Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1009 - The Big-Horned Rat God

Chapter 1009: The Big-Horned Rat God

Since Meng Chao had just saved them and they were similar in size to him, they did not feel as strong as the Turan or the wild boar man. The four children’s emotions were still relatively stable.

However, Meng Chao realized that the children had not finished the high-energy food he had given them. Each of them had left a small portion.

They could not even speak clearly, even the youngest children were the same.

“We, we want to leave some for Fishbone and the others to eat.”

The child with the colorful conch pendant hanging around his neck stammered, as if he was afraid that Meng Chao would take back the cheese and sugar cubes.

Meng Chao Thought for a moment and simply took off a leather pouch from his waist. He took out a large piece of high-energy food that was mixed with honey and condensed milk and compressed into milk bricks. He crushed it in his palm and then subdivided the fragments into a few pieces of leaves, he sent them into the arms of the children.

This was one of the spoils of war that he had just looted from the ten unlucky totem warriors.

It was always a very pleasant thing to be generous to others.

The four children were all dumbfounded.

They had never met someone who treated them so well for no reason.

“Sir, you…”

The older child, who was wearing a colorful locket, pinched his chest a few times. The hard milk bricks that were wrapped in leaves were still there.

This made him muster up the courage to secretly observe Meng Chao for a long time. He carefully asked Meng Chao, “Are you an emissary sent by the Rat God?”

“Rat God?”

Meng Chao’s heart moved.

In the memory fragments of his previous life, countless glistening streams of information were crazily churning in his mind.

He raised his eyebrows and asked, “You also know about the Rat God?”

As soon as the word “Rat god”came out, the eyes of the four rat children lit up.

“He’s really, really the messenger of the Rat God!”

“No wonder he saved us!”

“Uncle and the others didn’t lie. The messenger of the Rat God really came to save us!”

They hugged each other and wept with joy.

Then, they circled around Meng Chao and sang a strange song:

“The bravest big-horned rat!”

“The most powerful big-horned rat!”

“The most powerful big-horned rat!”

Meng Chao felt dizzy listening to this.

He could only stop with a bitter smile.

“Listen, children –”

Meng Chao rolled his eyes and said, “The Rat God will definitely save all the rat people, but it will not be easy to save all of you from black-corner city. Tell me, in black-corner city, OH, let’s say around you, are there many people who believe in the Rat God?”

The children did not doubt him and nodded repeatedly. “Yes, everyone believes that the Rat God will definitely descend to Tulanze and save all the Rat People!”

“It’s like this…”

Meng Chao was deep in thought. “Then, where did you hear about the Rat God?”

“It was the adults who said it!”

The children said, “When we drill into the deepest part of those dark, stinky pipes, we will be so smelly that we will be so dizzy that we will vomit our intestines out. The adults will comfort us and bear with it for a few more days. The emissaries of the Rat God will save all of us.

“Sometimes, the adults would gather together and talk about the Rat God. We didn’t really understand what they were talking about. All We knew was that the rat god was very powerful. No one in Tulanze or the land of Holy Light was his match. In this glorious era, the Rat God would definitely descend to the human world and lead all the rat people to seize the supreme glory. That must be it, right?”

The rat children looked at Meng Chao expectantly.

The words were a little awkward. It was obvious that they were not speaking their own language, but that they had heard it at a secret gathering of the adult rat population.

“Of course, the glory belongs to the big-horned rat, and the victory belongs to all the rat population.”

Meng Chao used a speech that the believers of the big-horned rat God often gave to dispel the last bit of wariness in the children. He continued to ask, “Then, which adult told you these truths?”

The children all shook their heads.

“We don’t know.”

They said, “The adults would only run to the deepest underground tunnel on the most tiring night to talk about the Rat God. When they did, they would wear masks on their faces.”

“I see. Thank you for telling me these things.”

Meng Chao smiled and nodded, encouraging the children to continue with their conversation with his eyes.

He asked a few more questions.

The high orcs of the clan era did not have a strong sense of secrecy.

The children who grew up in the rat village did not learn to hide their beliefs.

The warriors of the clan in this era did not take the primitive beliefs that were popular among the rat people seriously.

Therefore, Meng Chao quickly confirmed that there were a large number of believers of the Rat God in this slum, and even in the entire black-corner city.

Moreover, as the blood hoof army gradually took shape and plundered all the resources within a radius of hundreds of miles, countless old, weak, and disabled people died in silence around their burning homes, the Clan Warriors had also reached the limit of their oppression of the rat people.

