I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1004

Chapter 1004: The Romantic Kiss

There were some living beings present who recognized this blue-tailed mermaid.

“That’s the second princess of the Spirit Fish Clan’s Hong Meng Divine Altar, Lan Xiaoni!”

“Oh my God! How did she hook up with Chen Nan?”

“Is… is she trying to abduct the groom?”

Everyone had been completely dumbstruck by this series of shocking developments.

“How dare you pull something like this in Qing Hu Palace!” One of the Green Fox Tribe Return to Void Final Stage mighty figures let loose an enraged roar before unleashing attacks upon the enchantment barrier set up by the two Spirit Fish Clan mighty figures.

All of the other powerful beings from the Fox Tribe also sprang into action, and the entire wedding descended into turmoil.

As for the other two Return to Void Final Stage mighty figures from the Hall of Creation, both of them sat expressionlessly with their eyes closed, as if this had nothing to do with them. They did not want to take any sides in a domestic dispute like this.

Within the enchantment barrier, Lan Xiaoni flew toward Chen Nan.

“Chen Nan, you better put an end to this farce right now!” Bai Muyu lunged toward Chen Nan.

However, a figure suddenly appeared before Chen Nan, from which the power of the divine dao surged.

“You…” Bai Muyu’s face was filled with irrepressible rage.

The powerful being standing in her way was none other than the strongest cultivator in the Black Fox Tribe, the Black Fox Emperor, Chen Hao.

“Hahaha… Let’s not meddle in a fight between kids, eh?”

Chen Hao laughed heartily before summoning a black jewel that instantly enshrouded him and Bai Muyu, thereby preventing Bai Muyu from taking part in this battle.

It was also at this moment that Chen Nan turned toward Bai Yao with a vicious expression. “You want to use my Dark Corrosion Divine Flame to repress your Frosty Yang Root. But did you know that I also need your Frosty Yang Root to repress the power of the flames within my body? The only difference between us is that I can extract the Frosty Yang Root from your body!”

Bai Yao’s features paled when she realized what Chen Nan intended to do. She couldn’t help but take a couple of steps backward, but her clear eyes were full of determination. “I had no intention to marry you. Seeing as you feel the same way, I feel much more relieved.”

Chen Nan made his way toward Bai Yao with a cold sneer, treating her words as a mere pitiful attempt to spite him.

“Please don’t do anything rash, Young Master Chen Nan!”

Qing Yinghu finally came to his senses before positioning himself in front of Bai Yao.

“Piss off!” Lan Xiaoni let loose a delicate cry as she flew toward Qing Yinghu as a blue streak of light.

The Return to Void Initial Stage Qing Yinghu did not stand a chance and was knocked away instantaneously.

Chen Nan put on a metal glove and unleashed his Dark Corrosive Divine Flame before making his way toward Bai Yao. “Don’t worry. As long as you don’t resist, I can extract the Frosty Yang Root from your body without taking your life.”

Of course, he selectively neglected to tell her that she would lose her cultivation base as a result.


Suddenly, the enchantment barrier began to tremor violently.

“What’s going on?” Chen Nan’s expression shifted drastically.

He turned toward the enchantment barrier to discover that one of the mighty figures who was spectating from the sidelines suddenly decided to intervene. This was Yue Dou of the Divine Rock Tribe, and he had joined forces with a Green Fox Tribe mighty figure to attack the enchantment barrier set up by the Spirit Fish Clan mighty figures!

“We don’t have much time, Grandpa! My friend’s lover is in danger!” Hong Dou yelled.

Yue Dou let loose an enraged roar as his fists rained down upon the enchantment barrier with mountainous force. His voice erupted like claps of thunder as he roared, “Let go of Mr. An Lin’s lover right now, or I’ll be forced to teach you a lesson!”

He had already gotten a rough idea of what was going on from Hong Dou.

This was a thrilling and romantic bride abduction!

The only thing was, not only were there people here to abduct the bride, there was another party that had been thrown into the mix and was trying to abduct the groom! How exciting!

Yue Dou decided to side with his grandson’s friend, and his heart surged with excitement as he broke down the enchantment barrier with the help of a Green Fox Tribe mighty figure.

The Fox Tribe mighty figures were dumbstruck. They were extremely happy that they were getting powerful reinforcements, but what the hell was this about An Lin’s lover!? Could it be that Bai Yao…

An Lin’s mouth gaped open as ten thousand mythological beasts stampeded over his heart.

