Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1260: Visiting the Temple

Sam hopped on his one normal leg from one spot to another as he made his way to the room.

Aiwa is soaked in blood and brain matter and she was completely shocked by the situation. Her body is still reacting to the aphrodisiac though, the second elder was also surprised by this.

She took out the remaining token and aimed at the second elder as she backed herself against the wall.

The prime disciple, who just left, came back with his hand still healing and his guards and other elders from the organization came along as they heard the commotion.

When they looked at the situation, they couldn't help but frown.

"What is it? Why is an elder dead?" The Prime disciple asked in an annoyed tone.

The elder explained what happened and the prime disciple frowned as he looked at the token.

"Three of you, go and catch her from three sides. I would like to see if she would dare to use the token." He said in an arrogant and cold tone as he looked at Aiwa viciously. A loss of an elder is not that easy to explain, but if they catch this girl and put the blame on her, they would still be able to escape the blame a bit.

The prime disciple already thought it through. He would just throw the blame to the dead elder and the blame of that elder's death on this girl and everything would be alright.

Aiwa started shivering as she controlled her carnal desires amplified by this aphrodisiac. Her mind is not clear and she couldn't even the three guards coming at her to use the token on them. All she could do is instinctively wave the token around, but the guards already noticed that her senses are dull and became more confident.

Just when they were about to capture her…


The wall was broken and Sam hopped in. He looked at all the people in the room coldly and his eyes finally stopped on Aiwa who is on the floor. His expression grew colder and killing intent exploded.

Everyone froze on their tracks and even the arrogant words they wanted to spew were not coming out.

Along with the killing intent, Sam stopped hiding his cultivation and just the sheer pressure made them fall on their knees as they widened their eyes in horror.

After all, their leaders of the organization are just Astral Plane Initiation cultivators and even their superior organizations which they serve as a leader of Astral Plane Pre-transcendence.

There is no way, they would have a chance to meet an Astral Plane Transcendent cultivator, much less a cultivator of that level trying to kill them.

Sam crouched on the floor as she observed her situation and took in a cold breath.

The guards who are closest to him didn't even know what to say.

The elders who understood the situation a bit better immediately stepped forward and one of them spoke.

"Sire, we are very sorry, we didn't…"

*boom* *splash*

Before they could finish their words, they were stopped as Sam waved his hand and three small energy bullets exploded in the heads of the three guards.

Sam placed his fingers on Aiwa's forehead and tapped a bit. The spiritual energy in her body rippled a bit and her condition became less severe because all of her bodily functions were disrupted for a moment.

He doesn't have any medicine with him and he doesn't have his elemental energies, he couldn't cure her even if he wanted to do.

Sam turned to the prime disciple and said.


"I… I…" The prime disciple stuttered and Sam's energy riled up. The young master peed his pants and knelt on the floor.

The elder beside him understood that the situation is getting worse. He yanked the young master and whispered in his ear, but the answer the young master gave him shocked him.

"You don't have the antidote?" Sam's voice became cold and he became extremely angry. By now, the elders and recruiters from other organizations already arrived and when they felt Sam's aura, they didn't dare talk or let their ignorant youngsters talk.

Sam looked at one of the elders of the other organizations and asked.

"I need a beast that could fly."

The elder hurriedly took out his beast pouch and gave it to him. The beast came out and Sam slowly laid Aiwa down. He then looked at the young master and grabbed him by his neck and boarded the bird while they flew.

"Show me the direction of your organization." The young master panicked, but still showed the direction of the organization.

They landed at the entrance in a few hours, meanwhile, the elders also started behind him and chased after him. Elders from other organizations also didn't hold back.

All this while, Sam held Aiwa and kept on making the energy a bit unstable in her body, making her body impossible to function. But even after a few hours, she didn't have any change in her body's condition. She is still feeling the effects of an aphrodisiac.

Sam threw the young master like a ragdoll and entered the sect gates.

The guards who came at him, couldn't even take a few steps forwards because of his aura. The beast slowly followed Sam meekly while carrying aiwa.

The Elders and grand elders came out as soon as they sensed his aura.

"Senior? May we know why you visited our temple?"

The Temple's head asked in a humble tone, but when he saw the young lady on the bird and the young master threw away like a ragdoll beside him, he understood that things are not simple.

He could guess what happened and finally, the prime disciple's deeds came knocking on the door.


Sam asked the Temple's head.

"We… We need to check her condition first."

Sam nodded and one of the healers diagnosed her, their expressions changed a bit as they ran back and whispered something in the ears of the temple head changing his expression too.

Sam didn't even wait for the explanation and killed one of the elders who just arrived from the recruitment place.

"I don't care what reasons you have, if the antidote doesn't come in two hours, I will kill one person every two minutes. With the size of your temple and the members, I think you can last for another three hours at most. Act faster."

With that, Sam didn't even bother with them and just checked on Aiwa.

Aiwa's condition is not exactly great. After some more diagnosing, Sam understood that this is not a regular aphrodisiac. This one doesn't leave the body until she takes part in the sexual activity of taking the antidote.

The most he could do is alleviate her condition with his present resources.

The temple head sent people out to get the antidote, but he knew for sure that two hours wouldn't be enough. Some people are bound to die. While he is nervously waiting, he saw Sam focusing on the prime disciple who is still sitting on the ground with his legs huddled together.

He is shivering in fear.

Sam limped towards him and lifted him by his neck once again and started forcing all his killing intent onto him. The young master could have sworn that he smelled blood. The killing intent is so dense that it made him suffocate. He peed himself one more time.

Sam took off his spatial ring and checked for the aphrodisiac. He took all the doses and poured everything into his throat and made him forcefully swallow it.

Sam still held him by his neck and said.

Small energy rippled entered the young master's body making him yell in pain.

"If you get an erection, you will have to experience this every minute."

This made the young master shiver in fright. He couldn't control the effects of the aphrodisiac, but the pain that is coming is too much. he couldn't stop or endure either of them.

He could only look at the temple head pleadingly.

But even he cannot do anything to help.

Time passed as the young master went through the soul-searing pain every minute until the antidote arrived.

In the waiting, twenty people died one after another randomly, and there were some elders, some disciples, and some guards.

Sam didn't hold back and he did what he told he would do.

He killed all of them and when the antidote came, he gave it to Aiwa who finally recovered from her condition.

Meanwhile, the young master who was psychologically scarred from the incident lost his erection and he never felt so relieved by anything.

But what he doesn't know is that this is the last erection he could ever get and it is gone.

Even the aphrodisiac in his body couldn't make it possible for him to get that erection again.

Sam looked at the temple head and asked.

"What is the best healing medicine you have? I mean, the medicine you have been cooping up for decades not daring to use."

The temple head gulped nervously and took out a special potion and gave it to Sam. It is a light elemental energy potion, the holy water used for healing. Sam is really surprised.

He then looked at the disciples and said.

"How many of you are victims of this aphrodisiac?"

Some of them raised their hands instinctively. There are a lot of female disciples.

"Temple, a place of worship. What a great name for such a vile place." He left those words and brought Aiwa out of that.

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