Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1034 - In Jail

Chapter 1034: In Jail

Whether it was out of pride as a Turan warrior or to dispel Casanova’s doubts, Ice Storm could not refuse Brute Hammer’s provocation.

When it came to drinking, regardless of whether it was on Earth or in the Other World, the rules were the same.

Once you accepted a toast from one person at a banquet, it was equivalent to accepting a toast from everyone at the banquet. No matter who raised a toast to you again, it was impossible to refuse.

When you cultivated to the level of Brute Hammer and Ice Storm, your body was filled with totem power. The efficiency of your stomach wriggling was tens or even hundreds of times that of an ordinary orc. There was no problem of not being able to eat or drink.

Moreover, Brute Hammer did not aim at Ice Storm. Instead, he raised his glass to the four aces of the Blood Skull Battle Group and the five experts at the same time. They were all unrestrained. They even held a large wine barrel that was as tall as a person. “Tons and tons.” Like a brute elephant drawing water, he instantly finished a whole barrel of strong liquor. Steam shot out from his 36,000 pores, making the banquet as lively as a bathhouse.

The atmosphere was so heated that if Ice Storm did not drink three to five barrels, seven to eight barrels of strong liquor would seem too out of place.

After three rounds of drinking, Brute Hammer was the first to jump out and invite ice storm to join in the fun with a battle dance.

The battle dance was a unique tradition of Picturesque Orchid Lake.

It was a powerful battle technique that was used in battle. It was performed in a dance-like form and was extremely exaggerated.

It was usually used in sacrifices and banquets to please the ancestral spirits, to pay respect to distinguished guests who came from afar, or to bury the hatchet between two Turan warriors who had previously had conflicts, and to convey goodwill.

Brute Hammer and Ice Storm had fought many times in the arena, and there were also many frictions under the arena.

Now, the Blood Skull Battle Group had to work together and set off for the center of Picturesque Orchid Lake and even the land of Holy Light.

Before the expedition, Brute Hammer invited ice storm to use the battle dance method to resolve the previous conflicts.

This was very in line with the Turan tradition, and could not be rejected by ice storm.

In fact, ice storm was a very outstanding battle dancer.

Using battle dances to determine victory and defeat, and fighting with one’s life in the arena were two completely different concepts.

The moves of the latter were particular about turning complexity into simplicity, simple and crude. It was best to strike out a fist silently, and it would erupt with destructive power that could destroy everything in its path.

The former, on the other hand, required that the dazzling, thrilling, and exciting moves be reduced to the lowest level of destructive power. It seemed to be aimed at the vital points of the opponent in a perilous situation, so that the bystanders and even the opponent themselves would think that it was without a doubt, but in reality.., they could not touch even half of the opponent’s hair.

In an exciting and dangerous battle dance, anyone who accidentally left a wound as thick as a strand of hair on the opponent’s body would be ridiculed by the bystanders. They would think that his move was too clumsy, he could not control his own strength at all.

If it was in a more serious sacrificial ceremony, such a clumsy battle dance would be considered to anger the ancestral spirit.

Naturally, Ice Storm, an agility-type warrior who walked the “quick-witted” path, was more capable of controlling every inch of her flesh and blood. She could perform a more elegant and gorgeous battle dance than Brute Hammer, a strength-type warrior who had the bloodline of a barbarian elephant and walked the “thick and black” path. She was even more capable of controlling every inch of her flesh and blood and performing a more elegant and gorgeous battle dance.

Therefore, it was even more impossible for her to reject Brute Hammer’s invitation.

Otherwise, it would be the same as saying to Brute Hammer in front of all the experts of the Blood Skull battle group, “Your battle dance is really too clumsy. You are not worthy to perform the most elegant dance with me to the sacred ancestral spirits.”

After suffering such humiliation, Brute Hammer could only turn against her and fight to the death. No one would stand on her side. She could forget about participating in the final master oath assembly and the actual combat drill and escaping Black-corner City.

Ice Storm could only brace herself and complete the battle dance.

Her dancing was out of control.

She was like an agile cheetah, a gorgeous butterfly, and more like a sharp bolt of lightning. On the stage made of dozens of empty wine barrels, she threw out dozens of illusory and real phantoms, she easily defeated Brute Hammer.

Not only did she win the applause and cheers of over a hundred experts, including Casanova, but she also won the respect of Brute Hammer.

It was naturally a good thing that she could resolve the conflict with Brute Hammer.

At least, during the actual combat practice, Brute Hammer would not stare at ice storm and find trouble with her.

However, in this way, when another expert invited ice storm to offer a battle dance to all the ancestral spirits sacrificed in the Blood Skull Arena, she could only grit her teeth and agree.

Just like that, Ice Storm danced a round of battle dance, drank a round of fine wine, and then, with the strength of the boiling wine, danced the next round of even more gorgeous and fierce battle dance.

The fine wine today seemed to be particularly mellow.

It was unknown what kind of precious secret medicine had been added to it, causing Ice Storm’s every blood vessel and brain to feel as if they were melting and burning in hot magma.

But she did not feel pain.

