Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1033 - Ice Storm’s Crisis

Chapter 1033: Ice Storm’s Crisis

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Casanova had a vague premonition.

The wild boars from Red Creek did not kill Big Buck.

It was the work of the Night Demon.

Although the collapsed tunnel and Big Buck’s body was burned beyond recognition.

However, the scene of the killing, like the Night Demon attacks other clan warriors, was filled with a chilling smell.

Of course, this speculation could not solve a problem.

If the night demon really did it, his purpose was to humiliate the Blood Hoof Clan, and then to strike the morale of the entire Blood Hoof Clan.

Why did he hide Big Buck’s body so secretly, and store so much fuel in the place where the body was hidden. Once it was exposed to the air, it would immediately burn everything?

Didn’t this completely go against his goal of destroying the morale of the entire Blood Hoof Clan?

Casanova felt that if Big Buck was really a victim of the Night Demon…

Then, the Night Demon’s goal of killing him must be different from the goal of attacking the warriors of other clans.

Perhaps, Big Buck was the person that the night demon really wanted to kill.

Following this clue, it was very likely to find out the true identity of the Night Demon.

Casanova originally wanted to discuss this matter with Black Tooth.

However, Black Tooth gave him an even more important task.

That was to use the Blood Skull Arena’s connections to spread the news that “Night Demon is a lion man from Red-gold City. The Gold Clan is exceptionally weak in this glorious era and is very afraid of the Blood Hoof Clan.” This news spread to every corner of Black-corner City.

The Blood Skull Arena could accommodate tens of thousands of spectators every day.

The fierce battles between gladiators were games that even the warriors of the clans who were not present were willing to bet on.

Therefore, the Blood Skull Arena maintained a very good relationship with all the taverns and casinos in Black-corner City.

The gamblers were allowed to place bets by the tables and the fast-running mice servants were allowed to pass the bets and messages back and forth.

Through this complicated network of connections, it was naturally the best way to spread the truth about the emissary of the Rat God.

This was the reason why Black Tooth, the high priest, summoned Casanova in his busy schedule.

This was the first time Casanova had carried out an order personally given by Black Tooth.

Naturally, he wanted to focus on nothing else and do his best.

If he thought about it carefully, if the emissary of the Rat God was really a lion man from Red-gold City.

There should not be any relationship between Big Buck and him.

Most likely, he had thought wrongly.

It was better not to use such a trivial matter to add trouble to Lord Black Tooth and increase the difficulty of his mission, right?

Big Buck was a b*stard. He did not like the female Minotaur warrior, female elephant warrior, female hippo warrior, and female wild boar warrior, but he liked the weak cat girl and rabbit girl. It was a disgrace to the Blood Hoof warriors.

In the end, not only did he lose his life, but he also made the Blood Skull Arena and Casanova become the laughingstock of the circle.

If this guy hadn’t been killed by others in advance, even Casanova would have wanted to kill him and clean up the mess!

Thinking of this, Casanova quickly threw all the doubts about “Big Buck’s death” to the back of his mind.

Time was of the essence. Apart from completing Lord Black Tooth’s mission, he still had many things to do.

For example, solving Ice Storm’s crisis.

Before the Blood Skull Battle Group set out, he had to completely tame this restless female leopard.

In the past, Casanova had always tolerated or even indulged Ice Storm in its own ways.

It was not because he had given up on the idea of conquering the snow leopard female warrior.

On the contrary, as he heard a lot of interesting news from afar, he was more and more confident in conquering the powerful but unruly Frost Queen.

However, he still needed a chance.

Or rather, an excuse.

After all, Ice Storm was a free gladiator and did not receive his blood. She was not a member of the Blood Hoof Clan either.

In theory, they were in a cooperative relationship of equal status. If they agreed, they would stay, if they did not agree, they would leave.

Even if Ice Storm left Blood Skull Arena and turned into the arms of the Ironhide Clan, he had no reason to stop them.

If he forcefully stopped them, people would laugh at him for being narrow-minded and lacking charisma and boldness. It was not enough for an outsider warrior to be willing to work for him.

One had to know that in the Blood Skull Battle Group that Casanova used to snatch the supreme glory, besides Ice Storm, there were dozens of powerful outsiders.

Casanova had to consider their thoughts.

Otherwise, it would be easy for them to fall apart.

This was the reason why Ice Storm did not accept his blood gift, but he still maintained the demeanor of a superior and did not attack the snow leopard female warrior.

But it was different now.

Now, the black-toothed high priest gave Casanova a very good reason to do anything to Ice Storm.

Casanova became excited.

It was as if he saw Ice Storm kneel in front of him and open her biggest secret, allowing him to take whatever he wanted.

In the next two days, under Casanova’s full operation, the truth about the Big-horned Rat God spread throughout Black-corner city like wildfire and lightning, completely covering up the rumors in the past, it also covered the fear of the clan warriors toward the Night Demon.

