Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 703 - Invincible

Chapter 703: Invincible

“It’s so beautiful.”

Meng Chao couldn’t help but want to reach out and touch these shining and unpredictable stars. He asked, “Where is Earth, our hometown?”

“I don’t know.”

Wu Haibo pointed at the vague and incomplete edges of the star map, “We have only unlocked 10% of the secrets of this star map. Whether it’s Earth or the solar system, they are still hidden in the fog. We need to invest more resources, wisdom, and time to find them.”

Meng Chao nodded. “Then, what about the other world?”

“The coordinates of the other world have been found. Here.”Wu Haibo pointed slightly.

Wisps of spiritual threads spread out from his fingertips and entered the left side of the star map, causing the area to rapidly enlarge and flicker.

Meng Chao saw that the planet that the earthlings called the “Other World”was located at the southwest border of the entire star map.

However, countless rays of light spread out from the alien world, connecting the thousands of stars that went straight to the center of the Sea of stars and forming a brilliant galaxy together.

At the end of the galaxy, the volume and brightness of the hundreds of light balls were more than a hundred times that of the small light spots that represented the alien world.

It was like a burning path that led straight to the center of the Sea of stars.

Meng Chao was so engrossed in the sight that a piercing pain suddenly came from the depths of his brain.

It was as if the floodgates of the Torrent of information had opened again when he had just been reborn, and countless fragmented images appeared before his eyes.

No, this was not a memory from his previous life.

It was something that was ten thousand times more bizarre and grand than the memory from his previous life.

Meng Chao seemed to see billions of three-dimensional runes suspended in the void, their octagonal corners drooping and shining, constantly surging and colliding.

Each rune could be infinitely enlarged, and in the depths of the crisscrossed ravines contained endless information. It was like a library and museum that recorded the entire process of a civilization’s rise, fall, and annihilation.

They pounced on him like shooting stars and turned into streaks of lightning, trying to drill into Meng Chao’s brain and transmit all the information stored in his body to his brain.

Unfortunately, Meng Chao had just stepped into the heavenly realm, and he was still a carbon-based intelligent life with a limited brain capacity. Even though billions of brain cells had expanded to the limit under the stimulation of psionic power, they still could not accommodate one-millionth of their light.

In a trance, what he saw was still a flash of debris.

The bodies were crystal clear, with runes growing on the surface and spiritual veins growing in their bodies. Ancient life forms rode star storms and galloped freely in the Sea of stars.

They were as huge as mountains and as deformed as demons. All kinds of strange-looking carbon-based intelligent life forms worshiped the altars that were as tall as pyramids.

There were also bugs. Countless bugs that were more than ten thousand meters long and as big as Kun Peng soared into the sky. They formed a tide that was even bigger than the Beast Tide. They pounced on the stars and arrived at the outer orbit of the stars, then, they shot out sticky material that looked like spider silk from the back of their bodies. They stuck all their kind together and turned into black crystal-like bug cocoons. Billions of bug cocoons wrapped up the entire star, they completely monopolized the light and heat of this star..

Meng Chao Shivered.

He took half a step back, as if he had just woken up from a dream.

“You saw it?”Wu Haibo held him and asked in a certain tone.

“What… What is that?”Meng Chao asked in disbelief.

“That’s the ‘Ancient Summoning’. It’s just the safer, controllable, and beneficial kind to the people on Earth.”

Wu Haibo explained, “You can think of it as the same as the metal drawing board of the crystal corpse. The ‘will’in another form is the information that the person who drew this star map wants to tell the Inheritors who will reopen the star map after thousands of years.

“Many researchers will have hallucinations after they come into contact with the star map or other ancient objects, and they will also hear the ravings of the ancient times. Some of the hallucinations and ravings will cause people to go crazy, and their mind will collapse and even turn into deformed and ugly monsters. However, more hallucinations and ravings will be of great benefit to human beings in analyzing the ancient technology and breaking through the limits of life. In fact, the summoning of the ancient times is the main reason why we were able to build the three technological systems of spiritual energy training, rune machines, and biochemical modulation in just half a century.

“Of course, not everyone can hear the call of the primordial. But generally speaking, the higher the realm, the stronger the combat ability, and the more experienced the person is, the higher the probability of receiving the call of the primordial, and the more details they can hear and see.

“In the future, there may be more illusions and auditory hallucinations in your brain. This is a normal phenomenon. It may even stimulate your brain and life magnetic field to become stronger and stronger. This can be considered a gift from all the researchers of Project 101 to you. Thank you for saving everyone’s lives at the King’s Landing Hotel!”

Meng Chao noticed that in just a few minutes, the originally magnificent star map had dimmed.

And the crystals and crystal nerve spheres that were suspended in the center of the star map as energy sources had shrunk by a large circle.

From the size of a fist, they had become the size of a finger.

