Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 350 - Final Struggle

Chapter 350 - Final Struggle

After showing his vision and preparing to show his full power, Li Jun could feel an intense rejection from the world. He knew that it was because his power reached beyond the limit of this world.

Fortunately, he was powerful enough to ignore the Heavenly Dao of this world. However, he also decided to be careful since if he used too much strength, he might destroy the entire world.

Li Jun gave a glance at the other people in his group. He saw the other three singlehandedly suppressing the God and Giant Legions. However, according to his orders, they did not wantonly slaughter these people.

No, they were just immobilized and had their powers sealed. These people were nothing but cannon fodders in this war. Now that he decided to deal with the Supreme Gods, Li Jun decided to spare them since they had value as believers.

As long as the Supreme Gods fall or acknowledge their allegiance, these people will not resist.

After seeing that everything was going well, Li Jun focused on his battle. An intense Slaughter Will emanated from his body, making the Supreme Gods feel fear as their blood momentarily froze for a few seconds.

They wondered how many people this person had to kill to have such terrifying slaughter aura surrounding them. However, they quickly denied this idea because of how pure the aura was.

Only a person that has understood the true essence of slaughter could have such a will. This also showed that this person was more terrifying than someone who indulge in mindless killing to understand a Slaughter Will.

Immediately, Li Jun used a newly created technique from his [Slaughter Dao Code]: [Cry of the Fallen].

A strange noise came from his body. Then, all the gods held their heads in pain as some of them scream, while others groaned. All of them could hear the sound of countless people dying, of countless people taking their last breath.

There were cries of sadness, cries of despair, of pain and suffering, of relief, of grief, and unwilling cries.

To these Supreme Gods, it was like they were hearing the voice of all the people that have ever died across All-Heaven Myriad Realm. All the negative mood and intense emotions of these cries completely overwhelmed their souls.

So, they hurriedly used their law to protect themselves. All of them succeed except for one: the Soul God.

With his understanding of the Law of Soul, he should have been the one less affected by this attack. Unfortunately for him, the attack was directed at him, so he suffered the heaviest blow.

The Soul God felt like his soul was being drawn by all these voices. He felt like countless people were dragging him deep under the ocean to drown him. He hurriedly used a Soul Shield to protect himself but it was proven to be useless.

Despair suddenly overcame the Soul God. As soon as such emotion came to him, the attack seemed to intensify. The voices became louder and louder, until:


His soul exploded. The Soul God was killed.

"1 down, 11 to go," muttered Li Jun. In just the few seconds that he killed the Soul God, the others have already stopped his attack. However, given how pale their complexion was, it was not an easy process.

Li Jun stabbed his spear forward and a gigantic one manifested itself to rush towards the remaining Supreme Gods.

"No, stop him," yelled the Destiny Goddess, unfortunately, no one understood what she meant, nor did she have enough time to clarify. The spear was too fast.

Oddly though, it was not as powerful as the other imagined as they easily managed to stop it. However, they soon understood the reason why, and the meaning behind the Destiny Goddess' words.

Although the Supreme Gods blocked the spear, their group was separated. And that's exactly what Li Jun wanted. With another swing of his spear, countless weapons materialized in the air, surrounding one of the two groups.

In this group, there were 6 gods: The Life Goddess, the Destiny Goddess, the War Goddess, the Destruction God, the Order God, and the Light God.

As soon as these people tried to regroup, the weapons surrounding them fell like stars and attacked. The weapons were not only powerful but also endless, making them very difficult to get rid of.

"Alright, let's get rid of the weak ones first," said Li Jun nonchalantly. He rushed straight to the Water God with immense killing intent. The latter was immediately alert and fought back.

Rain suddenly started to fall from the sky on Li Jun. What's more, each drop of water seemed unnaturally heavy. With ease, Li Jun deflected each of the droplets that fell on him.

This act made the Water God scared as he knew that each drop of rain weighed more than 100 million tons. Yet, Li Jun deflected them so easily. He wondered how powerful was this person's fleshly body.

With his speed, Li Jun arrived in front of the Water God in the blink of an eye. He stabbed him with his spear. The latter wanted to dodge the attack by turning his body into water, however, a powerful pressure came out of nowhere and immobilized him.

The spear did not pierce the Water God as he expected but gently touched him. Then, he felt his blood agitated. Before he could react, a swallowing power came from the tip of the spear and began to absorb the blood and vitality of the Water God.

In less than a second, his body dried up like a mummy, and even the vitality of his soul was also absorbed.

"10," said Li Jun calmly. His words sent chilled down the spine of the remaining Supreme Gods. They felt like lambs at a farm waiting for their turn to be slaughtered.

Li Jun turned his gaze at the Illusion Goddess. This single gaze made her feel intense fear, as a result, took a slight step back in the air.

During that single moment of faltering, Li Jun noticed that she accidentally stopped using her Heavenly Abode to block the space in her surrounding. So, he took advantage of the situation and instantly teleported in front of her.

Albeit a little surprised, the Illusion Goddess was also a battle veteran. After quickly controlling the fear in her heart, she reacted quickly to the attack. Her body suddenly turned illusory and the spear went straight through as if she was nothing but air.

With a sneer on her face, she said: "Can you kill an Illusion?"

Although she was not strong, she believed in her survivability.

"Yes, I can," replied Li Jun with a calm and indifferent face. As he slashed his spear, blood spewed out like a fountain. The Illusion Goddess' head flew in the air, still with a look of shock and confusion as to what just happened.

As for Li Jun, he did not even glance at her. What he cultivates is the Dao of Slaughter/Killing. As such, there is nothing under heaven that he could not kill. Whether is real or unreal, tangible or intangible, as long as he wishes to, he can kill it.

"9," he muttered. Then, he looked in the direction of the group of five. He felt an intense aura that caught his attention. As his gaze landed on them, he saw a strange metal eye floating in front of the Destruction God.

"Saint Tier Artifact?" Based on the aura of the eye, he could tell that it was at least Saint Grade. Additionally, he could also feel the power of destruction on the artifact, making it very suitable for its owner.

"It seems that this Destruction God has left this world at one point. And he might even have a fortunate encounter."

After muttering these words to himself, a small cauldron appeared in Li Jun's hand. He waved it and the cauldron rushed to the group. As it flew in their direction, it immediately enlarged itself.

After reaching a dozen meters in both height and width, it stopped on top of these Supreme Gods. Immediately afterward, the 5 of them felt like they were in a quagmire. All their actions were extremely slow and require a lot of energy to move.

Not long after breaking from the Weapons Constraint, this group was once again blocked. Even the artifact in the Destruction God's hand seemed to be barely able to confront the cauldron.

Knowing the severity of their situation, the Supreme Gods took action to deal with their current predicament. Without hesitation, they started to power up the Destruction God's weapon with their law, energy, and soul.

They all knew that this weapon was their only way to get rid of their imprisonment as soon as possible. In the current situation, even an idiot could tell that once the Outsider Leader dealt with the remaining Supreme Gods, it will soon be their turn.

Unfortunately for them, they soon realized that their enemy was better at controlling his weapons than them because no matter how much the eye increased in power, the cauldron still suppressed it.

Finally, the Destiny Goddes commuted through soul with the other five and said:

"There is no time to hesitate.. We need to activate the [Guardian Protocol]."

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