“An Lin… Could it be the Lord of Transcendence? That An Lin?”

“My God! Bai Yao is having an affair with An Lin?”

“Why… why am I unable to figure out what’s going on with this wedding anymore?”

“Look! An Lin really is here!”

“Gasp… Lan Xiaoni is abducting Chen Nan and An Lin is abducting Bai Yao? Holy sh*t! This is earth-shattering news!”

All of the spectators suddenly turned into commentators as they discussed spiritedly among themselves.

An Lin was completely bamboozled.

What the f*ck was this development?! How did everyone come to this conclusion?

How was he, in any way, shape, or form, related to Bai Yao? Who the f*ck was trying to slander him?!

This was a matter of life and death! If Xu Xiaolan heard about this, he was as good as dead!

“Xiao Chou, let me explain…”

An Lin turned toward Xiao Chou as he repressed the urge to throw up a mouthful of blood.

If he knew who was trying to slander him, he’d pluck them out of the audience and give them the most painful death imaginable!

“Big Brother An, I know what type of person Bai Yao is. There must be some sort of misunderstanding.” Xiao Chou silently pulled out his staff as his aura surged explosively.

An Lin: “…”

Xiao Chou was so thoughtful and understanding.

Chen Nan’s group was struck by an even stronger sense of urgency upon learning that An Lin was also at the scene.

“Bai Yao, your Frosty Yang Root is mine!”

Chen Nan let loose an enraged roar before extending a hand toward Bai Yao. A massive palm enshrouded by black, corrosive Divine Flames swept toward Bai Yao from all sides, affording her no avenue for escape.

At that moment, Bai Yao was struck by an overwhelming sense of danger.

She could only resist with all her power by conjuring up layers of ice barriers before her.

However, Chen Nan’s attack was far too powerful for her to handle, and her ice barriers were shattered in no time.

Bai Yao’s frail body was swept through the air by the overwhelming force of Chen Nan’s palm, and she threw up a large mouthful of blood.

The corrosive flames continued to pursue her before enveloping her, upon which heaven and earth fell completely black.


An ear-splitting boom erupted as if something had just been shattered.

“Bai Yao!”

A familiar, enraged roar sounded.

The black flames were suddenly parted by a powerful force.

Bai Yao’s eyes instantly lit up.

She was greeted by the sight of a peerlessly domineering monkey in a suit of black crystal armor and a mask on his face. He was like an invincible hero standing atop a wave of black flames while parting Chen Nan’s flames with a powerful swing of his staff.

A powerful set of arms then encircled themselves around her waist to arrest her downward momentum.

“How could this be…” Chen Nan’s eyes were wide open. “You’re…”

He didn’t even get a chance to finish his sentence before another man appeared and launched a monstrous golden fist right at his face.

The fist was simply flying at Chen Nan far too quickly for him to be able to evade it. The terrifying power of the earth instantly tore through his defenses.


Chen Nan’s handsome face was bashed into a twisted mess. His nose had been completely flattened, a few of his teeth were shattered, and his body shot forth like a cannonball from the boundless power behind that fist.

All of the onlooking spectators let loose cries of surprise upon seeing this.

Meanwhile, elsewhere…

A vibrant smile appeared on the face of the woman who had been saved by the mysterious monkey.

A gallant monkey had rescued an impossibly gorgeous woman.

This scene attracted the gazes of countless livings from the Creation Realm.

“Little Monkey, I knew you would come. I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time, and even though the circumstances are a bit surprising, I really am happy to see you…”

Bai Yao was extremely excited as she pulled off the monkey’s mask.

A set of familiar eyes appeared before her. They were a little red, as if they had just shed tears.

That familiar nose with its nostrils pointing to the sky, that familiar crooked mouth, that familiar face…

Each of the onlookers drew a sharp intake of breath upon seeing the monkey behind the mask. What a hideous monkey!

The monkey’s image had instantly plummeted from a gallant hero to become an impossibly hideous creature!

His ugliness was even further accentuated with the stunning Bai Yao as a point of comparison.

“Long time no see, Little Monkey!”

Bai Yao’s smile didn’t waver in the slightest as she laid a slender hand on his face. Then, right before the astonished eyes of the countless living beings present, she raised her chin and imprinted her ruby lips onto Xiao Chou’s.

This was a deep, passionate kiss.

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