Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 472: Departing For The Monthly Examination

Chapter 472: Departing For The Monthly Examination

Choosing Lu Renyi was not a decision Xiao Lin made lightly. In the examinations before this, Lu Renyi’s scores had always been either B- or A-ranked. It was not extremely exceptional, but he was still at the top end of the rankings. The man was also doing well in terms of his attribute growths as well.

The most important thing was, Lu Renyi was the only person in Class Seven to practice archery. Being a ranged attacker allows him to have a wider range of vision and more chances to observe. In terms of the bigger picture, he would have a better time making decisions.

In terms of combat power, he did not dare to guarantee anything with the others, but he had full faith in Gu Xiaoyue, especially since she had chosen to focus on support-type spells, which was a great help to the group. However, another reason he had chosen Lu Renyi was that Gu Xiaoyue would eventually join the Elite Club, and when that time came, Lu Renyi would have to take her place.

Xiao Lin gave out instructions for the regular monthly examination just like that. The next day, he went to Lu Renjia to get his equipment. After that, he gathered with the others at the dormitory entrance. Based on earlier instructions, they would head to the New World on the spatial platform with Yu Mei.

“The entrance to the New World and to return to Earth and both on the spatial platform. Dawn Academy is basically the transit point between the two.”

“What about the exit?”

“Our capital, Dawn City.”

“Is Dawn City very prosperous?”

“Of course, that’s our capital afterall.”

“Are there a lot of beauties there?”

“Quite a lot, I guess. There are a lot of foreign races there.”


As time wore on, Xiao Lin started to talk with more and more of them. No matter if they liked him or not, everyone knew that, for this trip to the New World, Xiao Lin’s experience would be a great help.

Captain Yu Mei was in front leading the way. The student union president might have been on the platform to send them off, but thanks to the numerous responsibilities within the academy, he could not leave as he pleased. However, he had expressed his care for Xiao Lin and the others before they left, repeatedly reminding them to ensure their own safety.

The sound of the spatial carriage could be heard. There were thirteen of them within the carriage that had been enveloped by the golden sands of time. It was quite a tight fit, especially thanks to the fact that Captain Yu Mei’s status meant that the others did not dare sit close to her. Even Chen Dao, who was usually very lively, did not speak a lot.

Xiao Lin could only seize the initiative himself. “So can you reveal the tasks for the monthly examination already?”

His words had hit the main worry in all the other monitors’ hearts spot on, and they could not help but glance over at Xiao Lin when he said it, silently wondering how thick Xiao Lin’s face was to be able to converse so casually with a captain.

However, everyone’s gazes quickly shifted to the information packet in Yu Mei’s hands. She had been holding the document from earlier, and there were large words printed on it: ‘Monthly Examination (Top Secret)’.

“Want to take a look?” Yu Mei smiled, raising the document.

“No thanks,” Xiao Lin twitched, maintaining an expressionless look. “We’ll see it eventually anyway.”

“How dull.” Yu Mei pouted, opening the packet before pulling out a few pieces of paper and setting it next to her. Cheng Ming, who was closest, rushed over before handing it out to everyone.

Once the documents with the tasks for the Elite Club were in hand, everyone started to look at them in earnest, using the light from the sands of time within the carriage.

However, Yu Mei chose that time to speak. “I’ll just conclude it simply. The task you have this time is actually very simple. You just need to escort a few people back from the Rosa Kingdom.”

Xiao Lin speechlessly looked up. He had already skimmed through the whole thing. “That’s putting it lightly. What’s written here is that we’ll be escorting the Rosa Kingdom’s royalty. Don’t forget there’s a rebellion there, which means that our task will put us against the rebels. There’s only twelve of us. How many rebels are there? A hundred thousand? A million?”

“If you follow the plan, it’s not exactly impossible.”

“You’re putting it way too simply, how could it be so easy to escort them in the middle of all the chaos.”

“The information says that the royal city has already been surrounded; just sneaking in will be hard.”

“Sneaking in is easy. The history lessons have taught us that no one would dare stop us with our status. The question is how we’re going to get out.”

“What language do the people in the Rosa Kingdom speak?”


Following Xiao Lin’s initial words, even more of them voiced their doubts. Their collective questions had them unintentionally pointing out the same point, which was that the information in that piece of paper was way too simple. Other than a few words regarding the task, there was not even a map. Everyone looked at the package in Yu Mei’s hands, feeling like that must still be some other information inside.

Yu Mei shook the package upside down, snorting. “What? Did you hope that it would be like your prior monthly examinations, and your information and gear would be provided? Quit dreaming. Do you understand what an elite is? That means each of you needs to take personal responsibility! Information should be collected yourself! Resources should be found for yourself! Gear should be prepared yourself! That’s the three principles of this monthly examination!”

Most of them looked disappointed, but this was more or less expected. Xiao Lin was silent for a moment before raising his head again, saying in a strange tone, “Does that mean once we get to the New World, our movements will be completely arranged by ourselves?”

Yu Mei paused before saying, “We’ll have some people send you to the Rosa Kingdom, but everything else will be up to your own choices. The task is flexible, you only have to make sure it’s done within the given time frame, which is ten days. As for how you complete the task, that’s up to you guys.”

“Ten days? Won’t we miss out on classes then?”

“Your classes are all to prepare you for the New World in the future. If you can successfully complete this task, I believe your rewards will be better than ten days worth of classes.”

Xiao Lin still had a strange look on his face; it was obvious that was not his main question. He asked, “So what you mean is that, no matter what we do or who we interact with in the New World , it will be allowed by the examination?”

Yu Mei paused for a while before reacting, saying in a foul mood, “You still can’t forget that little girl you have. Whatever, I’ve said that whatever you do will be allowed!”

Xiao Lin let out a sigh of relief. Ever since he heard that the task would send them to the Rosa Kingdom, he had obviously thought of that little vampire Ibeiya. He had remembered that Ibeiya told him before that she was a princess of the Rosa Kingdom, even if she was just a child born out of marriage. However, he believed that she would know more than anyone what the situation there was like.

For a first-hand account on things, Ibeiya was definitely the best option.

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