Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1830: Weird Woman

Chapter 1830: Weird Woman

Sam didn't waste any time.

As soon as he accomplished the task, he used the spatial blink to disappear from that spot.

The target turned around and looked at Sam crazily. He was stunned. He didn't expect that the guy that walked away just a few minutes ago happened to be one targeting him and that too when that guy is not even a Divine Plane cultivator.

He channeled his energy ready to deal with him, but he felt like his meridians are giving.

Spatial energy rippled through his blood and bones and every ripple is exploding crazily. As it spread, the rest of the spots in his body some even external resonated as they created these exploding spatial energy ripples.

One of his legs gave in and he had a hard time breathing as his lungs got punctured severely. Even his heartbeat was abnormal soon he felt like all the organs and systems within his body are separated and he fainted on the spot.

Sam didn't dare to let this chance go, he appeared out of thin air and slashed on his neck, chopping his head off with a strike filled with Divine energy.

One Divine Plane cultivator down.

Sam panted heavily and heaved a sigh as he confirmed that his target is definitely dead.

He absorbed the soul to get more information out of him before he left.

He used a lot of energy for this bout. He didn't want to go toe to toe with a Divine Plane cultivator again. Instead, he wanted to use the element of surprise and some tricks to finish him off before the actual fight even started and he did exactly that.

First, he disappeared from that guy as if both of them doesn't have anything to do with the other.

Next, Sam went ahead and used his archery to throw some shots. Each shot is actually pretty powerful enough to at least hurt a Divine Plane cultivator a bit.

As he was doing these shots moving with spatial elements Sam used a trick with some of his puppets. Like the ones he used before as spatial nodes temporarily, he left puppets in different spots while moving around, and soon, he hid in the shadow, completely merged with it as he shot at one of the puppets.

The puppet sent the arrow with spatial transference to a completely different direction and threw those shots at the target.

Just like that, the target believed that someone is attacking him from all directions by actually being present there.

After that is done, Sam slowly closed in the distance while he is still in the shadows, and for the final move, he released five powerful arrows and made a leap before taking that stab.

It is pretty underhanded in more than one sense. But this is a killing game, not a spectator fight like it was with the clan leader that he killed for Lucifer.

After that kill was done, Sam tried his best to recover as much as he can before he moved to the next target.

While Sam managed to kill and punch a bit higher than his current level, the other players are not exactly doing bad either.

They just went through their own targets just like Sam did even if they are stronger than them. They used their own set of tricks that they concocted to take them down.

All of this is being witnessed by not just the faction leaders all who want to kill Sam and the rest of the players, but by the gods as well.

"So, is this your big plan Hel? To throw them into such a competition? They are really being antagonized by these faction leaders. I must say, it is not that bad."

Indra said with a smile on his face.

"Well, what can we do? These fellows suddenly decided to be united. I clearly stated at the start of the hell competition that the first person to come out would get certain benefits in the competition compared to the rest.

But they didn't even seem swayed in the slightest, they just waited and all of them came together.

So, I need to look for other methods to create the tension that we would have gotten from our original plan."

"Well, I guess this is working. So, what are you going to do after this?"

"Just wait and see. But I have a perfect way to merge this into our next competition and make them active as soon as they step on the field without any pause."

"That's good to know. But before that, is the exchange system ready for the players? The things that they could exchange for the points they gained in this hell run?"

"Yes, it is ready. As long as they survive this, then we are good to go."

"Survive this? Hel, they are breezing through this. What is there to survive?" One of the gods asked in a confused tone.

"Well, there is a twist in the competition and the stakes have been pretty safe in the competition for a long while. Let's put them on the edge and see if anybody dies."

He said with a cold smile.

Meanwhile, the competition went on and soon there are only a few people left in the forest. Some of them are at the Middle stage of Divine Plane Initiation. Sam doesn't know exactly how many of them there are, but he knew that there is more than one.

Because he came across one in search of his target and two because at the moment he is facing one of them as he became that person's target.

"It is surprising to see that an unknown nobody managed to survive this long in this competition. You must have been pretty lucky or you must have been some hidden card of some other faction. Because I have never heard of you."

Sam didn't reply as he looked at the woman in front of him.

There are a bunch of vines floating around her and they seemed to have come from the back of her body from the looks of it. She is not even walking, these vines acted like some extra limbs and carried her around.

He could sense the dangerous aura being emanated from her and he didn't hesitate before using spatial blink and disappearing from there.

He appeared almost a mile away from her in the forest and kept on running in a different direction as he wanted to use some diversion before using blink again.

But at that moment, Sam sensed something.

A branch seemed to have come to life as it slapped him.

Sam barely dodged it and burned the branch with his golden flames.

The surrounding woods started burning and in the second, he saw the woman that is targeting him appear in front of his eyes.

Sam is stunned.

He used a spatial blink to come this far, but this woman managed to match his distance even though it is just a tad bit late, she still managed to come this far and caught up with him.

His vigilance raised to the peak. He didn't feel comfortable at all.

He used the blink once again and disappeared from that spot.

He reappeared in a different part of the forest.

"You cannot escape me. Just give up."

The woman appeared behind him and said in a whisper.

Sam had chills run down his spine as he looked at her coldly before leaving once again.

"I told you, you cannot escape me. Either give up right now or I will kill you."

Sam didn't even look back this time as he heard these words. He cursed under his breath and realized that he doesn't have a chance to escape.

But a lot of questions appeared in his mind.

How is this woman able to track him down so fast?

He is sure that she is not using a spatial transfer. He would have sensed it. If that is not the case, then what is?

Sam went into deep thought and he disappeared from the spot, but unlike before, he didn't immediately reappear somewhere in the woods.

Instead, he reappeared in mid-air in the sky and if one looked closely, one will notice that a black shadow is enveloping him.

Sam disappeared once again.

But this time, he didn't reappear immediately. There is a gap.

The woman who targeted Sam frowned when she saw this.

"Where did he go? I can't track him."

She muttered in confusion.

She would have known as soon as Sam appeared in the forest anywhere. But he didn't

So, she couldn't help but feel that something is wrong. She closed her eyes and started searching everywhere.

After two minutes, she sensed a fluctuation.

And at the spot that the fluctuation appeared, the trees and vines coiled together and in an instant, the woman seemed to have appeared out of thin air. The vegetation created an exact replica of her and for some reason, she seemed to be able to communicate through it.

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