Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1008 - Starting the Reverse Engineering

Chapter 1008: Starting the Reverse Engineering

Meng Chao took down ten totem warriors’ armor fragments in total.

Even though many of them only had half a chest plate or a set of arm plate…

Considering that advanced orcs were generally larger than Earthlings, just the four-meter-tall wild boar warrior’s armor fragments were enough to cover Meng Chao from head to toe.

However, Meng Chao only managed to cover his last toe after absorbing the armor fragments from ten totem warriors in a row.

This meant that during the fusion process, the size and density of the totem armor fragments had undergone an astonishing change — they had shrunk significantly.

Such a degree of shrinking was not something that could be explained by molecular compression.

It might even involve the change of the spherical energy layer of the atom.

Meng Chao did not feel “heavy” at all after absorbing so many pieces of the battle armor into his body.

He only felt that his body was like a giant beast that was starving. Its thirst for high-energy nutrients and cultivation resources was ten times stronger than before.

This made him suspect that totem armor was not just a kind of “Metal”. Perhaps, it was even in the category of pure “Material”.

Secondly, every time Meng Chao absorbed a piece of armor fragment, a new stream of data would flow into his brain.

It was all the battle experience attached to this piece of armor fragment.

Of course, there was also the “System assistant”or “Artificial intelligence”that had transformed into the appearance of the previous owner.

It seemed that as more and more pieces of the battle armor fused together, the system assistant that assisted the owner in controlling the totem battle armor also became smarter and stronger.

Not only did the cuneiform characters appear in Meng Chao’s vision more and more, the frequency of the light flashing also became faster and faster. It seemed to be able to help Meng Chao control every data within a hundred meters, including the trajectory of the dust.

And when Meng Chao used the undead technique to deliberately reduce the flow of blood to his brain and the oxygen content in his blood, entering a ‘semi-unconscious state’ and relaxing his control over his body.., the totem armor would also stimulate his nerve endings and muscle fibers, allowing him to ‘instinctively react’, dodging the enemy’s attacks, and even performing a series of gorgeous totem combat skills.

This meant that as long as the owner was equipped with the totem armor, even if the owner was seriously injured and unconscious, there was still a certain chance of winning the battle in the “Unmanned”state, or at least leaving the battlefield.

Such artificial intelligence technology was ten times more powerful than the drone cluster attack of Dragon City and the automatic patrol technology of the “Thinking tank”that carried the monster’s brain.

Of course, any AI system was a double-edged sword.

Especially when applied to powerful war machines.

Handing over a large number of combat tasks to the AI meant that the master’s control over the totem armor was constantly declining.

The totem armor might take matters into its own hands, maxing out the acousto-optic special effects during fierce battles and stimulating the master’s brain to secrete excessive dopamine and endorphins.

Regardless of whether the totem armors had good intentions or not, it would cause their owners to become addicted to battle, treating battle as the only meaningful thing in their lives.

The more battle armor fragments fused, the stronger the totem armors would be, and this problem would become more serious.

What Meng Chao had absorbed today was only the lowest level of battle armor fragments. Even if it enveloped his entire body, the artificial intelligence contained within would not be able to contend against his will that had undergone the tempering of the apocalypse.

By silently operating the secret technique of his mind, he could easily break down the excessive dopamine and endorphins and maintain his demand for happiness hormones within a reasonable threshold.

However, Meng Chao was not sure what would happen if he absorbed Ice Storm’s Mithril Ripper.

The mithril Ripper was far from the most powerful totem armor of the Turan civilization.

Whether it was the Blood Hoof Clan’s Lava Fury, or the Gold Clan’s ancient armor that had been passed down for millions of years…

The artificial intelligence that contained the combat experience of hundreds of masters would not easily recognize a new master from outside of the Turan civilization.

“Was it because of this reason that the people of Dragon City in my previous life did not conduct in-depth research on the totem armor and even tried to reverse engineer it?”

Meng Chao muttered to himself.

He didn’t find any information about the “Shanzhai”totem armors of Dragon City in his previous life in the memory fragments.

Logically speaking, the dragon city civilization and the Tulan civilization in his previous life were allies who fought side by side.

It was another matter if they were pigs or not. At least until the end of time, neither side had shed all pretense of cordiality and betrayed each other.

Then, it was normal for them to exchange cultivation systems and war technology, learn from each other’s strengths and learn from each other’s weaknesses?

High-level beastmen did not have a strong concept of secrecy.

Meng Chao did not believe that the high-level officials of dragon city in his previous life could not even get the most ordinary totem armor.

As long as they could get a totem armor, the scientists and archaeologists of Dragon City should be able to pry into the secrets of the Tulan civilization and realize the power of this “Ultimate single-soldier equipment.”.

But why didn’t the people of Dragon City in his previous life equip totem armor on a large scale?

After thinking about it, there were probably three reasons.

First, it was too difficult to win the monster war in his previous life. In the long and bloody war, not only did the strong fall one after another, a large number of scientists, archaeologists, weapons r & D engineers… were also assassinated by the monster civilization, including all the scientific research units and laboratories of Dragon City, which were all targeted by the monster civilization.

