Master of Untold Daos

Chapter 452 - A Wacky Battle

Chapter 452 A Wacky Battle

Ling Xian saw him wipe the blood and formed two ice spears, sending one at Ling Xian!

Ling Xian’s eyes twitched, No way! Why do I feel this guy is a bit slow on the uptake.

Simply mind-boggling. He knows of my control of immortal power and spiritual energy yet still uses magical arts?

He heard Crown Prince’s defiant roar, “I just won’t believe you can control all immortal power!”

Ling Xian waved and one ice spear shattered as he tampered with its immortal power.

Ling Xian punched and Crown Prince coughed blood.

Despite clear proof, he still wanted to fight Ling Xian.

A moon rose above Crown Prince and a trail of snow traveled in his arm and formed into a spear. A spiritual cultivator had close to no advantage against Ling Xian.

Crown Prince spoke, “Bellow the moon, my power doubles. My body is now stronger than ever. At this moment, I have the hardship cultivation to kill you! Humph, as long as the moon in my body is intact, you won’t be able to break the one above. Your defeat is certain!”

Ling Xian was taken aback, Oh, so your moon can be broken!

Come on! Why the hell are you giving a rundown of your skill to your opponent? You even went as far as to point out your weakness. You’re messed up!

Did the fear of not dying get to him so he gave me clear instructions on how to kill him?

Ling Xian was stumped, taking a moment to think if this was all a trick, if he did it on purpose for him to strike the moon inside his body. I’ll just have to try and see.

Ling Xian’s senses were sharp in regards to immortal power and spiritual energy and felt the heavy immortal power fluctuations in Crown Prince’s right arm.

Ling Xian charged him with the Arsenal Kingdom.

They exchanged three blows and Ling Xian made Crown Prince reel each time yet blood dripped from his punch.

I say, if the moon doesn’t break, Moon Palace’s Crown Prince won’t fall.

Crown Prince followed up and attacked him yet, in mid-stride, he slipped on his own ice and face-slide across!

Ling Xian was stunned, “Huh, why did he slip just now?”

Is he baiting me?

But Ling Xian didn’t know Lady Luck lifter her skirt for him.

Ling Xian was beyond focused, waiting in patience for Crown Prince’s sneak attack.

Crown Prince stood up with a bloody nose and battered face. Even he was caught off guard by what was happening. How! This never happened before in my entire life!

Waiting for him to crawl his way up, Ling Xian lost a golden opportunity.

Ling Xian’s approach was to hit Crown Prince’s right hand and break the moon.

By a twist of circumstances, their fight battered the city walls and they began to collapse. By sheer coincidence, it caught Crown Prince off guard and smacked him right in the head!

Ling Xian laughed, “Now!”

He charged, ready to punch Crown Prince’s arm as he struggled to make his way out of the rubble

Moon Palace’s Crown Prince’s right hand broke on the spot.

The moon above flitted away and Crown Prince once again crawled his way out of the broken stones. Why is this battle so damn weird!

“As expected of a forbidden cultivation method. It is my loss today! My condition won’t improve anytime soon, but I won’t give you the chance to kill me!”

Crown Prince flew for over a thousand li when it hit him, “No way! Why did I just tell him that?”

Ling Xian stared at him, Did I win?

It’s a wee bit perplexing!

Ling Xian turned to his bleeding fist. Crown Prince’s hardship cultivation reached was incredible once the moon was out, he had the Moon body after all. I’m still not his match, but in the end, something marvelous happened.

Well never mind, I need to stand guard.

He flew above the city wall and ordered, “Junior brother Zhang Ming, make haste and repair the wall. I’m meeting them head-on.”

Ling Xian flew at the Sacred Mountain’s entrance.

Zhang Ming and other Lords followed him with their eyes, “Humph, not even Moon Palace’s Crown Prince amounts to anything before second senior brother!”

“Yan Mountain is invincible!”

“The four Great Immortal Domains are nothing!”

News of this victory spread and more and more eyes in the Galaxy started paying attention to this war, “Just how far does Yan Mountain’s strength go? And how strong is its Sect Leader?”

“Not even Moon Palace’s Crown Prince could best him!”

“He is the Mountain Lord’s second disciple. If his second disciple can win against Moon Palace’s Crown’ then how high did his Master rose?”

“In any case, he killed Ninth Crown Prince, a genius, in three strikes!”

“Where did this strange Yan Mountain come from?”

“Can Yan Mountain alone hold the power to push back all Domains’ geniuses?”

Chen Ming hacked an Earth Immortal in two. He refrained from using spiritual power. It was enough to become these people’s nightmare based on Nine Year Cicada’s speed and his body power.

Three flying swords came from the side and he stomped. He evaded the swords and the jump launched him in the middle of a crowd. He slashed and Nine Year Cicada trailed three attacks.

With his insane speed, it made him invincible among Earth Immortals. Hacking left and chopping right, he ended a life with each strike.

He stormed among the horde of Earth Immortals and forced his way out. It was at this time that the sky began to darken.

He was facing three carriages that made their way over. Jin Xiangyu came out, “Yan Mountain Mountain Lord, I might not know from where you come from, but your path ends here.”

Chen Ming smiled, “Leave, I do not hit women.”

Jin Xiangyu smiled, holding a lotus. It bloomed and marked the descend of a fairy, “As it happens, I hit men.”

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