Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 667 - A Weird Egg





After having opened all the chest and rewards while having consumed the divinity fragment elixirs that I acquired, I glanced at the next group of items.

Amongst those items, there was one in specific that awakened my attention.

It was an egg.

A golden-colored egg covered in black-colored patterns, it even had a small amount of fluffy blonde hair surrounding the egg's upper area.

Why did I get a monster egg from all things?

Are these things included within the item rewards?

But isn't this just a living being?

Ah well, I am no one to complain about it.

Apparently, this thing is a Heavenly egg! A monster that is born from a Heavenly Rank Egg is sure to be incredibly powerful, right?

Perhaps it is a Divine Beast? It would be problematic if it begins rampaging everywhere immediately after being born.

And it seems that I can 'make' it hatch at any time I want, as it retains such function as an 'item'.

But because I am quite worried about what it could truly be aside from a 'bee', I inspect it with more detail through Appraisal.

[Divine Egg of the Heavenly Bee Empress (Heavenly)]

A Divine Egg that contains the Heavenly Bee Empress, a young Divine Beast.

Use the command 'open' to make the egg hatch.

The being inside will only hatch whenever you give its command and can remain within the egg for an indefinite amount of time.

So, it is a Divine Beast!

But seriously, why?

I can get a lot of amazing servants and helpers, and even more, why would the System Gods think that giving me a mere egg from a Divine Beast would be of any use for me?

Well, I am getting way too cocky, this is all random after all.

Perhaps I am being too spoiled expecting amazing things all the time…

I should be more realistic and accept this offering.

Bees actually are not so rare, and there are many within the Empire kept by beekeepers that make honey from them.

I have not seen any demi-human race that was a bee or had some bee characteristics, so it is not much for me there.

Now I wonder if there are bee people or something…

Ah, now that I remember…

I remember killing a Bee on my first day of life in here.

Damn, although it has not been a year since then, it really does feels like it was way more time.

I was so weak back then, a bee almost killed me.

If I were to tell this to the Gods, they would not be able to believe me.

I wonder where that bee came from.

Well, it was simply a bee, so who cares?

But where would its soul be though?

Haaah, I am getting weird ideas.


What if…

This egg…

Contains the soul…

Of that…


Nah, impossible, that is way too ridiculous, I have confidence in the System Gods that they would never do such a thing on their entire eternal lives.

What would even be the point of that anyway?



Why? Why would they care anyway?

And then there is also the question.

From where would they get this bee soul?

Nowhere, right?

It has been still a lot of time since then. I guess they can revive some souls like Brontes, but I believe that would need some previous preparation with the Supreme Goddess of Souls and Reincarnation.

And I do not believe they would see the soul of a tiny and pathetic bee that I killed on my first day as someone 'admirable'.

Unless they believe that it is my first fight and struggle for survival makes the bee an admirable being?

No way, that would even surpass the fanatism of the people in my church.

What is wrong with me?

Why am I even considering something so outrageous and ridiculous?

Maybe drinking those Elixirs had made my mind a bit dizzy due to the increase in power within my soul.


No way, there is no way…


Alright, time to stop thinking about stupid things, time to open this bee egg, and then we can get a nice divine monster that can produce… I do not know, Divine Honey? Does not sound bad at all.


After their prompt 'awakening' where the System Gods egos, emotions, and personalities began to finally form within their souls after Kireina's Enlightenment influenced them enough, a few days later, they had begun to generate the list of items for her within the rewards she would receive.

The Gods in charge for this were often the God of Dropped Items and Rewards and several other Gods, such as the God of the System Information, the stats, and so on.

They all worked a bit harder than usual.

Usually, such items, rewards, stats, and so on would be automatically generated by their own Divinities, and the amount of manual intervention that they would actually need to do was incredibly small.

However, when it came to Kireina, the one that pretty much made them all feel alive despite having been living for so long, they worked all together to give her fitting rewards amongst their standards and rules.

"These two spears are wonderfully generated, well done, they seem to contain the power of Heavenly Rank weapon, even if it was not directly crafted by a God," said a god, praising the God of Dropped Items and Rewards.

"Ah, it wasn't that much of hard work, sibling. As long as there is an 'opportunity' to 'generate' an item, the item will always be generated through the conversion of Primordial Essence. No matter what it is, through our divinities and the requirements of the System, we can generate even things that would take several years for gods to craft," said the God of the Dropped Items and Rewards.

"Our power is truly incredible. But it is hard to manipulate as it needs many requirements to trigger its powerful effects," said another God.

"Indeed, for instance, we cannot generate new items out of nowhere, we must be given the 'opportunity' to do so through the events and requirements of the System. If there is no one defeating a Boss monster and opening a chest, we cannot produce the item required…"

"And it is not as if we could generate as many as we wanted either if given that opportunity. We can only generate the desired item within this requirement. Anything else would result in a bug in the system that would be certainly a headache,"

"That's right. More importantly, we usually never cared about producing special items before, but this… With her receiving rewards, I feel like I am being inspired to craft the best I can," said the God of Dropped Items and Rewards.

"I am sure that she will like the spears, unlike many other items, we were given finally the opportunity to customize it more to her liking. So, we finally were able to give us some liberties through the creation of the weapons,"

"I believe that it is fitting, spears are one of the weapons she likes the most,"

"And according to the information she had shared through thoughts and memories, she liked a fictional character from her original world whose abilities were similar to her, and at a time, he was given two spears that represented his powers and many other things, she liked that, didn't she?"

