Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 756 - The New Sister Ya

Chapter 756: The New Sister Ya

Faced with the young lady who spoke with conviction, Meng Chao had a belly full of words to say.

He wanted to say that relying on the heavens and earth was not as good as relying on one’s parents, and relying on one’s parents was not as good as relying on oneself. The ultimate war that was about to take place would definitely engulf the entire Other World, throwing all the living beings in the Other World into an indestructible meat grinder.

At that time, even the gods and demons of the Other World would fall like raindrops. No matter how glorious and powerful the civilization was, it would dissipate like dust in a violent wind, more so the vassal races.

In fact, even if the Dragon City civilization and the monster civilization were tied together, they might not be able to deal with the disaster that was bound to come.

It was impossible to dream of hiding in Peach Blossom Town and escaping the good things that would happen if one wanted to be comfortable.

He also wanted to say that the vassal races were not the godfather race, so why should others make them “happy” for no reason?

He wanted to tell Gu Ling bluntly that the reason why the Peach Blossom Town looked so “harmonious and beautiful” was because the people of Peach Blossom Town still had value.

The wisdom and secrets that originated from Earth had not been completely dug out by the monster mastermind. Beyond the monster civilization, there was also the Dragon City civilization, a powerful opponent. The monster mastermind wanted to deeply analyze and replicate the civilization’s secrets by using the humans’ social organization structure to construct the monster civilization. That was the only reason that they were willing to give the town’s people a little bit of goodwill and benefits in exchange for their unconditional trust and service.

Once the monster civilization completely defeated the Dragon City civilization, the dreams of Peach Blossom Town’s citizens would be shattered. At that time, they would have to open their eyes wide and clearly see the true meaning of “vassal”, which was “slave.”

In the end, he wanted to do everything in his power to explain to the seemingly innocent little girl that there was at least an unrivaled and supreme power in this universe. ‘It was this power that brought us, and perhaps even more intelligent beings… to this godforsaken place, the Other World.

‘No matter what the other party’s goal is or what mission they want to give us, we have to keep moving forward. We have to figure out the purpose of this power and surpass it so that we can control the fate of the entire civilization.

This was the true meaning of the word “intelligent” in “intelligent life!”

Meng Chao had many, many things he wanted to say.

However, looking at Gu Ling’s face, which was so natural and even slightly pitiful, for a moment, he did not know where to begin.

Right then, exclamations suddenly rang out on the street.

The side of the dining hall along the street had already collapsed into a natural gate. One could see that many of Peach Blossom Town’s citizens were riding on monsters and rushing toward the commotion.

The source of the exclamations was a strong man wearing a camouflage combat suit.

The scabs on his body, the smell of gunpowder between his eyebrows, the vigilance, and killing intent seeped out of his pores. The veins on his temples, the back of his hands, and his temperament did not fit in with the surrounding world… All of this showed his identity—he was a visitor from Dragon City like Meng Chao.

He had seemingly just woken up from his coma.

He jumped out of a building on the side of the road.

Seeing the “peaceful coexistence” between humans and monsters on the street, he felt like he was in a nightmare. He shouted in disbelief, “Are you crazy? Get out of the way! That’s a monster!”

In his haste, he did not manage to find a weapon.

He simply kicked the rusty traffic light pole that had been standing at the four forks of the road after decades of wind and rain. He waved the four to five-meter-long traffic light pole and smashed it at the monsters that came and went like a horse lance.

A “flame-patterned elephant horse” with a red mane that seemed to be burning and a body that was larger than a mammoth was slowly dragging the empty shell of a double-decker bus forward.

The horse’s leg was almost broken by his lance. It was in so much pain that it screamed at the sky and ran away.

The double-decker bus had a high center of gravity. In addition to the fact that the tires had not been properly repaired for decades, the tire pressure on both sides was different, and the height was different. There was a slight incline angle.

It was suddenly pulled by the fire-patterned elephant horse and immediately turned to the left.

The passengers on the bus, who were cheerfully going to participate in the Harvest Festival, were all thrown to the left and right, baring their teeth in pain.

The traffic order at the four forks was chaotic for a moment.

Many monsters that were dragging the empty shells of the cars stopped and growled. They showed their sharp teeth to the person from Dragon City, causing the cars behind to be blocked.

The hostility of the monsters triggered a chain reaction. Even many falcons and griffins swooped down from the sky and circled at a low altitude. Their gorgeous and sharp feathers scattered like flowers.

Seeing this, more residents of Peach Blossom Town rushed forward to stop them.

Behind them were vines and giant pythons that looked like demon tentacles. Their faces showed both disgust and pity, as if they were looking at a crazy clown.

“Why are you people of Dragon City so violent?”

Seeing this scene, Gu Ling frowned slightly and said, “Wherever you go, you bring chaos and destruction.”

Meng Chao recognized the man holding the horse lance. He was one of Long Feijun’s exploration team members.

