Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1829: Unknown Competition

Chapter 1829: Unknown Competition

Sam immediately let out his specters and souls along with his shadow undead out to spread as far as they can so that he could figure out the locations of the other players.

After some time, he did have a faint idea of where they are.

So, he took out a few recording crystals and recorded all the information he got.

He is the only one who had the means to obtain information through a soul search, so he is the only one that could provide the info.

Except for Dayus, he sent the info to everyone else.

Even if it appears a bit petty, Sam really didn't care. He didn't like the guy so he didn't bother giving the extra info out.

When the players received the information about their current situation they were dumbfounded.

The thing right now all seven players are actually dropped in the middle of a competition that they are completely unrelated to.

It is a competition between a bunch of large factions of a very large alliance and the leaders of these factions are at the Divine Plane of Transcendent cultivation. They rule over a bunch of Divine Realms and they are holding this competition which is their tradition to divide some resources.

So basically, players just invaded this tradition and they are in a position where they could influence the benefits of some really really powerful people that they cannot have any problems with at the moment.

All the players felt sour when they heard of this.

They don't really know what is awaiting them after this task is over. Their run in hell is over, that is for sure and they are going to wait for the next stage of the competition which is going to be a pain in the ass anyway.

At this point, they just wished that there are not going to have to deal with the people that they are going to antagonize in the next few hours.

After sharing the news, Sam just dove back into the killing game. It didn't take much effort at all as he went through his peers. Even though they are noted as people with the same strength as him, in reality for Sam they might as well be at the Initial stage of Astral Plane consummation. It is easy, to say the least.

He used his skillset to the extreme as he moved from one spot to another and took one life and the next.

By now, the rest of the players are also doing the same.

They ran through the roaster like they are fighting against little kids. One death after another, they ended lives of many prodigies.

After killing the woman, Sam started absorbing the memories of every soul that he got in his hit list afterwards.

Soon, he started getting more and more info from this.

There are exactly seven factions in this alliance and every one of them is led by a Divine Plane Transcendent Cultivator. Three of them are at the Peak Stage of Divine Plane Transcendence and four are at Late stage of Transcendence.

They are very powerful.

But above them, there is another power these people report to. A sect that is led by a Divine Plane Consummate cultivator. Sam doesn't exactly know what level the exact cultivation of that person is, but it way more than anything Sam could handle at the moment.

Along with this alliance which is called the Seven Star Alliance, there are over five more alliances that have similar strength and are also under this sect.

The Sect is called the Solar Sect.

He didn't manage to gain much knowledge about the Solar sect, but one thing he definitely knows is that the Solar sect is at war at the moment and they are calling in the people from all of their subordinate powers.

Right now, even this competition is to divide up the resources and also get a slot at some sacred place where these people can go for last-minute training.

After looking through the whole information, Sam understood one thing. After this, if the players were to be left here in this forest, they would be skinned alive and that would be them getting the easiest way out.

And as he learned more and more information about this, he felt more and more concerned.

After all, the gods definitely don't need to use a venue like this to conduct a test to the players. Particularly if all they want is some straightforward kill test.

After all, he is pretty sure that Osiris' city formation is much more complicated than whatever is going on in this forest with these kill and counterkill games.

They collect the worst of the worst killers across a million realms and put them together in a realm solely created just for this killing game.

Just from the fighting pattern and the formations used, Sam could easily tell this arrangement is mediocre at best. His juniors at Desolate could do a better job.

So, he felt like there is some hidden agenda behind this and he is trying to figure that out.

Only the problem is that he doesn't have enough information or access to what is outside this place to figure that out.

Now, he is just stuck with playing this game like the gods wanted him to.

As Sam contemplated killing people, he finally got a challenging target.

"Two hundred meters away, Divine Plane Initiation Initial Stage cultivator.

A person who recently broke through to Divine Plane."

Sam muttered as he looked forward. He could actually see his target looking at him. It is a man who looked to be in early thirties and he wore a scarlet robe with red hot flames on the edge of his hands.

He seems to be a mage.

Sam looked at him and sighed, he cannot break through to Divine Plane yet. But from the task where he rescued Maya and her kids, he already has experience battling one.

And his current strength is way beyond that time. He is kind of tempted to try his hand out. The only reservation he had is that one of the main reasons he managed to win last time is because the opponent is a pure warrior with ranged attacks.

And if he used the physical attacks for long-range, a lot of its intensity is going to be lost in the attack, which would help Sam recover easily. It became a slugfest with a lot of skill demands from each other.

Sam brought back his thoughts to the current situation.

The target is looking back at him with a frown and it seemed like he realized something. Sam just turned around and started walking away. He opened his screen once again and looked around as he is trying to figure out the exact direction his new target is in turned into a black shadow before leaving in a different direction.

The young man who is his actual target of Sam didn't think much and turned around to meet his next target.

But at this exact moment...


An arrow came out of nowhere. He could sense the ice elemental energy densely condensed into the arrow tip.

He extended his hand and threw a streak of scarlet flames at it.

As soon as the arrow hit the flames, it is almost like some trigger mechanism is activated, a streak of ice elemental energy emanated from it and clashed with the flames.

It is almost like a large blizzard is concentrated into a single cylindrical column like an energy beam and hit the flames.

The blizzard and the flames canceled each other.


Another arrow came from a different direction this time.

The target blocked it again and said.

"Who the fuck is it? Come and face me directly you coward."




Three arrows came from the same direction and he used a very wide area attack to defend against them.



Sam didn't stop shooting the ice elemental arrows and soon the surrounding woods are burning down like they caught on a forest fire.

The target just wanted to eliminate everything in front of him. There are two reservations. One is that there is a trace of divine energy in the arrows, which means there is a chance the other party is a divine plane cultivator and then two, the arrows are not coming from a single direction.

One moment they are coming from ahead and the next moment, they are coming from his rear. It is almost like the target is everywhere that he wants to be.

His spread his senses for several hundred-meter radii, but he wasn't able to catch a glimpse of Sam.

He became frustrated as time passed.

As he was thinking all of this, all of a sudden, five arrows came in five different directions.

He created a large flaming arc that surrounded him and he blocked all of them. But the next moment, he felt like his whole body is paralyzed and before he knew it, he sensed some threat coming from the back, but he wasn't able to move.

And just like a sword went through his back.

Sam didn't waste his time and channeled the chaotic spatial energy along with the void style and ripple style with a bit of resonance and let the energy raise the chaos within the target's body in such a small time frame.

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