Therefore, when the Dragon City civilization in the previous life encountered the Tulan civilization, their scientific research and “Reverse engineering”abilities were far from what they were today, the “New Dragon City”, which had completely inherited the “Monster Legacy”.

Secondly, there was no time.

The Monster War in the previous life would continue for another two to three years. When the people of Dragon City finally fought their way out of Monster Mountain Range, the ultimate war that swept through the other world was already in full swing.

Being forced to jump from one whirlpool to another, which was even bigger and more terrifying, most of dragon city’s resources, including the smartest brain in the entire civilization, would be directly thrown into the war, it was impossible to waste it on the “reverse engineering” that was far away.

The third, and perhaps the most important reason, was that.

It was because the operating system on the totem armor was too strange. The problem of “Battle addiction”seemed to be unsolvable. Large-scale equipment on the totem armor would only get a bunch of crazy people who were addicted to battle, that was why the decision-makers of Dragon City were deterred, right?

After all, the Dragon City civilization, which had just been involved in the war between worlds, seemed to be in a good situation by relying on the flood of steel.

There was no need to place the hope of victory on the totem armor.

When the higher-ups of dragon city realized that it was “Very necessary”.

However, it was too late for them to crack and copy it.

Learning from the experience of my previous life, I must crack the mysteries of the totem armor. It would be best if I could replicate and install the totem armor on a large scale. Only then could I make an explosive breakthrough in the combat ability of Dragon City civilization in the shortest time

Of course, Meng Chao knew the danger of the ‘double-edged sword’.

Even he himself could not guarantee that in the increasingly intense, crazier, and crueler battles, he would never lose himself in the pleasure of killing, conquering, and destroying and become a puppet of the totem armor.


Compared to the arrival of the apocalypse, the destruction of Dragon City, and the tens of millions of earthlings struggling, screaming, burning, suffering, and being reduced to ashes in the raging flames,.

Being controlled by the totem armor and turning into a bloodthirsty war maniac was really too insignificant a risk.

“If I want to escape from death before the arrival of the apocalypse, there is no safe and secure way. Any action is a risk, and any choice has to pay a price.

“Just these totem armors of the lowest level are far from enough for me to punch out a fist that can change the future. I still have to devour more and stronger totem armors and subdue the ferocious souls contained within them — those battle data and artificial intelligence that have been passed down for thousands of years!”

Meng Chao roared in his heart.

According to the method that Ice Storm and Big Buck had told him about, he had to adjust the vibration frequency of the life magnetic field and stimulate the cerebral cortex with spiritual energy, releasing a special brainwave that made the totem armors as hard as iron… he recovered the softness of the liquid metal and absorbed it into his body through the 36,000 pores.

He watched as the last round, mercury-like liquid metal seeped into his palm from his palm.

No matter how hard he shook his palm and stretched his fingers, he could not feel any hindrance.

Meng Chao clicked his tongue in amazement. He was more and more interested in the Turan ancestors who had developed such a divine weapon.

However, now was not the time for archaeology.

Before More Clan Warriors arrived, he circled the slums.

He had wanted to ask a few adult rat subjects about the situation.

But after the fierce battle just now, all the rat subjects had fled, hiding in some unknown corner.

He could only put on the mask again, put on the hood cloak, and turn back to look for the four children he had saved previously.

Fortunately, the four children stayed obediently in the corner he had ordered.

Perhaps they had nowhere to go after their homes and temporary homes had been destroyed one after another?

Looking at the children in shabby clothes and their faces filled with panic and confusion, Meng Chao Sighed in his heart.

The deeper he went into tulanze, the more he felt that the civilization that occupied this place was so deformed.

Yes, it was not “Backward”, but “Deformed”.

Just like the ugly monsters created in the genetic laboratory.

It was ten times more deformed than the dragon city civilization that had just transmigrated to another world during the Blood Alliance era.

Those adult clan warriors who were equipped with totem armor might have become incurable killing machines.

But what should these children do?

Meng Chao originally wanted to save the children of Bright Shell Village from Black-corner City.

It could be considered as repaying them for saving his life.

But these rat children who looked like the people of Earth in front of him made him hesitate.

Especially when he thought of the Dragon City civilization in his previous life, which treated all the foreign races, old, weak, women, and children as ants and grass, mercilessly crushing them. In the end, he could not avoid the humiliation of destruction.

Moreover, even if he could save the rat children of Bright Shell Village from Black-corner City, what would happen then?

Big Buck was right.

Right now, Black-corner City was the only place within a hundred miles that had sufficient food, strong city walls, and houses that could shelter them from the wind and rain and resist totem beasts.

If he took the children out of black-corner city and threw them into the wilderness, they would still be doomed.

But Meng Chao couldn’t sneak into Red Gold City with a large group of rat children and make a big fuss, could he?

Meng Chao didn’t know how to properly rescue and resettle his savior.

He could only squat down and check on the four children to calm them down.

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