I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1003

Chapter 1003: Abducting the Bride!

I see you.

Just this simple sentence had An Lin, Da Bai, and Tina all rooted to the spot.

Xiao Chou’s body was trembling violently as he fought to repress the urge to leap onto that wedding hall.

All of the living beings present were confused by her spontaneous statement, and they tried to trace the line of Bai Yao’s gaze, only to find that her eyes had settled on Chen Nan.

“Little Yao, who did you see?” Bai Muyu’s brows furrowed slightly.

“Just an old friend.”

A faint smile appeared on her face, from which no other emotion could be gleaned.

This was such a grand occasion and an audience of over a hundred thousand all had their eyes upon Princess Bai Yao. Just what could make her lose control over her emotions in front of such a massive audience to the point of uttering such an illogical statement?

An old friend? What kind of old friend could make her do something like this?

Expressions of displeasure appeared on the faces of all of the foxes at the wedding hall.

However, they knew that this was not the time nor place to be asking questions.

Chen Nan didn’t really seem to think much of this as the smile on his face that was full of anticipation and happiness did not waver in the slightest.

The wedding continued.

Xiao Chou’s hands had balled up into tight fists.

Bai Yao’s smile, as well as that one sentence she had uttered, was a heavy blow to his heart. He wanted to leap onto that wedding hall and hold her in his arms regardless of the consequences.

“Big Brother An, I…”

“Do you want to go to her?”


Xiao Chou turned toward An Lin.

Unbeknown to him, An Lin had already pulled out his Evil-Slaying Sword.

An Lin also turned to Xiao Chou with a smile on his face. “Do you want to go to her? Do you want to be together with her? We’ll help you steal Bai Yao away!”

“Big Brother Chou, I already told you that Chen Nan is not worthy of Bai Yao. You two are the true match made in heaven, woof!” Da Bai bared his claws excitedly.

Tina also chimed in, “I had initially thought that this was an unrequited love. But to think that Bai Yao was able to identify Big Brother Chou even though he’s wearing a mask. This is most definitely true love! Little Na wants to fight for Big Brother Chou’s happiness!”

Xiao Chou stared blankly at everyone as tears welled up in his eyes again.

Not far away from them, Hong Dou was also staring at An Lin with irrepressible excitement.

He knew what Bai Yao was saying. Bai Yao had seen him! She had seen An Lin!

She was having an affair with An Lin after all!

Holy sh*t!

He’s most likely going to abduct the bride now!

With this in mind, the flames on Hong Dou’s chest began to burn even more brightly.

Xiao Chou’s heart was full of excitement as he turned his eyes toward the wedding hall.

There, Bai Yao and Chen Nan stood facing each other with smiles of happiness on their faces. For some reason, his heart began to cool again upon seeing this.

Xiao Chou loved Bai Yao, and he felt like Bai Yao loved him too.

This was something he firmly believed in, even right now. Even after eating all those Green Fox Fruit a few days ago, he had never forgotten nor given up on her. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have proposed coming here to attend their wedding.

As Xiao Chou looked at Chen Nan, he had to admit that Chen Nan really was extremely handsome.

Bai Yao and Chen Nan really were a perfect match. If he were to be in a relationship with Bai Yao, everyone would probably laugh at how much of a mismatch they were. Perhaps it was just like what one of the wedding-goers in the audience had said. If he were to oppose this wedding, he would suffer divine retribution.

“Xiao Chou? Hurry up and make a decision!” An Lin urged.

“I have a spatial divine technique that can allow us to travel through space at extreme speed. It would be very difficult for even Return to Void Final Stage mighty figures to catch up to us,” Tina also chimed in.

Xiao Chou turned to his companions before looking up at the Return to Void Final Stage mighty figures in the wedding hall. He opened his mouth before shaking his head with difficulty.

“Let’s… let’s wait some more…”

At this moment, joyful and romantic wedding music had sounded again.

It was now time for the bride and groom to swear their vows.

Qing Yinghu descended before Chen Nan and Bai Yao before speaking in a serious voice, “Black fox Chen Nan, do you accept Bai Yao as your wife? Do you promise to love her and to be faithful to her through poverty, disease, and even death?”

A rain of flower petals began to flutter down from the sky in a marvelous spectacle.

Xiao Chou’s breathing accelerated, and his body began to tremble.

An Lin was already preparing a spell technique. Xiao Chou only needed to give him a simple instruction, and he would immediately leap onto that wedding hall to carve out a path for Xiao Chou.

Tina was also making a series of hand seals as divine light flashed through her emerald eyes.

Everyone waited with bated breath for those two words.

Chen Nan looked at Bai Yao with a smile before giving his reply.

“I don’t.”

Silence suddenly descended upon heaven and earth.

Even the rain of flower petals seemed to have faltered all of a sudden.

Bai Yao’s smile froze on her face.

All of the living beings present stared blankly at the scene before their eyes, wondering if they had misheard him. This was a two-word answer, but it wasn’t the two-word answer everyone was waiting for!

Qing Yinghu was also completely dumbstruck.

What the f*ck… What was this farcical answer?

What was he supposed to do now?

An Lin was completely stupefied too. They hadn’t even commenced their operation to abduct the bride and the groom was already refusing to marry the bride? What the hell was going on?

Xiao Chou’s breathing accelerated, and he took a step forward as a raging battle intent surged from his body.

He didn’t know why he was so enraged. He wanted to be with Bai Yao so badly, so he should have been happy when Chen Nan said, “I don’t”, but for some reason, he was completely infuriated by this, and all he wanted to do was to beat the crap out of this black fox.

“What are you saying, Chen Nan?” Bai Muyu’s expression darkened slightly.

Chen Nan turned toward Bai Muyu as a cold sneer appeared on his face. “Your daughter needs my Dark Corrosion Divine Flame to repress her Frosty Yang Root, which is on the brink of detonating. You just want to use me.”

His voice wasn’t very loud, but the entire audience consisted of powerful cultivators, so they were able to hear his voice quite clearly.

It was exactly because of this that they were all staring at the bride and groom with incredulous expressions.

What a shocking revelation! There was an untold secret like this?

Most importantly, he revealed this secret for an audience of over a hundred thousand to hear!

What was he trying to do?

“Chen Nan, what is this nonsense you’re spouting?” Bai Muyu was completely enraged.

Chen Nan met Bai Muyu’s enraged gaze with a steely one of his own. “I’m revealing this here so that I can let everyone see you for what you are! I was forced into this marriage! I do not love Bai Yao!”


His words were like a clap of thunder erupting in everyone’s head.

An Lin’s mouth gaped open as he fell into a momentary daze.

What the f*ck… He had thought Bai Yao was being forced into this marriage.

It turned out that Chen Nan was the victim instead?!

Bai Yao suddenly burst into laughter upon seeing this.

“Are you finally coming clean? Then let me tell you the truth. I’ve never…”


Heaven and earth suddenly began to tremor before she had a chance to finish her sentence.

Two extremely fearsome auras erupted into the heavens.

Two Return to Void Final Stage mighty figures with human upper bodies and fishtails as lower bodies set up an extremely formidable enchantment barrier that sealed away the entire wedding hall.

A mermaid with a blue fishtail flew to the scene atop a wave with tears shimmering in her eyes. “Chen Nan, my love! I’ve come for you!”

An Lin was flabbergasted. He felt like his brain had been reduced to mashed potatoes.

This development had completely transcended beyond his expectations.

A princess of the Spirit Fish Clan was here with a bunch of mighty figures to abduct the groom!!!

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