Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 755 - The Best Vassal

Chapter 755: The Best Vassal

“The Tree of Wisdom can connect the brain of a human being to that of a spirit beast, allowing the human being and the spirit beast to experience the same thing? It imparts human language, logical thinking, and the ability to organize society… to the spirit beast?”

Meng Chao was suddenly enlightened, and he felt as if he had “solved the case.”

“That’s right. There are still many magical things about the Tree of Wisdom that cannot be explained in a short time. But it doesn’t matter. You’ll be able to see the Tree of Wisdom at the Harvest Festival later.”

Gu Ling continued, “Just like that, the human beings and the spirit beasts reached an agreement. The frontline soldiers and the spirit beasts who represented the ordinary people returned to the Peach Blossom Town together. Taking advantage of the torrential rain and the raging flood, they annihilated the evil-hearted experts.

“Then, with the Tree of Wisdom as their witness, the human beings destroyed most of the weapons and machinery that originated from Earth, dismantled all the factories and research centers, and vowed to draw a clear line between everything in the era of Earth. They embarked on a brand-new path of living in harmony with nature.

“The high-level spirit beasts who were already well-versed in the wisdom of human beings also solemnly promised that they would put the past behind them, and that they would very much welcome human beings to join this peaceful, beautiful, and bountiful family.

“In the decades that followed, the people of Peach Blossom Town and the high-level spirit beasts did not go back on their word. We have supported each other and worked together to build Peach Blossom Town, which was once full of ruins, smoke, machinery, and pollution, into a beautiful garden town.

“Today, there is no hunger, no pain, no deception, no oppression, and no pain of war in Peach Blossom Town.

“There will be no one crying in the cold night when they are hungry or any fat guy who dares to laugh out loud after taking things by force. People are completely equal. Even the position of mayor is taken by everyone in turn. It just so happens that it’s currently my grandfather’s turn.”

By now, Gu Ling had already finished the second fruit as she spoke.

She patted her slightly bulging belly and gave a cute burp. Then, she asked for a slightly smaller red fruit from the vine. It looked like a tomato, but it was filled with the aroma of cream strawberries.

She closed her eyes and took inhaled the aroma of the fruit deeply. She looked intoxicated.

“I heard that there is something called ‘money’ on Earth. Some people have more than others, and some people have less. Rich people can eat all kinds of good things and use money to buy the time and even lives of others. Those without money can only be slaves and sell their time and lives.”

Gu Ling shook her head and sighed. “What an evil thing. What a twisted life!

“In Peach Blossom Town, there is no such thing as ‘money’, the source of all evil. We play together, grow together, and work together. We collect, hunt, or collect the feces of spirit beasts together and turn them into the best fertilizer, which then nourishes the fruits that grow fuller and sweeter.

“These are the fruits of our own labor. Of course, they are free. No matter who is hungry, they can eat as much as they want in the roadside canteen.

“Compared with the era on Earth, the current Peach Blossom Town can only be called a true civilization, right?”

Gu Ling held the fragrant red fruit and looked at Meng Chao with a smile.

Meng Chao suddenly felt that the fruit in her hand was like an exquisite, crystal-clear, lifelike heart, but it was obviously not a real heart.

“Perhaps, your civilization does have some merits in certain aspects.”

Meng Chao took a deep breath and tried his best to speak calmly. “However, your civilization’s path of development has been completely locked. Without the technology and machinery of the Earth era, you can only rely on gathering, fishing, and even serving spirit beasts in exchange for food and clothing. Such a civilization is destined to have no future. As long as you are satisfied with your food and drinks, you will certainly degenerate into primitive people who eat raw meat and drink blood for thousands or even tens of thousands of years.

“Even if we are primitive people, we can still live well with the help of spirit beasts. We don’t need the technology and machinery of the Earth era!”

Gu Ling curled her lips and said, “Grandpa said that the people of the Earth era blindly pursued technology and manically developed more and more powerful machinery, such as computers, the Internet, mobile phones, and of course, ultimate weapons that could destroy the world.

“In the end, these technologies and machines were like an invisible chain that locked everyone tightly. Then, they absorbed time, money, and sweat from the vast majority of people and transferred them into the bodies of a few people, turning them into fat, enormous monsters.

“The technology that was said to benefit mankind only made most people live more and more painfully. Only a few powerhouses were like fish in water and became stronger than ever before.

“In the end, the vicious competition between the ‘monsters’ and ‘experts’ triggered a thermonuclear war and destroyed the entire civilization.

“With such a tragic precedent, why do we still blindly pursue so-called technology and machinery?

“If we can’t bring equality and happiness to people, why should we pay such a terrible price to pursue such technology and machinery?”

“Because of the sewing machine,” said Meng Chao.