He must have fallen into this mysterious land of peach blossoms with him.

He did not answer Gu Ling. Instead, he jumped out of the public canteen and dashed toward the four forks.

He wanted to control the warrior so that he would not be hurt by the people of the town or the monsters.

However, as soon as he arrived at the intersection, a colorful figure flashed over his head and landed behind the excited warrior.

A clean hand knife landed on the back of the warrior’s neck and knocked him out. Then, the figure locked the limp warrior in her arms.

“Tie him up. Tie him up quickly. When we get to the Harvest Festival ceremony, let him listen to the teachings of the Tree of Wisdom. I believe that he will be able to completely remove the violent factor in his blood and completely understand the principle of harmonious nature.”

The figure called out to the surrounding citizens of Peach Blossom Town and tied up the warrior with tenacious vines that were as tough as animal tendons.

She even turned around and gave Meng Chao a deep look.

Meng Chao was instantly dumbfounded.

“Sister… Sister Ya?”

He stammered, unable to believe his eyes.

This woman who commanded the people calmly and did not treat him as an outsider was none other than Lu Siya, who had mysteriously disappeared at the edge of the sinkhole. Who else could it be!

Her clothes and temperament were very different from when she had disappeared.

She was wearing a floor-length dress made of colorful feathers. It was decorated with a large number of blooming buds and flowers, and she had a flower crown on her head. Her eyebrows were smeared with natural rouge extracted from the juice of flowers and plants, and on her back was a colorful braid made of more than ten kinds of animal skin. The braid was also covered with peacock feathers and feathers that fell from the tail of a large falcon-type monster.

How should one put it? Her current appearance was between a giant macaw that stood on its hind legs, the queen of the jungle, and a jumping god.

Meng Chao, who was used to her ability, agility, and pure-color style, felt a little irritated.

What was even more strange was her temperament.

The original Lusiya was like an unsheathed bayonet. She did not hide her ambition at all. Her aggressive aggressiveness would unconsciously affect the people around her, she obediently listened to her commands. The so-called “Queen Bee”was not an undeserved title.

How should I put it? This was not a very likable temperament.

If ordinary people had a choice, they would not be willing to make friends with such a woman.

However, for Meng Chao, who also had a mission to shatter the nightmare and reverse fate, he had no choice but to clench his teeth, burn his life, and run forward recklessly. This ambitious woman was the best comrade.

However, the temperament of LÜ Siya in front of him had completely changed.

The ambition in the depths of her eyes had disappeared, replaced by a calmness that could see through everything.

The temperament that was like a sharp blade being unsheathed was softened into tolerance, understanding, sympathy, and compassion. She carried the unconscious warrior as if she was carrying a sleeping child, as if she was a caring big sister, it was as if he would press Meng Chao’s head on her thigh at any time, causing Meng Chao to cry bitterly to resolve all his worries.

Such a gentle temperament made Meng Chao’s hair stand on end.

This was not his sister!

This was definitely a F * cking monster pretending to be her!

Moreover, she seemed to have gained a little weight.

Meng Chao was a five-star heavenly realm. When he activated the extraordinary power of his spirit vision realm, he could tell at a glance that Lu Siya had gained at least half a kilogram.

Looking at her ruddy and lustrous skin, with a satisfied look on her face, it seemed that she had a pretty good life in Peach Blossom Town!

Judging from the way the people of Peach Blossom Town obeyed her every word, she was like a fish in water here. Her status was quite high!

“Meng Chao?”

Seeing his dumbstruck look, Lu Siya revealed a pleasantly surprised expression and went up to give him a warm hug.

Then, sentimental tears flowed down from her face, which was covered with colorful natural rouge.

“Great! I didn’t expect you to escape from the Devil’s Den and come to heaven!”

She said excitedly.

“Devil’s Den? Heaven?”Meng Chao couldn’t control his facial nerves and didn’t know what expression to put on.

“Of course, Dragon City, which is controlled by ambitious people, polluted by roaring machines, and constantly under war, deception, and enslavement, isn’t it an out-and-out Devil’s Den? And this peaceful and harmonious land of peach blossoms is, of course, a real heaven!”Lu Siya said joyfully.


Meng Chao stared at LÜ Siya with a wooden expression and gestured with his eyes. “Big Sister, your acting skills are so superb that I can’t tell whether you’re showing your true feelings or your acting skills are exploding!”!

“Big sister LÜ, so you two know each other. That’s Great!”

At this moment, Gu Ling caught up.

“Big sister LÜ is a model student among you outsiders.”

The little girl explained to Meng Chao, “Among all the Outsiders, she is the first one to accept the ideals of Peach Blossom Town. She is willing to completely separate herself from the evil Earth civilization, live in harmony with the Spirit Beasts, and start a new life. Moreover, she has helped us convince many outsiders and helped us greatly!”

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