Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 668 - Bee





I waved the strange and odd thoughts I was having about the real 'identity' of this egg, as I thought that it was just a mere coincidence that it was a bee, and not something related to the bee I killed on my first day in Genesis at all.

Yeah, there was simply no way that it could be that bee! I was just being nuts, as always.

Yep, no way in hell.

N-No way…

Yeah, no way!

Anyways, my mind was being a bit stupid and overly concerned…

So I simply glanced at the egg one last time.

Should I eat it instead?

It might be one of the possibilities.

But it is a young divine beast… and it is a bee empress.

Meaning that it could create its own hive of bees.

Producing even more Divine Beasts through that method, right?

And if they are bees, they can surely make honey too, right?

There is a ton of flowers around the Empire and the Grand Forest ready to be fertilized, so they will get some work.

Unless these bees end up being enormous

This might be the case whenever they grow up.

This egg in specific had around forty centimeters of height, so inside there was a very 'small' sized divine beast, although bees are usually very tiny, so I guess it is a giant bee in that regard.

Maybe I would have to create their own flower garden by using my Life Attribute Magic and Element Manipulation, alongside the assistance of the Dryads to create enormous flowers for these giants to fertilize and make honey of their pollen.

Hm, the honey here is already amazing, it goes well with Rimuru's Pancakes, and she had even incorporated it into cakes and pies, resulting in all of them being even more delightful.

And now, by just imagining the flavor that Divine Honey produced by Bee Divine Beasts is… mouthwatering.

Hmm, I guess it is better to keep it alive for now!


[Do you wish to open the item?]

[>YES    NO]

It is a bit funny that the egg itself, even with a living being inside is considered an item, and won't hatch unless I 'open' it.


Crack, crack!

The moment I said the command, the egg immediately began to release cracks all around itself, the cracks released shiny golden colors as the creature slowly made its way out of the shell.

Everyone present was doing other things, but after sensing the creature being born, everyone shifted their gazes towards it.

"That's Divine Energy, guu!" said Rimuru, after having eaten the pieces of Gods before, she already knew how Divine Energy smelt or could be sensed.

"Could that be a Divine Beast egg?" asked Zehe.

"Indeed, it is one of the rewards I got, it is supposed to be a Bee," I said.

"Oh! Amazing! …What's a bee?" asked Vudia.

"A bee is… those little bugs that make honey!" said Ailine.

"I love honey! With auntie Rimuru's pancakes!" said Nirah.

"Oh my, I am glad you like my Pancakes, Nirah-chan~," said Rimuru.

"Everyone shut up! It's opening!" said Oga.

"I wonder what it will look like?" wondered Belle.

"Err, a big bee?" asked Amiphossia.

Crack, crack!


The egg suddenly cracked into pieces, as a small hand, humanoid in appearance but covered in a yellow-colored exoskeleton with blacks tripes.


Then, another hand appeared, and another, and another, and another- Around six showed up, all of them were small, like those of a baby, but covered in this exoskeleton, which I discovered that only went up the elbows, from then, it had pale chocolate-colored skin.


The little voice of a girl resonated within the surroundings, as the little baby finally broke off its eggshell.

"Baaahh…! Bah! Bah!" it began to say, as it destroyed the eggshells angrily.

"Oh! It's angry!" said Vudia.

"Maybe the egg was very annoying to be inside," said Zehe.

"Hm, poor thing…" said Nesiphae.

The little bee was in fact, some kind of demi-human-like Divine Beast, it had the appearance of a cute toddler girl, her skin was chocolate-colored, with an exoskeleton covering her arms starting from her elbows, and her legs starting from her knees.

She had the face of a normal human baby, which was rather adorable, with shiny golden eyes and a messy blonde hair that reached her shoulders, she had a bee abdomen above her butt, and black-colored bee antennae on her forehead, alongside another pair of bug-like eyes there as well.


[The Living Deity Rank 1 Heavenly Bee Empress Divine Beast has hatched from her egg!]

