I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1191 - The Four Nine Immortal Sect’s Welcoming Dinner Feast

Chapter 1191: The Four Nine Immortal Sect’s Welcoming Dinner Feast

“Big Brother An, how did your money-borrowing mission go, woof?!” Da Bai sprang forward and asked with a tongue-wagging smile.

“It went pretty well. Here are twelve million spirit stones.” An Lin tossed a storage ring toward Da Bai. “We now have a hundred million and can repair the Starfire Battleship.”

“Leave it to me.” Bai Ling spoke with a faint smile, “Repairing this thing is quite fun, and it can help me revise my past knowledge.”

An Lin’s lips twitched with a hint of concern. “Do make sure to be careful. There’s only one battleship, please don’t break it.”

“By the way, An Lin, who are those two dragon-horned middle-aged men behind you? Did you ‘borrow’ them from the Dragon Court as well?” Liu Qianhuan pointed to the two men behind An Lin with a curious expression.

“Haha, let me make a formal introduction for you all. This half-naked muscle man is Long Aotian. He is a mighty figure at the Return to Void Pinnacle Stage and was once the general of the Divine Guardian Squad as well as one of Shen Yin’s trusted subordinates. He is now an honorary elder of the Four Nine Immortal Sect!”

Everyone let loose cries of surprise upon hearing this.

They didn’t even get a chance to catch their breath before they were struck by some even more jarring news.

“This benevolent-looking middle-aged man is Xiao Tu. He is a Primordial Dragon Tribe mighty figure at the Return to Void Pinnacle Stage as well as my newest disciple!”

Everyone’s mouths gaped open upon hearing this.

He went to borrow some money and ended up with a new disciple?

And this was a Primordial Dragon Tribe mighty figure at the Return to Void Pinnacle Stage as well! Was this a dream?!

“My horizons have been vastly broadened…”

“I feel like I’ve been in a constant state of astonishment ever since I joined the Four Nine Immortal Sect!”

“I feel like my outlook on cultivation is being flipped on its head every single day.”

“Long live the sect leader…”

All of the sect members discussed spiritedly among themselves.

An Lin gestured for an adorable, porcelain-like little girl to come over to him. “Come here, Little Ling. Give your Junior Brother a welcome.”

An Lin turned to Xiao Tu. “This is your Senior Sister Ye Ling.”

Xiao Tu: “…”

All of the sect members: “…”

“Hello, Junior Brother, my name is Ye Ling,” Ye Ling said in a tender voice, and she was blinking profusely with a faint flush on her face, indicating that she was clearly a little nervous and shy.

Xiao Tu’s expression congealed, and his lips quivered.

The term “Junior Brother” was echoing over and over again in his mind.


“How had things become like this? I won’t accept this!”

Xiao Tu suddenly gripped both sides of his head with his hands as he yelled with a broken expression.

All of the sect disciples and pavilion lords were astonished again.

“Our sect sure is an amazing place. This is probably the only place where you’ll see an eight-year-old Senior Sister and her Junior Brother who is hundreds of thousands of years old!”

“I just want to bask in my astonishment right now!”

“Sect Leader An Lin is so bad*ss! I don’t know what words I can use to express my complex emotions right now…”

“I don’t know what complex emotions you’re feeling, but I can guarantee that it’s not as complex as this Xiao Tu’s current emotional state…”

Everyone looked at the man having a nervous breakdown before them. They felt that the situation was quite hilarious, but at the same time, they were also feeling quite sympathetic toward him.

The beautiful Dragon Princess, Bei Lian, could empathize with what he was feeling.

She had been in a similar situation many times since joining this sect. There was finally a Dragon Tribe mighty figure in an even more miserable state than she had been, and she couldn’t help but feel a sense of consolation intermingled with sympathy, as if she was finally not alone.

This was simply a reality that could not be changed.

Within the cultivating world, there were high and low cultivation bases, as well as young and old cultivators. In order to avoid turmoil, the sect’s hierarchical order was decided by everyone’s sequence and position.

Ye Ling and Xiao Tu were both the sect leader’s disciples, so they held the same position, but Ye Ling became An Lin’s disciple first, so she was the Senior Sister. This was a rule that was set in stone and could not be changed…

Ye Ling was given a fright by Xiao Tu’s spontaneous, anguished cry, and she took a few steps back as her delicate features paled. She extended a soft little hand and tightly gripped onto An Lin’s sleeve.