Instead, she felt an indescribable pleasure.

It was as if she had completely melted her old self into a new world that was even more wonderful and vast.

In this new world that was spinning around her, she could throw away everything from the past.

Whether it was the inhuman torture she had endured as a child…

Or her mother’s worrisome teachings…

Or his deep-rooted hatred for the man named “Father.”

Or those days where he hid like a mouse, leaving an indelible mark on his soul.

And after coming to the Blood Skull Arena, he was on the edge of his seat every day. He carefully decorated himself, wrapped himself in a thick mask, and sealed and protected his truest self with the ice layer called Frost Queen, he had never dared to reveal a single bit of his secret to anyone.

All for the sake of being able to live a few ordinary days like a normal Turan.

He was still waking up from his nightmares in the middle of the night with cold sweat dripping down his face. He searched his entire body to make sure that his disguise had not dropped a single bit, but he still could not fall asleep again. He could only stare with his scarlet eyes, she waited for the dawn to arrive.

Ice Storm, who had been tormented by this feeling for two years, had long been suppressed to its limit.

She felt extremely refreshed when she thought about how she would be able to leave Black-corner City and go to Red-gold City to end her fate in two or three days.

She felt extremely refreshed.

Unknowingly, she had mixed the pain of the past two… no, 30 years with alcohol and vented it out through war dance.

If one were to say that in the beginning, it was just Brute Hammer and the other ace gladiators and battle group powerhouses who took turns to issue invitations and challenges to her.

In the end, she gradually let go of herself and fell into a frenzy. Ice Storm, who was controlled by the Enkephalin and dopamine stimulated by the secret medicine, became the one who took the initiative to attack and provoke.

It was just like in the arena.

She became the focus of everyone’s attention and the star who was in the limelight. She felt that under her rapidly spinning toes, the empty wine barrel was filled with high explosives that the dwarves had meticulously refined.

The explosions caused her to fly higher and higher into the clouds.

Then, she fell from the clouds into the abyss.

She fell into the darkest and coldest corner of the abyss.

Ice Storm was startled awake by the ear-piercing sound of metal colliding and scraping.

The sound was like a rusty iron nail, fiercely piercing into her brain.

It instantly pulled her out of the chaos and restored her cheetah-like vigilance.

She immediately smelled danger.

This was not a banquet.

Nor was it her residence or any other place in the Blood Skull Arena that she was familiar with.

It was an ice-cold dungeon.

Although the walls and the ground were relatively clean, there was an oil lamp lit on the wall every two or three arms’ length, emitting a dim light and slightly dispelling the darkness in the depths of the underground.

The four big pipes at the top of the four corners also sprayed fresh air into the place, making it not as dirty and rotten as the usual dungeons.

However, the blood that had long turned black after seeping into the gaps between the black stone slabs still made Ice Storm squint.

Then, she discovered that a black metal ring had been put on her neck, her wrists, and her two ankles.

The inside of the metal ring was covered with dense spikes. If she moved her hands and feet a little more intensely, the spikes would pierce through her flesh.

On the outside of the metal ring, there were ancient runes engraved—they were not cuneiform characters of the Turan ancestors. Instead, they came from the land of Holy Light. They were curved and curved, and there were curving characters everywhere. They were like earthworm-like characters that had been dried in the sun.

The unusually familiar runes caused Ice Storm’s pupils to contract abruptly.

She had roughly guessed what the hell this thing was.

Gritting her teeth, she used her right hand to pull the metal ring on her left wrist.

Since she could not exert force on both sides at the same time, the sharp thorns on the inner side of the metal ring pierced deeply into her flesh, almost touching her bones.

However, the metal ring was harder than steel, and it did not have the slightest deformation.

It was impossible to destroy this metal ring with the power of flesh and blood alone.

She growled and activated her totem power.

However, as the gorgeous tattoos on her body shone, the metal ring instantly turned from black to orange-red. From the sharp thorns that pierced into Ice Storm’s flesh and blood, a few wisps of flames that were sharper than lightning shot out and pierced into her bone marrow.

Ice storm screamed in pain, and her totem power vanished into thin air. She could not even summon half of her totem armor.

She endured the pain and raised her left arm while trembling. A ring-shaped scorch mark was left on her left wrist. It was like a black, invisible shackle that imprisoned the half of her soul that originated from Picturesque Orchid Lake.

As expected, this was some kind of device that sealed totem power.

It should be the masterpiece of those mages and Dwarves from the land of Holy Light.

Although judging from the rough texture and the omission of runes, the quality of this device was not too high.

However, it was enough to temporarily restrict Ice Storm’s ability.

At this moment, Ice Storm heard a heavy panting sound behind him.

When he turned around, he saw a totem beast that was over three arms long and had fangs as sharp as blades emerging from the darkness, staring straight at him.

This beast was like a combination of a wolf and a bear.

However, its head, shoulders, and waist were covered with a layer of thick bone plates that gave off a metallic luster.

It was as if it was wearing layers of armor.

“Tusk Growler!”

A name that could make even the most experienced hunter break out in cold sweat appeared in Ice Storm’s mind.

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