[You acquired the [Divine Beast Tamer] Title!]

[Divine Beast Tamer]

A Title is given to a mortal who had tamed a Divine Beast.

This Title increases the likelihood of taming a Divine Beast while enhancing the user's charm towards them.

"I even got a title from this little baby?" I said, as I glanced at the tiny thing and cleaned the eggshells, carrying it with my arms.


The baby suddenly jolted in surprise as it glanced at me with her beautiful golden eyes, she was suddenly paralyzed.

"Buuuhhhh…! BUHUHUHUHU!"

Suddenly, the baby bee girl showed a strange smile, as she moved her six arms towards my breast, beginning to… grab and massage them?

Well, it is just a baby, maybe it is scared? I should give her the feeling that she is within her family.

"Are you scared? Don't worry, I will be here for you, okay? I will be your new mommy," I said, hugging her and kissing her on her forehead, which at the same time came with my Blessing.

"Bbbzz… Buuhuhu…" she said, as her face showed a very intense blush, she dived her face into the middle of my breast… maybe she is tired? But her heart rate stabilized a bit, so she had most likely calmed down.

It seems that she is speaking through a strange bee dialect, but I believe that she might be able to learn how to speak better. Her stats… I cannot see them as she is a Divine Beast. But I can see that her aura is flowing with Light, Life, and Holy Attribute, and there was a strong… hint of other divinity.

It was a strange divinity that I had never sensed before, but it oddly made me remind of the System itself.

Nah, it must be just my imagination.

I caressed her adorable blonde hair as I presented her to the rest of the family, she was absurdly happy after a bit and ended up being carried by most of my wives, she seemed to use our breasts as cushions, it was very cute.

She even laughed and smiled happily, and her face sometimes showed an odd happy expression, but I think that must be because of her different nature as a bee. 

"She's so cute! Can I carry her?" asked Nesiphae.

"Sure, here," I said, as I gave the baby to Nesiphae. The baby seemed to miss me as she waved her hands towards me with her tiny fingers closing constantly, she seemed to like to squeeze my breasts the most.

Until she was hugged by Nesiphae, and she became very happy again, rubbing her face cutely on Nesiphae's chest while releasing an adorable chuckle.

"Oh my, she's so cute! She's even rubbing her face into me! So friendly, fufu~" said Nesiphae.

"Buuuhh! Buhihihi~" laughed the baby.

"How should we name her?" wondered Zehe.

"Hmm… How about Quin? She's an Empress, yeah, but Quin is also fitting as she could also be like the queen of bees…" I said.

"Sounds good to me!" said Ailine.

"Quin-chan, I want to carry her now!" said Vudia, as she grabbed on Quin and flew around with her.

Quin suddenly got annoyed by being away from her aunties, but slowly seemed to calm down as she met with the rest of my daughters, specially Amiphossia and Valentia, who she seemed to love to hug and rub.

There wasn't anything 'weird' aside from that strange divinity attached to her soul, so I suppose that it was a successful upbringing, which came with a new and unexpected adoptive daughter.

Due to being demi-human-like, I suppose that it made her more acceptable within my mind to become something like an adoptive daughter.

I suppose that if it had been just a giant bee, it would have been a pet at best… but now things kind of change, I suppose.

It seems to be fairly intelligent as well and is learning at an outstanding pace.

I tried to feed her flowers, but she didn't like to eat, then came vegetables, which she didn't want either.

I had to give her honey and sweets for her to get happy, but after that, I tried giving her my milk, which she happily drank.

I suppose that is what she needed? She seems to be part humanoid, and like that, it might have the traits of a mammalian, needing the nutritious milk of a mother to nourish her.

Aside from sweet things, she kept drinking my milk while squeezing my breasts for several hours, until she fell asleep cutely over the bed.