Meng Chao roughly estimated the funds that had been burned in just a few minutes, and how many arms these funds could purchase.

He could not help but secretly click his tongue. This “Gift”was really too valuable. It was practically equivalent to a fully armed armored airship!

“Today was really an eye-opener. Thank you all so much.”

Meng Chao said sincerely.

“There’s no need. We’ve also made a small calculation.”

Wu Haibo grinned. “As long as you feel that Project 101 is really promising and are willing to continue investing, it’s no problem even if you want to soak in the star map every day.”

“Of course, Project 101 is promising.”

With a solemn face, Meng Chao said resolutely, “Don’t worry, team leader Wu. Whether or not I can personally benefit from Project 101, I will mobilize all the contacts around me and do my best to provide you with funds, resources, and everything you need.

“Please, you must also persevere. No matter how difficult the external conditions are, no matter how difficult the challenges Dragon City encounters, the importance of Project 101 can not be shaken. Because, you are very likely to become our only hope of winning or even surviving!”

Meng Chao’s attitude infected Wu Haibo.

He gradually became serious.

After repeatedly observing and confirming that Meng Chao was serious, Wu Haibo sighed, shook his head, and said with a wry smile, “Meng Chao, you and the big shots who control the super enterprises are really too different.”

Meng Chao said, “What do you mean?”

“The big shots are not willing to invest in Project 101.”

Wu Haibo said, “They feel that the star map is indeed magnificent, mysterious, and rich. Perhaps it contains treasures beyond our imagination, but it is too far away from Earth’s technology and Dragon City’s civilization.

“For the people of Dragon City today, the star map is like a human spaceflight being taught to the captains of the era of navigation. Although it is hundreds of years ahead of the era, it is a ‘dragon-slaying technique’and is completely useless.

“After all, the star map and the device that activates the star map are merely some kind of navigation system.

“If we want Dragon City to transmigrate again, we still need to repair and activate the ‘Transmigration Engine’.

“Even if we have found a few devices that are suspected to be transmigration engines, the cost of subsequent research and development will still be astronomical.

“As you can see, activating the star map once will consume so many crystals and crystal nerve spheres.

“For those big shots, instead of investing so many crystals and crystallized nerve spheres into the bottomless pit of Project 101, it’s better to spend them on themselves and their descendants to help their own people improve their realms and combat ability, so that their families and enterprises will become stronger and stronger.

“There’s no other way. The former is illusory and may not be developed successfully. Even if it succeeds, it may take hundreds of years to see the results, and the benefits may not necessarily be from the big shots and the Super Enterprises. The latter, however, will have an immediate effect. The benefits are all on themselves. Everyone has their own selfish motives. Their choice is also understandable.”

Meng Chao nodded thoughtfully.

This was the reason why he didn’t want to repeat his previous life, where the super corporations controlled Dragon City.

His memories from his previous life told him that the super corporations and aristocratic families of cultivation all started from their own interests, and it was impossible for them to contribute all their strength for the entire civilization and the future hundreds of years later.

“What about the military?”

Meng Chao thought of the armored soldiers stationed outside the Archean ruins. “The Red Dragon Army must attach great importance to Project 101, right?”

He remembered that during the Earth era, such a project involving space exploration would naturally receive great support from the military. It was even managed and led by the military.

“Of course the Red Dragon Army attaches importance to it, but their main problem is that they don’t have the money. Even if they do, they seem to be expanding their army, helping a group of young and strong officers increase their combat strength, preparing to charge out of the monster mountains and so on. In Project 101, they value the progress of a few more practical sub-projects. For the time being, they are not qualified to have much interest in the vast and boundless stars.”

Wu Haibo smiled bitterly and said, “It’s the same example. For a warship captain in the era of navigation, the need to develop powerful rapid-fire cannons and high-performance incendiary bombs is far greater than the need to develop manned space technology.”

“This is too…”

Meng Chao swallowed the word “Shortsighted”back into his stomach.

After all, not everyone could learn lessons from the future like him.

In his previous life, Dragon City’s Project 101 was completely stalled because all transmigration experts were killed by the monster civilization. They did not invest any resources in the development of controllable transmigration technology, instead, they used them to develop “High-powered rapid-fire cannons and high-performance incendiary bombs.”.

So what? They still lost miserably and died without a burial place?

Although Meng Chao had returned from the Apocalypse and his luck in the past few years was indeed good, he did not dare to guarantee that he would be as lucky as he was today when he faced the gods and Devils from another world one day.

Strategically, he looked down on the enemy, tactically, he valued the enemy.

If he did not win, he would lose first!

If he tried his best, he would still be unable to prevent the arrival of destruction.

As long as he developed the controllable crossing technology, he could take the entire dragon city with him and cross over to a new world a second before the end of the world. He would be invincible!

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