Gu Ling was stunned for a moment. Her eyes, which could speak, were full of confusion. “What?”

“There is a sewing machine in your room. Judging from the nameplate, it is an out-and-out Earth machine.”

Meng Chao was calm as he slowly said, “You said that every year during the Harvest Festival, you have to sacrifice a large number of Earth’s industrial products. This year, you have painstakingly collected a few complete sets of Earth clothes as ‘sacrifices.’

“In terms of value, these Earth clothes can’t be compared to that sewing machine, right?

“Such a large sewing machine is placed in the room. Judging from the wear and maintenance of its parts, it should be frequently used by people. The leather coat on your body was made by that sewing machine.

“Don’t tell me that every time you use a sewing machine, you don’t notice the fact that it came from Earth.

“I’m very curious, why don’t you use a sewing machine as a sacrifice? Isn’t it more likely to show your piety than Earth’s clothing?”

“Or is that machine from Earth too useful, and you can’t bear to part with it?”

Gu Ling’s face turned red instantly.

It was redder than the fruit in her hands, which who knew whether it was a tomato, a strawberry, or a crystal heart.

“That, that sewing machine can no longer be considered a 100% Earth machine.”

Gu Ling mumbled, “More than half of its parts were hand-polished by craftsmen after we migrated here. Maybe in another two years, I can replace all of the parts. At that time, it will be an out-and-out Peach Blossom machine.”

“What’s the difference between this and stealing a bell?” Meng Chao could not help but laugh.

“Listen to me, Ms. Gu Ling.”

The smile only lasted for half a second before Meng Chao became extremely serious. He leaned over and said, “Perhaps the civilization on Earth does have many flaws. For the rapid development of civilization, they paid a huge price and left a lot of traces of darkness.

“But all of this is not a reason for us to stop moving forward or even go back.

“Just a small sewing machine can make you feel so convenient that you can’t bear to sacrifice it.

“The sewing machine is far from being a real industrial machine. In both the Earth era and the Dragon City civilization, there are countless machines and technologies that are hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of times more powerful than the sewing machine, pushing our civilization forward.

“These machines and technologies are crucial to maintaining civilization.

“You still can’t feel their importance because you haven’t really lost them yet. After all, Peach Blossom Town has the industrial infrastructure and living facilities left over from Earth’s era. The family assets that can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people are very rich. They haven’t been completely squandered yet.

“However, when the machinery, technology, and infrastructure that originated from Earth are all exhausted, and your civilization goes back tens of millions of years and turns back into primitive people who consume raw meat and blood, it will be too late to regret it.

“The simplest reason is that by relying on gathering, fishing, hunting, and handicrafts, it is already the limit to support a population of thirty to fifty thousand people. Do you want the population of Peach Blossom Town to only be this large forever?”

Gu Ling tilted her head and thought for a while. Then, she said in confusion, “Thirty to fifty thousand people? What’s wrong with that? Many people know each other. I’m friends with all my friends in the town. Isn’t that great?”

“But if that’s the case, your civilization will forever become the vassal of the spirit beasts. No, to be more precise, the people of Peach Blossom Town and the spirit beasts will become the Tree of Wisdom’s vassals together,” Meng Chao said coldly.

He raised his head and glanced at the sky that was overly dense and dazzling as the vines intersected and split into pieces before continuing, “It’s impossible for a mere thirty to fifty thousand people to fight the spirit beasts, and it’s even more impossible for them to fight existences that are even more terrifying than the spirit beasts. Your only fate is to be a vassal race and be trampled on by others.”

“What? Why do outsiders like you always have such extreme and violent thoughts? It seems that as long as humans are unable to conquer all the spirit beasts, they will become the beasts’ vassals.”

Gu Ling pouted and said somewhat discontentedly, “Why can’t you all understand that humans and spirit beasts can become friends and help each other!

“Even if they are really vassals, what’s wrong with that? As long as they can eat and wear well, be happy, and be carefree, what’s wrong with being a vassal race for spirit beasts or the Tree of Wisdom?

“I know that you visitors from Dragon City still maintain the pride of the people of Earth. After all, our ancestors on Earth were the so-called ‘spirits of all things,’ with a population of nearly ten billion!

“But this is no longer Earth. There are only thirty to fifty thousand survivors in Peach Blossom Town. Even the survivors of Dragon City only number in the tens of millions, right? Moreover, the animals here are different from those on Earth. They are all nourished by spirit energy and are very smart as well as powerful. They cannot be conquered by mere machines and technology. Even if they are conquered by force, people will have to pay a terrible price. If they are not careful, they will perish together!

“Since I cannot survive on my own, isn’t it the best choice for me to become a happy, vassal race that depends on a stronger existence?”

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