An Lin was angry. “What the hell are you yelling about? You frightened your Senior Sister!”

Xiao Tu finally began to calm down. “Sorry, I was just…”

“Just what? Why are you putting on that conflicted and disdainful expression? Where else are you going to find a lovely Senior Sister like this?” An Lin began to scold his new disciple, “She’s so petite and adorable, what do you have to be unhappy about?”

“But she’s so young…” Xiao Tu was on the brink of tears.

An Lin’s brows furrowed. “What? Are you looking down on young people? You and Ye Ling have an age gap of a few hundred thousand years, so you don’t want to accept her as your Senior Sister? You and I also have an age gap of a few hundred thousand years, does that mean you want to renounce your Master as well?!”

Xiao Tu shuddered, and he immediately bowed his head. “I wouldn’t dare!”

“Hmm?” An Lin’s eyebrows perked up.

Xiao Tu immediately understood what he wanted, and he turned to the trembling little girl as he forced a smile onto his face. “Se… Senior Sister, my apologies for scaring you earlier.”

“That’s alright.” Ye Ling hurriedly shook her head to forgive him.

“Good disciple.” An Lin clasped his hands behind his back and nodded with contentment.

“Come on, I’ll take you on a tour of our sect.” An Lin led the way, and Long Aotian and Xiao Tu trailed along behind him as they walked in through the gate of the Four Nine Immortal Sect.

All of the disciples had their eyes on An Lin’s back, and they felt like An Lin was practically glowing!

The next day, the Four Nine Immortal Sect held a lavish welcoming ceremony.

All of the sect’s core disciples, as well as the pavilion lords and elders, were all in attendance. Even Lin Junjun had made her way over to the sect from the Heavenly Court to welcome the two newest members of their big family.

One of them was Long Aotian, who was renowned across the entire continent, while the other was the top-tier Primordial Dragon Tribe mighty figure, Xiao Tu. Both of them would be extremely revered characters no matter where they went.

However, everyone interacted freely with one another, as if those social norms did not exist here. There was no sense of awkwardness due to disparities in cultivation bases or ages, and the atmosphere was quite a good one.

Night fell, and a dazzling galaxy of stars appeared in the night sky along with the bright moon.

The Four Nine Immortal Sect’s welcoming dinner feast had begun.

This was essentially a sect-wide party!

During the event, everyone could drink immortal wine and eat immortal fruits to their hearts’ content. There were also lottery events held for high-level cultivation methods, and some lucky disciples were able to win cultivation methods at or above the Return to Void Stage!

The atmosphere was a sea of joy and elation.

Sect Leader An Lin cooked for everyone with the frying pan.

Xiao Tu and Long Aotian were completely and utterly astonished by this meal.

“This is the best thing I’ve eaten in tens of thousands of years!” Long Aotian yelled his approval.

“This is the best thing I’ve eaten in several hundred thousand years!” Xiao Tu also delivered glowing praise.

Tang Ximen dragged Xuanyuan Cheng aside, and the two of them seemed to try drowning themselves with strong immortal wine.

“While we’re still fighting to reach Return to Void Stage as our long term goal, An Lin already has two Primordial Dragon Tribe Return to Void Final Stage disciples. Let’s drink to that!” Tang Ximen downed the full cup of wine in one go.

“When I’m still working my *ss off to progress to the Soul Formation Intermediate Stage, Classmate Xiaolan has already progressed to the Return to Void Stage. Let’s drink to that!” Xuanyuan Cheng just wanted to get drunk tonight, and he too downed his entire cup.

“Classmate Xiaolan sure is impressive! She must have created some sort of record in the history of the university. After all, she’s the first prodigy to have progressed to the Return to Void Stage while she’s still a student of the university. I’m going to set her as my target. Let’s drink to that!” Su Qianyun also downed her entire cup with an enticing alcohol-fuelled flush on her exquisitely beautiful features.

An Lin made his way toward his classmates and friends with a wine glass in his hands. “Xiaolan has broken the record, but I’m going to be the second prodigy to progress to the Return to Void Stage while I’m still a student at the university! Let’s drink to that!”

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