Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1261: Holy Church

Sam didn't take the beast this time, he walked out of the temple grounds and met with the elders of other organizations.

"Where is the wormhole to your superior realm?"

One of the elders took the step forward and said.

"Sire, I will take you there. My beast is big enough to accommodate you."

Sam nodded and just boarded the bird as they traveled.

"What is the superior realm of yours called? Who is in charge there?"

"It is the holy church, Sire. They worship the angels and they have a lot of realms like ours under their control. Their leader is an Astral Plane Pre-transcendent stage cultivator."

"Is it normal for people from your realm to go there?"

"There are no restrictions, Sire. But the tax on the other side of this gate is high. We need to pay a large sum if we want to visit on our own. Otherwise, the wormhole supervision wouldn't let us get out of the city."


"Yes, the wormholes connecting to all the other realms are gathered there, the Holy Church built a large city there and the security is only second to their headquarters. The security is called the Supervision team and they all guard the wormhole city with their life.

They wouldn't let anyone out."

"So, this potion Holy water is their doing?"

"Yes, Sire. The Holy Church is an organization with an emphasis on light elements. Anybody who has a light element along with any other element is welcome there. Particularly, people with light and fire elemental energies.

They also despise dark elemental energy and necromancy is something they are wholeheartedly against."

Sam just sneered in his heart as he heard that.

He then looked at Aiwa who is sleeping with exhaustion and asked.

"Is there any place suitable for her to join?"

The elder almost wanted to say his own organization's name, but he understood his place and didn't dare blurt that out.

"There is an adjacent realm to the Holy Realm sire. The leader of that realm is an organization specialized in ice elements. I think she would be a good fit there."

"Okay, thanks for the information."

For the rest of the ride, Sam stayed silent. He closed his eyes and started poking the dormant soul once again. He is still angry with the earlier incident and it was completely shown on the soul. He forcefully tore the soul apart to get the information and digested it.

This time, it is larger than the previous one and in this process, he had to suffer severe headache in backlash as he suffered the backlash from the soul.

But when the digested information was revealed, he couldn't help but feel the pain is worth it.

Because this is something regarding his location.

Sam knew that his bloodline art, no matter how powerful wouldn't have just thrown me somewhere too far. After all, he is not that strong. He is already surprised enough that he crossed several realms.

Now with the location details, he was finally relieved.

He is actually within the area of influence of the City of Desert.

He is currently in one of the lower realms that are a bit far away from the Mavin realm the city of the desert is located in. But from the looks of it, if he moved with the hierarchy of these realms, he would be able to go back to that realm, but it would take a few months for him to go.

The information didn't just stop there, it also have the hierarchal structure from the Mavin realm until it reaches Sivan's Clan.

What is more surprising is not the information itself, rather the need for Sivan to learn so much about these subordinate realms.

Sivan is just the younger generation of the Clan he is part of, but he is already in later stages of the Astral Plane transcendent stage, there is no need for him to care about the realms that are this far away.

But Sam didn't care too much about it. Whatever the reason the other party has, at least it is useful for him now.

Sam was dropped at the wormhole. Aiwa and he walked in and arrived at the Holy realm.

The first thing they saw after coming out of the wormhole and walking out of the door are two large burly men in full metal armors standing with their hands-on their swords and the luxurious cloaks behind their shiny armors.

"Entrance fee, please."

Sam didn't object and just paid the fee. One of the knights led the way out after learning that it is their first time coming here.

"May the Lord have his blessing upon you."

The knight said before leaving.

Sam shrugged and limped to the nearest city along with Aiwa. They arrived after a few hours and they took residence in an inn.

"You are awfully silent for a feisty girl. What is wrong with you?"

Sam asked as he tinkered with his peg leg.

"Nothing, I am good. I never thought I would get the chance to even get out of the Winter state, but now, I crossed the planet, then the realm, and from what you said, we will be going to another realm. This is so amazing that I am overwhelmed to even speak a few words."

"Are you sure you don't want to go back? Don't you have some family members?"

"Nah, they are all dead before I even knew them."

"That is one closed end."

"Oy, Old man."


"Thanks for helping me. I never knew a cripple could be so strong."

"Is that a compliment or an insult?"

"Either way, since you are so strong, why were you abandoned in such a backward place. From what I can see, you are way too strong and you are way too calm about these realms and stuff. I didn't even know there are other realms and the cultivation beyond Consummate stage is only legends and myths to me."

"Guess, the world is bigger than what you can fit in that fish brain of yours."

"Who are you calling fish brain?" And thus the banter started. Sam felt so light-hearted with all of this. In this place, no one knows him and he can be as he likes. This might not be his life at the moment, he has too much to do and too many things to accomplish, but he decided that if he ever has a retirement, he would choose such a relaxed life.

After some more banter, Sam took out the holy water and got ready to treat himself. Normally, this kind of medicine wouldn't be enough to heal his meridians. With the healing energy spread all over his body and the requirement because of his high cultivation wouldn't be enough at all.

But with the energy control and manipulation given by this body, things would be different for him.

He doesn't have to let the energy go to waste and he can make all the energy focused on one meridian and make it heal. If the energy is left after that, he can direct it to the next meridian.

He closed his eyes and leaned against the wall as he swallowed the potion. All the healing energy was channeled in his body and Sam controlled it before channeling it to the meridian forcefully.

He used his own spiritual energy as a carrier to take it to the meridian and locked all the energy there.

Even if it wants to spread around, it wouldn't be able to do so. All it could do is heal this one meridian using all the energy.

The process went on for half an hour and Sam could feel a slight pain all the time.

After dealing with that, he opened his eyes and heaved a sigh. The whole dose is barely enough to heal one meridian. If he wants to heal himself, he at least needs fifty doses of this potion and he is sure that an organization like the Holy Church might not even be capable of producing that many.

The ingredients for a potion like this are really rare and an organization with an Initial stage Pre-transcendent cultivator of Astral Plane is not big enough to get that many.

He is even surprised that they gave out something like this to the Ice temple.

"We will be spending some time in this realm. We need to go to the headquarters of the holy church and make a business deal.

After we are done there, I will take you to the realm where you can stay."

"Why don't you let me follow you along? I kind of like this adventure."

"You are too young and too weak to be a part of my adventure. In my hometown, people with your cultivation level would at most be soldiers now, so don't think that you are all that, just because of your talent. The world is very big."

She just made a face at him and went out.

"I will take a look around the city for a while."

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