Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 702 - Star Map

Chapter 702: Star Map

“It disappeared?”

Meng Chao was stunned for a long time before he said, “It was blown to pieces?”

“Not exactly.”

Wu Haibo shook his head slowly, “Although the explosion was very violent, it was not so violent that it could vaporize all 109 items. In fact, we found the remains of three researchers hundreds of meters away from the origin of the explosion. Although they were all carbonized, only fingernail-sized fragments were left. At the very least, it meant that even human flesh and blood could not be completely destroyed by the explosion.

“With the strength of the crystal skeleton and the metal panel, even if they were completely melted, they should at least be left with scrap metal.

“However, the rescuers could not find these two items. There were also a lot of research facilities and information, including the remains of the other four researchers. Not even a fingernail or a single hair was found.

“It was as if, after the explosion, the crystal skeleton, the metal panel, and perhaps a few other researchers had all teleported to a new space-time.”

Meng Chao was deep in thought.

According to the law of Conservation of mass and energy, nothing would appear or disappear out of thin air.

If his rebirth was from the end of the world to the eve of the college entrance exam, he would have transmitted something, whether it was memory, energy, or information.

Then, he would have to transmit something from the time before the college entrance exam to the end of the world in order to reach a balance.

Was this the reason for the explosion?

“Did project 109 leave anything behind? The remains, photos, data, and copies,”Meng Chao continued to ask.

“Yes, but there weren’t many. Moreover, they were all sealed.”

Wu Haibo said, “The more mysterious an Archean relic is, the more irreproducible and unique it is. For example, the three-dimensional rune engraved on the metal panel. No matter how we photograph and copy it, even if we reforge it, we still can’t replicate 100% of the information it contains. Perhaps we can’t even replicate 10% of it.

“Besides, the research projects of the Archean ruins are highly independent and confidential. Under normal circumstances, the outside world rarely gets copies and replicas.”


Meng Chao asked, “Isn’t it safer to make more copies and send them to the universities for research?”

“You’re wrong. It’s not safer. It’s more dangerous.”

Wu Haibo said, “You must always be in awe of the Archean relics. It’s not something that can be studied thoroughly by ‘Working Together’. It’s just like how even ten thousand ants can’t defeat an anteater.

“The Archean relics will corrode the flesh and mind of human beings unknowingly, making people listen to the call of the Archean in a trance. They will step into the abyss involuntarily, or they will be possessed by the Devil and transform into weird-looking monsters.

“Therefore, when we conduct research, we adhere to the principle of watertight cabins.

“Do you know watertight cabins? The large ships of the Earth era would divide the cabins into separate and sealed small compartments. That way, even if a certain part of the hull was damaged and seawater poured into the cabin, only one or a few cabins would be affected, and the entire ship would not be destroyed.

“When we study the Archean ruins, we try our best to separate the projects that are more dangerous. If it’s not necessary, we won’t cross-examine any technical details. This way, even if the researchers of a certain project are ‘infected’and ‘summoned’, at most, we’ll sacrifice one project, but it won’t affect the entire research institute of the Archean ruins.

“After the explosion of Project 109, the research on the crystal corpses and the metal panels was completely finished. However, fortunately, the other projects weren’t affected. We can still continue to explore the mysteries of the Archean.

“You don’t have to be too discouraged. Perhaps one day, we will be able to excavate more crystal corpses and solve the mystery of Earth’s transmigration?”

Meng Chao nodded and said firmly, “Definitely. This crystal-clear archaic lifeform can not be the sole seedling of the entire archaic civilization. It must have more of its kind buried deep within the archaic ruins.

“Also, you said that it left these messages and pictures in a hurry before it died. This means that it only ‘foresaw’our transmigration, but it is not the reason for our transmigration.

“I think that as long as we find the mysterious force that caused our transmigration, we will be able to solve the mystery of transmigration. We will also be able to figure out the unfinished circle of the crystal corpse, especially the giant circle that looks like a star. What exactly does it mean?”

“That’s right.”

Wu Haibo laughed, “Since even the crystal skeleton from hundreds of thousands of years ago can accurately depict the appearance of earth in the middle and late period of the twenty-first century, perhaps we earthlings are really destined to be the chosen ones. We are destined to conquer the other worlds and even the vast sea of stars. Don’t be impatient. One day, we will solve all the mysteries.

“As for now, come and take a look at the latest progress and research results of our Project 101!”

As they spoke, Wu Haibo had already brought Meng Chao to the front of a huge silver inflatable tent.

There was also a team of soldiers in power armor, armed to the teeth, stationed here.

