he already met and the third person is someone who he is not familiar with.

But he could easily guess his identity as the nose which is touching the sky and eyes climbing over to his head gave him away. That arrogance and Pride can only be possessed by one person and that one person is none other than the third son of the Marquis the inheritor of blue flame.

Sam didn't linger his gaze on him and looked at another familiar face. The lady waved her hand as she saw him. He returned the gesture. She is none other than Jasmine Violet dew.

He had already made a deal and it wouldn't hurt him if he was a little bit nicer to her. And the main reason is that Sam didn't want to pollute Jasmine's pure mind with his cynic nature. In his previous life, there are many sleepless nights he spent thinking that he could be as pure as her.

Devoid all the darkness he saw in the society, he just wanted to be a pure hearted common person. But the cold harsh reality didn't give him a chance and pushed him to the point of no return.

Even though, he couldn't guarantee that she will never change and she could keep her pure heart, Sam didn't want to be the person who is responsible for that, he would do his best to ensure that she would remain same until his mission is completed.

A few minutes later, the gate of the Academy zone opened and all the 120 members entered it at the same time. Just as Sam thought, the academy zone itself is like a self-sustained city.

He saw the lanes, houses, restaurants, shops everything run by the people wearing same type of uniform.

An Elder guided all of them to a place which seemed like the outskirts of the city where there is a very huge wall. The huge wall is as tall as the city wall of the Blue flame city. It is more than 2000 meters tall.

For that wall there is a huge metal door.

Marquis and another middle-aged man were both standing in front of the door looking at the coming students. There are some more elders of the academy standing behind them.

Even though, starting the special branch is a grand event, the people who attended it are very few. There are not even any special guests and grand ceremony.

Sam observed the wall and the door as he waited for the Marquis and others to speak. And soon he did.

"Welcome everyone. Today is the day you are waiting for. The special branch is going to start. I don't want to waste your time with small talk. But before we go in, keep all your weapons, armours, articrafts, everything in your spatial ring and please be quick."

Everyone was puzzled when they heard his words and they exchanged glances.

Sam took off his feather coat and placed it inside the spatial ring. Everyone took off their armours and weapons they held in their hands and threw them inside the storage rings.

After making sure that everyone did as they were told, Marquis gestured and the huge door opened.

"Everyone, please enter."

They entered the door. Marquis or any other elder followed them. When they entered the door, what they saw shook them completely.

The whole place stunk of odour. The ground is devoid of grass. The land is covered with trees but the area isn't densely packed with them.

Sam could see hundreds of meters of the area and it is just like that. The other side is covered by the same kind of tall wall as it was near the entrance.

The spoilt nobles are clearly bothered with it.

But before they could express their dissatisfaction the door closed behind them and a loud majestic voice was heard from the horizons.

"I am the Principal of the Blue flame academy. I will be announcing the rules you have to follow. From this day onwards for other six months, you will be staying here and these rules will dictate how you are going to stay.

1. From this day onwards until the end of six months, you will not be having any access to the outside world.

2. From today onwards, you have no access to your spatial devices, if you don't believe me you can give it try.

3. You will not have any spiritual energy. You must have noticed that the spiritual energy around you is negligible. You will not be able to use your spiritual stones as well.

4. The food provide is the only way for you to obtain the spiritual energy.

5. Last and the most important rule of all, whatever your status is outside it is nothing for these six months. And anything can happen inside. The test is that you will have to survive until the end and any change of circ.u.mstances will be announced

Now, the special branch shall commence."

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