Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 351 - Guardian Protocol

Chapter 351 - Guardian Protocol

The other Supreme Gods were silent for a moment after hearing the Destiny Goddess' words. Although they knew she was right, there was still a problem.

'Mingyun, that's easy to say. We all know that a sacrifice is needed to do so, who will be the sacrifice?'

'Easy. Isn't there someone else here?'

'You mean the War Goddess.'

The Light God suddenly sneered after hearing this, 'I always thought you were a noble god, always doing things for the good of our world. However, I was wrong. Everything you did was just to save your life.'

The Destiny Goddess did not answer; she simply ignored his snide remark. As for her suggestion, the other four pondered it and realized that this was the best option.

However, before making a final decision, the Order God suddenly said: 'This will not work. A lot of time is needed for the protocol to activate. Do you think the Outsiders will give us that time?'

'Order God, you mean…' asked the Life Goddess.

'I will be the sacrifice. During that time, you guys ask the War Goddess to buy us enough time.'

The remaining four became quiet, and no one persuade him otherwise. All of them wanted to live through this catastrophe and return to their glorious era of lording over this world.

The Order God did mind this reaction. Truth be told, he has a great secret. Amongst all the Supreme Gods, he has lived the longest. One could say that his lifespan has long surpassed the 100 million year limit of Supreme God.

The reason for that was because he witnessed the coming of the God-King in this world. He was one of the first humans who listened to the God-King preaching, and one of the first gods that appeared in this world.

He survived the War of the Giant and the War of Extinction. Over the years, countless Supreme Gods have been born and died, replaced by others. But he was still alive.

As for the secret of his long life?

Another simple answer. His fanatic worship of the God-King. The Order God realized that the more pious his belief was, the longer his life span was. So, over the years, he has dedicated his faith to the God-King.

Every day, for the past few hundred million years, he has prayed to his god, never missing a single day.

A deep and profound light appeared in the Order God's eyes. There was not the tiniest bit of fear, sadness, or reluctance. Only excitement.

He was not afraid of death. To him, death meant that he will return to the Heavenly Kingdom of the God-King. If it was not because of his duty as a guardian to watch over this world, he would have long reunited with his God.

After making a decision, the Destiny Goddess immediately contacted the War Goddess:

"We may have a way to save this world. However, we need you to buy us some time. So, no matter what, do not let the Outsider interfere with us."

The War Goddess was momentarily surprised. Then she remembered the rumors that amongst the Supreme Gods, there was a special group known as Guardians tasked with protecting some great secrets of the world.

'Could the rumors be true? Could these five be the so-called Guardians?'

Although she was curious, the War Goddess knew that this was not the time to ask questions. So, she just nodded her head in acknowledgment.

Meanwhile, five tokens flew from each of the Supreme Gods forming a pentagon, each of the Supreme Gods standing at a corner. A powerful golden light appeared on the Order God's body, making him holy and divine.

His blood, energy, soul, and law began to burn, used as a sacrifice to power up the five tokens.

Such a large movement immediately alerted Li Jun. He has just finished suppressing these Supreme Gods with his cauldron and prepared to choose his next target when he saw the movement over there.

Although he did not know what these people were doing, he knew that he should not let them continue. So, he flew in their direction. However, someone stopped him.

It was a god wearing only pants and his upper torso bare. The man was very muscular as his muscles bulged. Veins could be seen all over his body, and they looked like they would be popped at any moment.

Despite being slightly over 2 meters, his frame was quite large compared to regular humans. He looked more like a muscle bear than a human.

'God of Might," thought Li Jun as he had some information about this god. He used the Law of Might–which is essentially a small part of the Dao of Power.

As one of the most powerful Dao between Heaven and Earth, even if this god only comprehended one aspect of it, it still provided him with unparallel physical prowess.

Under normal circumstances, Li Jun would be more than happy to fight this god to test the limit of his body refinement. However, he had better priorities now.

Li Jun stabbed his spear and his opponent responded in turn by throwing a punch. Wherever the Might God's punch traveled, the air will twist under his strength.

There was bloodlust in his eyes followed by excitement. He enjoyed fighting people head-on with people that have a strong physical body. Unfortunately, most if not all the other Supreme Gods like to use strange methods to fight so that he never truly enjoyed a hearty battle. The only exception is when he fought with the Thunder God who also cultivated a powerful body.

Regrettably, his sparring partner was killed. Luckily, he found a new partner in this Outsider.

Li Jun's spear and the Might God's fist rushed towards one another for a powerful clash. However, right before doing so, a green mist suddenly appeared from Li Jun's spear and rapidly entered his opponent's body, not giving him any time to react.