The rat people, who were hundreds of times more numerous than the warriors, were like springs that had been compressed to the limit and were about to bounce back with the most powerful force.

This could be inferred from the children and the secret meetings of the adults that were becoming more and more frequent.

Meng Chao’s original plan was to save the children of Cai Luo village.

He found that there was such a huge force hidden in black-corner city. It was like magma was ready to move and a volcano was about to erupt. His mind raced, and he felt that it was necessary to fine-tune his plan and even the ice storm.

He told the four children to hide the high-energy food scraps and continue hiding here for a while. When the adults showed up and order was restored, they would go out to find their partners.

He promised the children that he would come back.

Meng Chao disappeared into the darkness again and quietly left the slum.

He activated the undead spell and lowered his breathing, heartbeat, and body temperature to the limit.

He was like a thin shadow, sticking close to the wall and moving in the darkness.

He carefully avoided the clan warriors who were everywhere, controlled by dopamine and endorphins, and trapped in the whirlpool of killing. They fought like they were playing a video game.

He used his knife-like sharp eyes to examine the majestic city in front of him.

Just as he stepped out of the Bloody Skull Arena and looked down at Black Horn City, Meng Chao felt that it was unbelievable.

How could a barbaric civilization that was a clan warrior build such a supercity that could accommodate millions of people?

He waited until the true appearance of the Tulan civilization was gradually sketched out.

He saw the clan warriors smash the outer shell of the black building in a reckless battle, exposing large areas of broken walls under the mottled outer walls.

Only then did Meng Chao realize that the high-level orcs of today had not “Built”this city.

They had only “Inherited”the city and were like prodigals who “Sold their grandfathers’fields without caring”, constantly destroying the city.

Black Horn City must have been ten times larger than it was today.

Meng Chao saw that the towering buildings that looked like palaces were only the ruins left behind by the Tulan civilization tens of millions of years ago after the high-rise buildings collapsed.

The reason why no traces of advanced civilization were found on these ruins, such as reinforced concrete and glass curtain walls.

It was only because the current high-level orcs had dug out a large amount of mud rich in minerals and trace elements from both sides of the Tulan River, moved it to black-corner city, and carefully smeared it on the ruined walls.

After being exposed to the scorching sun, a layer of black shell was pasted on the shattered ancient buildings.

At first glance, the black buildings looked like a series of undulating, row upon row of square and cube-shaped mountains.

The feeling of “Using the most primitive technology to build the most brilliant city”could often make people who did not understand the situation sigh with emotion and even worship it.

However, after figuring out that the current high-level orcs were only playing the role of prodigal and paperhanger, Meng Chao could not help but feel that it was both ridiculous and lamentable.

However, now was not the time to laugh at the high-level orcs.

As brothers who might fall into the abyss of destruction one after another, the people of Dragon City did not have the right to laugh at the high-level orcs.

Meng Chao soon peeled off the black sludge shell, revealing the ancient ruins of the building.

He focused all his attention and searched through the memory fragments of his previous life for any information related to the “Big-horned rat God.”.

Since ancient times, regardless of whether it was Earth or the other world, any race that was oppressed and had nowhere else to go would imagine a savior.

In the Tulan civilization, the rat people who had been oppressed by the Warriors of the clan for thousands of years also had their own gods that could bring ultimate salvation.

Of course, the Tulan civilization did not have the concept of gods. Instead, they strengthened the worship of their ancestors to the extreme.

Therefore, the “Rat God”that the rat people worshiped was not a real god. Instead, it was revered by all the rat people as their common ancestor spirit.

According to the old legend, thousands of years ago, in the war that caused all the rat people to bear the name of “Cowardice, inferiority, and humiliation”.

When the entire battle line that the rat people were responsible for completely collapsed, almost all the rat people fled.

The only exception was a rat warrior who was born with a strange appearance. His head was full of thick, long, crooked, and extremely sharp big horns. He went against the current and single-handedly resisted the enemy’s torrents.

The feat of this rat warrior naturally could not stop the collapse of the entire front line.

However, it lit up a glimmer of hope for the fate that the rat people and even the rat people were destined to mourn for thousands of years.

Many rat people firmly believed that they would use thousands of years to atone for the cowardice of their ancestors.

And after thousands of years of atonement, the heroic spirit of the brave and fearless big-horned rat warrior of the past would reappear in the human world and lead all the rat people to roam freely in Tulanze and even the land of Holy Light, to reclaim the glory that they had lost for thousands of years, to create the sixth largest clan outside the five major clans — the clan that belonged exclusively to all the rat people — gold, blood hoof, lightning, dark moon, and divine tree!

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