After that, I decided to drink the EXP Potions I had accumulated, alongside snacking in some weapons…

I made several True Body Clones sew new clothes for Quin, she seemed to be of the cute lady type of girl, and I could already imagine that whenever she grows up, she would become an adorable lady, so lady-like dresses and such was the priority.


Just after going through all of that disgusting thing that those weird dudes glowing in bright white color did to me, which included feeding me their fingers, arms, legs, amongst other disgusting shit, I was encapsulated into this egg-shaped thing.

Really, I could not even move.

My senses were somehow dulled, even more, dulled than before, and I could not simply even muster what the fuck I was going to do now.

Did I finally die?

Like for real?

So, this is the afterlife, huh?

Pretty chill, I might as well sleep for eternity and forget about all of this crap, I am done with living, man. I am done with it.


What a way to go.

I was a nasty ass gangster, which I am still quite proud of until the last moment when no one of these shitheads helped me, and then I was a bee that was taken care of by more bees until I got the shit out of their nest, and then, I was violated by these weird guys made out of white light and then sent into this capsule.

I really expected to do something else in life.

I mean, yeah, I was a nasty ass gangster, but I was getting somewhere there more criminal stuff and the possibility of joining the damn Yakuza! Who would not want that? They are fucking cool.

Haah, well, I was the only weirdo that actually liked Yakuza so much…

All the other shitheads at my gang thought of them as shitty, like they should not even be going around right now, they were a relic of the past… according to them.

But I believe that the Yakuza are still fucking cool!

But now I will never be one…

Man, I want to touch some tidies at the very least.

Some nice and big, very round, and squishy.

How long has it been since the last time I got some bitches?


Not like I can even feel my body anymore, it is as if I do not even have a libido, but the wish… the wish of wanting to touch some big ol' tidies…

Ah, for fuck sake.

I need to stop thinking about that shit and go to sleep for eternity.

Maybe I will awaken like buddha and- OH?!

Crack, crack!

What the fuck?! I am cracking out of this egg!


Let's get out of this shithole!

I use all of my strength as I begin to tear down this prison I was in.

I quickly realized I had six fucking arms, and they were incredibly tiny, but at least they still feel kind of 'human' than the legs of a bee…

I also suddenly got a lot of strength that I honestly never had before, I tore down through the egg in an instant and jumped out of it.

Fucking egg!

I began to smash it to release some steam, I was fucking angry, man.

And then, I realize that I was in some kind of hall… surrounded by a lot of… strange-looking people, of all colors and sizes.

What the fuck is this freak show?

Was I born in a circus?!

And then… Holy shit!

I was grabbed by the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my three lives!


What I see right in front of me are the most beautiful pair of breasts in my entire life!

I extend my arms instinctively as I grab them!

And she does not seem too bothered by it?!


I begin to squeeze them uncontrollably! I wanted to do this for so fucking long!

Has my Karma finally gone positive now? Am I being rewarded for my suffering?!

I cannot believe this…

And she hugs me back and even kisses me!?

Is this a dream?!

Because if it is, I do not want to fucking wake up!

Holy shit, 

Her voice is so sweet too! 

She is talking to my ears… is this some ASMR now?!

I am in heaven! In heaven!

Huh? When she kissed me, I suddenly felt crazy strong!

Is this some kind of paradise?!

I cannot feel my penis at all, but who cares?! Tits!

And things suddenly escalate to new horizons as I am presented by more and more beautiful ladies with enormous tits!

Are these all of my aunties?!


And then a few kids grab me, nothing fun about that, scram off kids.


But there are another two!

And they're gigantic! Enormous!

Haahh… I am about to pass out…

Afterward, I am given food, but everything honestly sucks, until I get some sweets, which tasted pretty nice.

And then… Holy moly!

She gave me her tits?!

You mean… No! It cannot be!


I immediately take the offer as the fairy lady gives me her sweet, sweet milk!

What the fuck is this? It tastes so good!


I am… falling asleep…

But this… completely negates all the shit I went through, it was totally worth it to die twice!


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