Immediately afterward, the Might God's body slowly turned grey from his feet all the way to his torso.

"You poisoned me! How can you use such underhanded tactic."

"Poison is one of the Grand Dao of Heaven and Earth, also used for many acts of slaughter. Of course, I have to cultivate it as a minor part of my Slaughter Dao."

After saying these words, Li Jun watched how the Might God rapidly turned into a grey sculpture before falling from the sky. Although this guy cultivated a Dao related to force, unfortunately, he only cultivated one aspect of it.

As such, his powerful body is not immune to Myriad Poisons like other Body Refining cultivators. Plus, there is no absolute in this world as even some poisons are powerful enough to kill body refiner as strong as Wang Wei.

Not long after the Might God died, another one appeared in front of Li Jun. This person seemed to have received some sort of information from the other group and was determined to stop Li Jun.

As he looked at the person in front of him, Li Jun frowned as he noticed the sharp teeth and horns on this person's body. More importantly, he was at least 3 meters tall and countless grieving souls could be seen coming from his body.

'God of Sin,' thought Li Jun. 'And based on his appearance, there is a high chance that he has a devil bloodline.'

Although surprised by this God's lineage, he did not care. He waved his hand and a white flame suddenly appeared around him and enveloped the Sin God.

The Sin God felt a great threat from this flame and wanted to prevent it from moving forward. To his horror, he discovered that this flame seemed to be his nemesis.

As soon as it touched him, it was attacked to his soul and body, then began to purify him. The Sin God screamed in agony as flame spewed out of his eyes, mouth, and nose.

A few seconds later, all the grievances surrounding his body were purified, along with his soul. Then, he fell from the sky. The Purifying-Cleansing Flame was truly the nemesis of devil cultivators or people with many sins.

Li Jun then locked on the Chaos God that was not far away. Of course, the chaos was not referring to the Supreme Dao of Chaos which includes the beginning and death of everything, but the antithesis of Order.

He threw his spear with terrifying strength, which scared the Chaos God. The latter immediately dodged the spear, however, he was so close to being hit. Immediately, the thought of retreating and running away came to his mind.

Unfortunately, before he could put his plan into action, Li Jun suddenly appeared before him. The Chaos God only saw a flash of light before everything stooped.

With an incredible look on his face, he saw two swords in Li Jun's hand before a look of sudden realization came to him. Finally, his body turned into million of pieces before falling from the sky.

All of this happened in less than 5 minutes. Yet, Li Jun felt that he wasted too much time. He rushed to the group that was doing the weird ceremony. However, he was once again stopped.

This time by the War Goddess. She seemed to have used a secret method to burn her blood and divine energy to increase her strength. With this, she was able to get rid of the suppression of the cauldron.

Based on her aura, Li Jun could tell that her strength had reached the Saint Realm. Although this power was not sustainable, it was more than enough to delay him.

The two began to clash. As expected, Li Jun only had a slight advantage. With each clash, he pushed her a few dozen meters behind. The power of law spread throughout the heavens, and as a result, the entire world began to shake.

The power of these two exceeded the limit of this world, so destruction seemed inevitable.

Tie Gang, Yan Liling, and Wang Ju immediately became serious after noticing this. They left what they were doing and began to use their powers to reinforce the Destiny Realm and ensure that the clash between these two did not spread further.

As for the mortals and weak gods, they acted quick enough to place all these people into their space ring to save their lives.

With more clashes, wounds could be seen all over the War Goddes' body. However, her battle strength did not decrease as time passed by. As a person who cultivated the Law of War, she will also become stronger the more she fought.

Plus, she also burned her lifespan to sustain her current strength. At this point, she did not care about the fate of this world or anything else for that matter.

All she cared about what this battle. The most intense battle she ever fought in her life. A slight smile could be seen in the corner of her mouth.

Li Jun used his Innate Talent to summon a bunch of soldiers. Then, he sacrificed their lives to increase his battle strength. However, to his surprise, the War Goddess did the same thing with her power of law.

With the increase in strength, the battle became more intense. The people who were reinforcing the realm had a more difficult time doing so. They had to use simple formations to further stabilize the Destiny Realm.

Otherwise, if something happened to this world, their entire purpose of coming here would have been in vain. They would have to find another world and start all over.

However, not long afterward, the two suddenly stopped. Li Jun raised his head to look in the direction of the other group, and immediately, his face became ugly.

A gigantic palm suddenly descended from heaven. The palm was golden and contained divine holiness to it. It was as if it was saying that it was people's honor to be killed by it.


Li Jun's body exploded into countless drops of blood, and his soul was annihilated.. He did not have a single chance at resisting.

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