I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1192 - Battle Between the Two Moons

Chapter 1192: Battle Between the Two Moons

Xuanyuan Cheng, Tang Ximen, and Su Qianyun all downed their cups at An Lin’s behest.

The immortal wine was extremely pleasant on the tongue, and this entire sect was filled with trustworthy friends.

As such, everyone could drink to their hearts’ content with no reservations.

“Classmate An Lin, I propose a toast as thanks to your contributions to the sect!” Xuanyuan Cheng filled An Lin’s cup before filling his own.

He waved a hand through the air, and the image of a yin-yang symbol appeared on the surface of the wine. Wait, no, this was the image of a yin-yang nuclear missile.

That’s right, the yin and yang halves bore an uncanny resemblance to two nuclear missiles!

After the energy dissipated, Xuanyuan Cheng passed a cup to An Lin as a warm smile appeared on An Lin’s face. “Let’s both down this in one go!”

“Are you mixing your domain with the wine?”

An Lin accepted the cup with an overawed expression. This was not the expression of someone overwhelmed by an unexpected favor. Instead, it was the expression of a man whose skin was crawling!

This was not an uncommon gesture in the cultivating world. Immortals could fuse their own daos with wine and exchange it so that they could experience one another’s daos as they drank. It was basically killing two birds with one stone.

The only cause for concern was… was this really safe to drink?!

An Lin’s lips twitched, but he still downed the wine after mustering up his courage.

F*ck it! I’ll swallow a bomb for my brother!

Big Brother Cheng’s immortal wine was very good to drink.

It gave him a sense of equilibrium, as if everything in this world were serene and peaceful.

An entranced expression appeared on An Lin’s face, and he was just about to offer words of praise when an explosion erupted in his stomach.


The immortal wine exploded!

The essence of the explosion flowed into An Lin’s body, and he shuddered involuntarily as a wonderful, thrilling sense of satisfaction spread through his entire body.

“Ah… !” A wisp of smoke escaped from An Lin’s mouth as he let loose a satisfied moan.

Xuanyuan Cheng laughed heartily. “Destruction is the end of everything, but it is also the beginning of everything! What do you think of my immortal wine, Classmate An Lin?”

An Lin gave him a thumbs-up. “It’s excellent!”

Su Qianyun also followed suit and filled two cups before raising them to the sky, upon which the light of the moon fused into the wine.

The pristine, white light of the moon rippled over the surface of the immortal wine, creating a beautiful scene to behold.

“Classmate An Lin, I propose a toast to you.” Su Qianyun offered a cup to An Lin, and her dreamy blue eyes rippled as an enticing smile appeared on her face.

“This wine is so beautiful, so it must be delicious.” An Lin accepted the cup with a hint of anticipation on his face before downing the contents of the cup.

The wine was cool and refreshing, perfectly reflecting Su Qianyun’s style.

Rich power of the moon nurtured An Lin’s entire body, making him feel as if he were going to rise up to the moon.

“Su Qianyun, your immortal wine is exquisite! It strikes people with the urge to drink more,” An Lin offered genuine words of praise.

A faint blush appeared on Su Qianyun’s face as she spoke in a mellow voice, “If you want to drink more in the future, you can tell me, and I’ll make some more for you.”

“By the way, Su Qianyun,” An Lin pointed up with a curious expression at the two moons in the sky, one of which was red while the other was white, and asked, “do you know what’s going on with those two moons in the sky?”

Everyone else around them also began paying attention to this conversation.

The second moon appeared a few days ago, and there were all sorts of speculation and theories going around, but there was no concrete theory that could explain the situation. An Lin had just returned from the East Sea, so he hadn’t had time to investigate yet. As such, he could only inquire Su Qianyun about the situation as she had quite a good relationship with Chang’e.

“Big Sister Chang’e mentioned this to me once. She said something about someone engaging in a battle of Dao Integration with her,” Su Qianyun replied.

“Battle of Dao Integration? Can’t everyone just integrate their own dao? Why would there be a conflict? Even if both of them pursued the dao of the moon, there’s no need to fight about it, is there?” An Lin was a little confused.

“This is something concerned with exclusivity.” Su Qianyun explained, “There are only one sun and one moon in this world, and their exclusivity has been constant throughout history.”

“The reason why Big Sister Chang’e has been stuck at the Return to Void Pinnacle Stage for so long is that she wants to pursue a unique and exclusive dao. She’s not pursuing the power of the moon to achieve her dao. Instead, she wants to become the moon, the only unique and exclusive moon between heaven and earth!”

An Lin was shocked to hear this. “What a frightening ambition! She’s trying to become a god!”

“If that’s the case, then that red moon is trying to challenge her exclusivity. In the aftermath of their battle, only the white moon or the red moon will remain in this world… Is Chang’e going to be alright?” An Lin was a little concerned.

“Don’t worry. Do you think Big Sister Chang’e has just been whiling her days away at the Moon Palace all this time? She is more than prepared for a battle like this, and she has attained more enlightenment in the dao of the moon than anyone in this world, so how could she lose?” Su Qianyun seemed to be very confident in Chang’e.

Su Qianyun seemed to have had a little too much to drink, and she began to ramble about how awesome Chang’e was like a madwoman in order to convince everyone of Chang’e’s assured victory. An Lin didn’t even know whether he should interject and stop her or not.

“By the way, Big Sister Chang’e told me a few days ago that the divine pill she’s refining is already seventy percent complete. She told me to tell you that she’ll have it completed within three months,” Su Qianyun continued.

An Lin was astonished. “Isn’t Chang’e engaged in a battle of Dao Integration? How can she refine the pill for me in the meantime?”

“Don’t worry, she can multitask!” Su Qianyun spoke with a carefree expression.

An Lin: “…”

Why did he feel like Chang’e wasn’t taking her work very seriously?

He felt like he should give Chang’e a hand, and he turned to look up at the red moon in the sky. “Can we just go over there and make that moon explode? It’s such a big target, surely we can easily disrupt it.”

A smile appeared on Su Qianyun’s face. “If the red moon could be detonated, do you think the emperors of the Heavenly Court wouldn’t have done so already? The red moon is only a projection of that mysterious mighty figure’s divine dao.”

An Lin nodded with a hint of disappointment on his face.

The sect party was still progressing, and An Lin went on to taste Xu Xiaolan’s holy flame immortal wine, upon which his entire body was warmed up. He also had a cup of Liu Qianhuan’s sorcery infused wine, which stimulated the taste buds and presented an extremely unique flavor.

He even tasted Tang Ximen’s immortal wine to find that it was completely bland and ordinary, so there were no surprises there.

In the end, An Lin gave each of the core disciples a spirit fruit, bringing a new climax to the party.

That night, all of the sect members thoroughly enjoyed themselves and partied the entire night.

Even Long Aotian and Xiao Tu had a very good time.

However, the very next morning, Xiao Tu told An Lin that he was going to leave the Four Nine Immortal Sect!

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