Seeing that Dragon City was still alive and the youngest blood badge holder had arrived, all of them held their heads high and puffed out their chests. With a “PA”, they stood at attention, knocking their armor with a “Clang Clang”sound, and saluted Meng Chao.

Meng Chao hurriedly returned the salute.

He felt that these soldiers who were stationed in the Archean ruins and did not have any outstanding merits, but could face the white blade of an Archean monster at any time, were more worthy of a medal than he was.

Project 101 was inextricably linked to the blue homeland, and a large part of the funding had to be raised through the blue homeland.

It also provided technical support for the highest concept of the blue homeland, “Return to Earth”, which was at least a glimmer of hope.

They also needed to rely on the “Homeland”members of Parliament to obtain more research and development funds from the Survival Committee.

Meng Chao was the director of blue homeland. During the attack on the king’s Landing Hotel, he also saved a large number of Project 101 researchers, including the leading transit technology authority in dragon city, “Dr. Lu Tianxing.”.

Naturally, the journey was smooth and unimpeded, and he was warmly welcomed by the transit experts.

The space inside the inflatable tent was also huge, like a closed basketball stadium.

Hundreds of researchers were busying themselves nervously.

Half of the space was piled with all kinds of engraved runes. The ancient and complicated machines, driven by the crystals embedded in the machines, emitted sometimes magnificent and sometimes dark lights.

The other half of the space was still in its original state. It had been excavated to the point that it looked like a large archaeological site.

In the center of the ‘Archaeological Site’was a device that was similar to the armillary sphere, but much more precise and bulkier than the armillary sphere.

It was made of dozens of arcs that were crisscrossed and weaved together. At first glance, it looked like a giant hollow metal egg.

Upon closer inspection, one would discover that hundreds of glittering crystals and the crystal nerve spheres of monsters were still floating inside the metal egg.

As the dozens of orbits slowly rotated, the spiritual energy inside the crystals and the crystal nerve spheres was released and turned into thousands of threads of spiritual energy, entangling all the orbits. The dim metal orbits gradually became crystal clear.

Meng Chao did not know anything about ancient relics.

But he could tell at a glance how precious the crystals and the crystal nerve spheres floating inside the metal spheres were.

They were both priceless items that could not even be bought with money.

As the spiritual energy was released, both the crystals and the crystal nerve spheres gradually shrank in size, as if they were ice cubes thrown into warm water.

It seemed that the amount of cultivation resources consumed every minute and second to maintain the normal operation of the device was astronomical.

“Come on, I’ll let you enjoy the most incredible beauty in the Archean ruins.”

With Dr. Lu Tianxing’s consent, Wu Haibo brought Meng Chao directly below the giant metal egg.

He gestured to the researchers outside the slowly rotating giant metal egg.

A few of the researchers blinked quickly, their eyes shining with spiritual light. Spiritual stripes climbed up their temples and glabella along their eye sockets, and then released from their temples and glabella, drilling into the orbit of the metal egg.

Accompanied by a solemn, organ-like, deep, whale-like song, the crystals and crystallized nerve spheres inside the metal egg lit up above Meng Chao’s head.

They were like dazzling fireworks that released all their spiritual energy in an instant.

Spiritual energy flowed into dozens of metal tracks like trickling streams and surging rivers, making them more and more transparent and glittering.

When all the metal tracks became crystal clear, they suddenly changed from cold, dead objects to pure energy bodies that had life and even surpassed it.

They were like a colorful, burning flower bud that was formed by more than ten thousand colors.

Countless firefly-like light spots and tentacle-like spirit threads exploded from the depths of the flower bud like fairies scattering flowers, making everything around them pale in comparison.

It was a beautiful Sea of stars.

It was as if the most dazzling light and heat of the entire universe were displayed in front of Meng Chao’s eyes.

Countless stars, galaxies, and nebulae were like glittering plankton and their aggregation, as well as predators that devoured plankton. They swam around Meng Chao.

They exploded and expanded. They attracted and devoured each other, then collided and tore each other apart. They unscrupulously released exuberant vitality, just like a myriad of strange fungi and plants that sped up by ten thousand times, they nurtured, grew, bloomed, withered, and decayed.

“What is this?”

Meng Chao asked in an infatuated manner.

“Star map.”

Wu Haibo answered.

“I never knew that there were so many, so magnificent star clusters in our universe,”Meng Chao said.

“Indeed, there aren’t. This isn’t our universe, at least not the universe that we observed on Earth.”

Wu Haibo said, “From Earth’s perspective, the universe is actually a vast, suffocating darkness. The so-called bright stars are just insignificant specks of light in the dark mud.

“But the universe observed by the archaic civilization is clearly not like this.

“The universe they saw is much more interesting than the universe we saw. Perhaps, this is the original appearance of the universe.”

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