Master of Untold Daos

Chapter 453 - Yan Mountain’s Third Sect Leader: Uh, I Don't Speak

Chapter 453: Yan Mountain’s Third Sect Leader: Uh, I Don’t Speak

Chen Ming was bored, “To be honest, you’re quite similar to the once alive Ninth Crown Prince.”

She faltered, “He is alone while we are three.”

An Abyss Flower bloomed next to her and Void’s Crown Prince came out, “Chen Ming, turn yourself in and we’ll leave your corpse whole.”

From the last carriage, a Star Dragon took to the sky and Yan Shengxiao glared with resentment, “You’ve humiliated once and now it’s time you get your due!”

Chen Ming pointed his blade at her, “Because of the fiends’ kindness I will not kill you if you scram now.”

Jin Xiangyu interjected, “Relax, we won’t kill you, just exhaust you until you can’t even walk!”

The Earth Immortals watched Jin Xiangyu, Yan Shengxiao, and Void’s Crown Prince with joy. With these three geniuses, the matter would be a foregone conclusion. No matter how strong Chen Ming was, he was all alone.

A distance away, Zhuo Qingyao watched the sky and felt the chaotic spiritual energy, “Second junior brother started. Can’t you move any faster?”

Zi Yu shrugged helplessly, “Head Sect Leader, I’m a mortal.”

Zhuo Qingyao’s eyes were anxious. She grabbed his shoulder and jumped off a treetop, rushing for Sky-crossing Bridge.

Chen Ming saw that only battle would settle this and didn’t want to resort to wasting spiritual power, but the three were forcing his hand.

Can I slip past them I wonder?

Hold on, that might actually work.

Chen Ming laughed, “Since you all wish for death I will acquiesce your requests!”




Jin Xiangyu and Yan Shengxiao exchanged a glance finding the shock in each other’s eyes, “It’s the Hegemonic Immortal Sword, the one only that mysterious race can use!”

Yan Shengxiao braced, “So what! There’s three of us!”

Jin Xiangyu played with a ribbon, “Soaring above the Nine Heavens, thousands of li we travel!”

They thought Chen Ming was about to strike when they saw an Azure Dragon coming from his feet carrying him beyond their blockade and ten li away.

Chen Ming laughed, “Everyone, we’ll meet again if fate allows it!”

It was then he looked down to see a blade coming out of his chest. Blood oozed out and soaked his clothes.

Void’s Crown Prince’s eerie voice came from behind, “You’re naive if you think you can outmatch Void in footwork!”

Allheaven Stellar Array rose from his back and shook the prince off. He touched his chest and worked his spiritual power to knit the wound.

That is Void’s genius for you. You can’t play around with him!

Chen Ming looked at the ribbon on his leg. It was Jin Xiangyu’s who now found the time to wrap it on him.

He downed three immortal pills, “The only choice is to fight. I can’t walk away until you’re all dead it seems.”

Crown Prince ignored the women and focused on the prince, This guy’s too sinister. If I don’t deal with him first, I’ll be in deep trouble if the other two join.

Jin Xiangyu took out a lotus fan and stirred a violent wind.

Tornadoes wrecked the ground and covered the entire battlefield.

Lotuses grew around filling the gales with their blossoms. The fierce wind carried them to Chen Ming, and caressed his cheek, leaving a small hole in the smiley mask.

Yan Shengxiao was on her Star Dragon, wielding a slender sword and dived for him.

Chen Ming looked to see Void’s Crown Prince coming out to hit him. The first time he got him but there wouldn’t be a second.

Crown Prince’s dagger clashed with Nine Year Cicada and seeing his attack failed, slipped back into the void. When the gap was close to closing, Chen Ming grabbed it, “You’re not the only one who can travel by void!”

He jumped in and saw the endless violet Abyss Flower. He found Crown Prince wearing purple clothes and shocked him by being here, “You cultivated Void’s cultivation method and can enter too?”

Nine Year Cicada came ever closer. Crown Prince knew he was no match for him in here and the women couldn’t enter!

He made a crack and slipped out.

Chen Ming was right on his tail. The three watched him with anxiety. Crown Prince didn’t dare resort to void anytime soon. He saw his power wasn’t normal.

The fear only increases as they recalled Ninth Crown Prince dying under just three strikes.

None dared to face him alone.

At this point, they had the vague feeling they were passing a tribulation and not him, a cruel and deadly one.

Chen Ming knew they didn’t want to go all out, only to tire him, to leave him with nothing when he met the Heavenly Tribulation. With Ninth Crown Prince’s death as an example, they knew their limitations, that they were below Chen Ming in power.

This time was different than with Ninth, he wouldn’t get to exploit a gap anytime soon and fell another genius as easy as before.

Two heavy sabers flew from afar and cut off the ribbon on his leg. They stabbed the ground and Li Suyi jumped through the air right in front of the three; silent as the grave.

They all knew his intent.

Li Suyi was known as Ya Mo on Sacred Mountain, determined to not make even a peep when killing ensued.

The fact he was just as silent as ever showed his resolve in coming here with the intent to kill.

Jin Xiangyu asked, “Yan Mountain’s Second Sect Leader called you third junior brother, then that must make you Chen Ming’s third disciple. In other words, you’re Yan Mountain’s Third Sect Leader, right?”

Void’s Crown Prince added, “One man can’t stop us. Can it be you don’t know how to die?”

Yan Shengxiao mocked, “Die? With their master-disciple relationship, even if they did die, he’d come without a doubt. Ha-ha-ha, Chen Ming, are you willing to let your dear disciple fall at our hands?”

Cries came from the crowd, “It’s the quack! She’s here!”

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