Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 473: Start Of The Monthly Examination

Chapter 473: Start Of The Monthly Examination

The other monitors were obviously clueless as to who Ibeiya was, but Yu Mei’s words had caused their imaginations to run rampant, and they started to look at Xiao Lin strangely.

The innocent Xiao Lin had wanted to ask about Ibeiya’s situation, but could not only maintain his silence, pretending to be dumb. Thankfully, the spatial carriage quickly arrived at its destination, and as the Timesand started to dim and fade, the carriage fell into darkness, and the doors opened.

Black Iron-ranked individuals would not feel any adverse effects entering the New World, but after what they had been taught in class, everyone still took their first steps carefully. When they finally stood on foreign soil, their faces lit up with varying degrees of excitement, happiness, and shock.

Chen Dao opened his arms, as if he was trying to hug the sky. Cheng Ming was taking deep breaths and feeling the clear air. The others looked around, trying their best to feel the New World with all their senses.

The blue skies, the white clouds, the sea, and the city.

It was what every student felt when they stepped into Dawn City for the first time. Yu Mei understood how they felt, which was why she stopped the workers with a wave when the workers came to get them to leave, softly saying, “They’re new students. Let them admire things a bit more.”

“Speaking of which, where have you hidden Ibeiya?” There was always someone who ruined the excitement. Xiao Lin was no stranger to Dawn City’s sights, and did not need to stop to smell the roses.

Yu Mei rolled her eyes, lowering her voice as she said, “I used your name to buy her a house in Dawn City for your little girl. She’s been provided with all daily necessities, but she seems to be quite good with people. She didn’t need too long to get friendly with most of the foreign affairs department...”

“Hold on.” Xiao Lin interrupted. “Using my name? You bought a house! How much money was it? How come I never heard of this!”

“Some tens of thousands, I forgot. It’s fine. Isn’t it just petty cash to you.”

Xiao Lin was speechless as the corner of his lips twitched, but when he thought about the fact that it gave Ibeiya a steady place to stay, he held it in.

Xiao Lin was not worried about Ibeiya’s ability to get friendly with people; she was very good at using her strengths to her advantage. Anyone who did not know about her would be sucked in by her pitiful and naive appearance, and also seduced by her innate allure, but what was that about the foreign affairs department?

Xiao Lin was confused, and Yu Mei’s face did not seem to be joking. “I heard from the intelligence department. That girl has been very active after coming to Dawn City, and has interacted privately with quite a few people, including natives and our own people. She’s really well-liked, and some men who have the same loli-loving disease as you are completely vulnerable.”

“Hold on! What do you mean like me! I’m not a lolicon, I just brought her back to protect her!” Xiao Lin objected, but quickly quieted down. He knew that Ibeiya was a vampire, but her status in Dawn City was just that of a refugee from the Rosa Kingdom.

“Do you think Ibeiya is planning something?” Xiao Lin did not let Yu Mei’s words slip.

“The intelligence department thinks so, and have started to follow and investigate her, but there do not seem to be any problems right now. I’ve talked to her, and all I can say is I can’t trust her that much.”

Xiao Lin felt a bit of a headache. Ibeiya was like a strange spirit; her words were always filled with half-truths. Lilith had always been full of suspicion toward Ibeiya, and Xiao Lin could not say he completely trusted her either. To be honest, whether Ibeiya was a fraud or a liar, it was just her way of living, but if everything ended up harming Dawn City, then Xiao Lin would definitely not protect her.

“Let me bring her along!” Xiao Lin suddenly decided, slowly saying, “Since she poses some threat to Dawn City, then just let me bring her to her hometown. I could properly investigate her roots. Ah, this doesn’t violate the monthly examination rules, right?”

Yu Mei’s expression was strange. “That should not be a problem. I’ve already said that your actions will all be up to yourselves, and no one will interfere. However, are you sure that you’re only bringing the loli there to investigate?”

“I’ve already said it, I’m not a loli-lover!”


The task only had a ten day time frame, and their travelling time was counted as well, so they were actually quite tight on time. The monitors had wanted to look and shop around in Dawn City, but Xiao Lin quickly reminded them of the price of goods there, which quickly dissuaded everyone.

The rewards the monitors made were on the lucrative side, and before they went there, they had all used the redemption points to purchase some New Dollars under Yu Mei and Xiao Lin’s reminders through various sources. However, that money was to be used in emergencies on the road, not to be spent simply.

As the capital of Dawn Academy, Dawn City’s prices were not low, and a lot of the products there did not mean much to them. There were plenty of products from Earth, mostly to attract the natives. The prices were naturally high as well, but it did not interest them at all.

According to the rules of the monthly examination, Yu Mei was no longer allowed to help them from the moment they arrived. She brought them to the center of Dawn City and gave everyone temporary identity cards. That was something everyone in Dawn City needed, and was also the assurance they needed to be able to move around the colonial territories without worry.

After that, Yu Mei issued some supplies to everyone before leaving, not even bothering to take them to lunch. That was because the special examination committee had military officials inside this time, and strictly speaking, even Yu Mei treating them to food would be a violation of the rules; it was not a risk Yu Mei wanted to take.

The supplies were basically a backpack for everyone. Inside was food and water enough for three days as well as 1,000 New Dollars.

“How stingy! A thousand New Dollars. Based on the prices Xiao Lin mentioned earlier, what can we even get with this little bit of money!” Chen Dao said angrily.

Yu Mei had left rather quickly, leaving the twelve monitors in front of the government office in the middle of the city. It was where they had made their temporary identity cards earlier. Chen Dao had sat down on the stone stairs and was throwing a tantrum.

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