Almost all the Clan Warriors believed the story that the Night Demon came from Red-gold City.

There was no need for any conclusive evidence or rigorous analysis. With just a little bit of guidance, the bull-headed horse-faced warriors would reveal an expression of “enlightenment.”

Just as Black Tooth had said, this was indeed the “truth” that all the Blood Hoof warriors were most willing to believe.

It was also the “truth” that could boost the morale of the Blood Hoof Army.

Inspired by this “truth,” the major families of black-corner City quickly recovered from the chaos.

They organized their units into battle gangs and legions.

Through the Game of the Brave, they established their command hierarchy and command relationship.

The reorganization of Casanova’s Blood Skull Arena was also going very smoothly. The final battle group was even larger than he had expected.

Speaking of which, it was partly due to the night demon.

Originally, many wandering soldiers from the local areas weren’t willing to rely on the major clans in Black-corner City.

Many unruly advanced orcs would rather face the problem of lack of resources and fight alone. They all wished to retain some freedom and independence.

The appearance of the Night Demon scared the wandering soldiers out of their wits.

After all, they didn’t have many powerful companions to protect them. It was impossible for them to be like the warriors of the Blood Hoof Clan. They surrounded them from all directions, making it impossible for the night demon to find an opportunity to attack them.

Therefore, they were most likely to be attacked by the Night Demon.

After a few wandering soldiers lost all their secret medicines and armors in a daze, but a “gift” from the night demon appeared on their foreheads, the remaining local warriors could only hide in the Blood Skull Arena and kneel on one knee, they swore loyalty to Casanova. Some of the best of them even accepted Casanova’s blood donation in exchange for the protection of the family by becoming a member of the Blood Hoof Clan.

In the end, other than the servants and cannon fodder, Casanova had recruited thousands of elite soldiers.

Most of the middle-level and lower-level warriors had their own totem armors.

The totem armors of the hundreds of elite warriors covered every corner of their bodies evenly. They were all magnificent full-body armors.

Other than the four trump cards, who had been famous for a long time, there were also five experts who had just joined the Blood Skull Legion. They had been dominating the area for a long time and had the ability to challenge the four trump cards.

In the entire Black-corner City, among the hundreds of legions, the strength of the Blood Skull Legion could be ranked in the first tier.

Casanova was naturally overjoyed that he had recruited so many experts before the expedition.

In order to announce the birth of the Blood Skull Battle Group and promote the unity between the four aces and the newly recruited five experts, it was also very reasonable to hold a grand banquet. No one was allowed to refuse.

Even if Ice Storm knew Casanova’s character very well and knew that he had bad intentions toward him.

It was impossible for him to refuse this banquet.

Otherwise, not only would he not give Casanova face.

They would also humiliate all the gladiators, as well as all the heroic spirits who had sacrificed themselves in the Blood Skull Arena for thousands of years.

Regarding escaping from Black-corner City, Ice Storm and Meng Chao were almost ready.

However, in the plan, they had to wait for the Blood Hoof Army to gather in the temple outside Black-corner City and start a large-scale battle drill before they had a chance to escape Casanova and the Blood Hoof powerhouses’ sight, they had to escape without anyone knowing.

Before that, Ice Storm had to stabilize Casanova.

Therefore, she could only brace herself to go to the banquet.

The grandeur and extravagance of the banquet went without saying.

Casanova not only took out hundreds of barrels of mixed secret medicine, but as soon as she opened the lid, bubbles were popping up. The strange fragrance did not only “assail” the nose, but also hit the nose like a cast iron fist.

He also slaughtered dozens of totem beasts that had yet to be tamed and could not follow the Blood Skull Battle Group.

The freshest flesh of the totem beast was simply burnt a few times. When it was just served on the table, the fascia between the large pieces of flesh was still “Patter patter”.

In the eyes of the old foodies of Picturesque Orchid Lake, this was a rare delicacy.

Besides the three aces of ice storm, there were also the five powerhouses who had just joined the Blood Skull Battle Group. They all swept up the clouds and gobbled up the food, using their bottomless pit-like appetite to show that their strength was even more astonishing than their appetite.

Although ice storm was usually as cold as ice, it was impossible to chew and swallow slowly in this kind of situation, and it was even more impossible to not drink at all.

Especially when the old enemy of the four trump cards, who had once been defeated by her in a one-on-one fight, and who had also defeated her in a group battle, “Brute Hammer,”carried a wine barrel that was thicker than a mandala tree and challenged her.., it was even more impossible for her to retreat.

According to the tradition of the high-level orcs, if both sides belonged to the same camp and were about to go out to fight a common opponent, when they could not fight each other, they would often use the method of competing in drinking capacity and eating capacity, instead of fighting with real weapons.

Refusing to compete in drinking was no different from running away in the arena.

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