"Indeed, that's why giving her something similar get customized to her own use is the best option,"

"She must be delighted, I cannot wait to see her reaction,"

"Hm, it does fill our hearts with motivation,"

"Talking about items, have you considered that one we talked about earlier?"

"Oh? The soul of the first life she took in Genesis?"

"Indeed. Although at that time we did not take any glance at her, I know that she did so as everything that goes through the system is registered forever,"

"I believe that this idea might be… quite too much, isn't it?"

"But have you not seen her enough? It is within her hobbies to defeat her enemies and reincarnate them as her adoptive children!"

"Wouldn't it be fitting for her then?"

"It would be the best gift she could have ever imagined, in my opinion,"

"Indeed, the first enemy that she defeated, the small 'Common Forest Bee'!"

"Did you contact the Supreme Goddess of Souls and Reincarnation about this?"

"Eons ago, it is done, the soul is here. It is all thanks to her, in fact. Since she had made the reincarnation system saturated and overloaded, the soul was still waiting for its reincarnation. It seems that its memories have not been completely cleansed either," said one of the gods as he talked with the rest of its siblings, revealing from within the palm of its hand a small yellow-colored soul.

"Perfect, this is the perfect gift,"

"Indeed, aside from the custom-made spears that fit her new and unique powers, the reincarnation of her first enemy into her new adoptive daughter would certainly fill her with joy,"

"That is right,"

"…I suppose you all have a point, I should let you do as you please, as long as it is to please her, it is perfectly fine,"

"Very well then,"

"Let's create an egg then… and let's make it a bit unique,"

"By merging the traits of many monsters and the bloodlines of bee-type monsters from all Realms into it, as well as infusing our Divine Energy and a small piece of our souls to strengthen the little soul…"

The Gods began to browse through the entire System's information, merging many traits from every bee-type monster and adding humanoid, demi-human-like features as well.

Lastly, they poured their Divine Energy into the egg and then cut off a small piece of their souls, merging it with the Bee's Soul, strengthening enough for it to glow in an iridescent yellow and white light.


Even the Bee suddenly gained its consciousness back as it realized the amount of power that it began to flow from within its soul.

Lastly, the gods pulled the soul inside the egg and then sealed it as an item in a time capsule, the body and the soul would remain in slumber until the 'item' were to be 'opened' through hatching.

"And it is done,"

"Amazing, this will surely make her happy,"

"I am already happy for her… Haah, is this what having emotions is? How delightful,"

"It fills you with a purpose, is it not?"

"Indeed, life finally feels like living now,"

The Gods celebrated as they instantly sent all the items they chose and even customized for Kireina, sending them towards another dimension, leaving them on standby until she was to open all the items once and for all.

Which she did just a few minutes afterward…


Ugh, my head is all dizzy… and just what the hell was that just earlier?

Those weird humanoid figures made out of light just began to touch me all over!

Disgusting, augh.

And they even poured some strange energy into me, and then they even began to take out their fingers or arms and stuck them into me…

I mean, what the hell, you shitheads?!

Why do you even do that?!

Isn't this like… Incredibly fucking disgusting though?!


Man, I want to go back home.

But I recall it pretty well.


How I died.

I have died two times already.

My first time dying was back when I was an actual human.

Just after the neighborhood got the notice that the ugly ass Neet that was living from his parents and sometimes worked at the local mini-market died out of corona just a few hours ago. 

I mean, lol?

Who would die out of such a stupid pandemic?

Anyways, I was minding my own fucking business on the streets with my gang.

We were enjoying the good life, smoking weed and all.

Although we were some shitty street thugs, we recently established some connections with the Yakuza, neat, isn't it?

Man, my future was bright.

And then…


A fucking truck crashes right into me!

What the heck?

And after that, I barely could see the other guys at my gang, they were all like.

"Woah, disgusting…"

"Man… take a pic!"

"Holy shit, the boss is all screwed up now…"

"Man, this is harsh… but make sure to take a pic!"

Call an ambulance, you brainless retards!

Weren't these bastards my friends?!

I mean, they were gang members… but yeah, where is the brotherhood?!

Fucking shitheads, I wish I could have brought some of you with me, for fuck's sake.

Anyways, I fucking died then.

And yeah, because I was not particularly a good person, I expected to go to hell.

Although I was not religious, so maybe I would simply disappear or something?

But nope, none of the two options.

I was just driven into a sea made entirely out of reflections where strange images flashed in and out.

And then, boom!

I was inside a nest filled with disgusting fucking bees.

And I was a fucking larva!

I lived there for a few weeks being feed disgustingly through these bees', my siblings, saliva.

Yeah, honey is fucking Bee's saliva!

When I knew this back in my previous life, I never ate honey ever again!

Is this Karma?

For not fucking wanting to eat honey…

Anyways, I discovered that the world I was not Earth, it had some weird game-like systems.

I was never into this Isekai shit within the Light Novel industry in my country, so I did not have an idea of how the hell uses these 'Skills' 'Levels' or any other garbage.

Actually, this only made me even more alienated with this second life.

But when I finally (somehow) got the gist of flying, I made sure to run the shit out of there!

I was still looking forward to my second life as a Bee… Yeah, I had to adapt somehow.

And then there was this fucking insolent caterpillar that roared at me as if it stood a chance against my strong stinger.

So, I fucking tried to kill the bastard!

And yeah… Karma is a bitch because I ended being the one killed instead.

How could I tell?!

It was a fucking caterpillar!

Come on, man, give me a break, will ya?

And now, I am here, as an egg… Or something?

Where the fuck am I anyway?

Man, I just want to smoke some weed with the gang…

Give me a break… 


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