Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 421: Ruins

Chapter 421: Ruins

Poseidon was the god of the sea in legends, but Xiao Lin was not someone who believed in gods. Planet Norma had legends of a god as well, a good example being the high priest who believed that god created the planet.

What was a god; that was not just related to legends, but philosophy. It involved faith and other things, and even Silverlight could not provide an explanation that could persuade everyone.

“Big Bai really is special; what is his body made of? He really doesn’t seem like a normal living being.” After talking about gods, Xiao Lin was extremely curious about that thing. He’d already gotten used to calling the thing Big Bai. Even Gu Xiaoyue had gotten tired of cursing that name.

“It’s a man-made living thing.” Silverlight’s gaze turned a lot warmer whenever she talked about the thing. “It’s completely unique. Even back then, it was made from countless high-level techniques. It doesn’t need to eat, at least, not like how normal living beings would. It’s metabolism is also very unique. It also had extremely high endurance, capable of living in the harshest environments.”

They had long since reached the deepest parts of the sea, which was enough to prove how hardy the guy was. It also sped through the sea at incredible speeds, not losing to any form of aquatic life.

It was extremely special, and Xiao Lin could not help but be even more curious of the Atlanteans that created it. It was a pity that the civilization had already sunk into the sea.

“We’re almost there!” After some time, Silverlight suddenly exclaimed in a low voice.

It was already pitch black the moment she finished speaking. Big Bai’s body had stopped glowing completely. Silverlight explained that it was to avoid startling the Guardians. Even if their plan was to circle around them and have the academies occupy the guardians, it was impossible to guarantee that there would be none of them nearer to their destination.

As the light was fading, Xiao Lin seemed to get a glimpse of the ruins. It might be more accurate to call it a wreck, he could somewhat see a few broken down stone pillars and statues covered with algae. The rest of it was buried under sand and stone.

Whether or not Atlantis’s ruins existed on the bottom of the ocean was something heavily debated, and now they were basically witnessing history. Just thinking about it was a little moving, but Xiao Lin was quite puzzled. With the ruins like that, how were they going to do anything without any diving suits or any other equipment, and how were they going to enhance the seal?

Silverlight and Big Bai quickly produced the answer. The surrounding darkness did not affect it at all, and Big Bai suddenly sped up, moving quick as lightning. Its body also changed into a sharp needle-like shape. Xiao Lin silently cursed, knowing what they were planning to do.

After a few seconds, Xiao Lin felt a huge impact in the darkness. Even Big Bai’s soft water-like body could not absorb enough of the impact to completely cushion the blow for Xiao Lin and Gu Xiaoyue. Big Bai had rammed straight into the ruins with them as passengers.

It was a simple and violent solution, but it was quite effective.

Silverlight said that the guy could change his shape and hardness at will, and was capable of piercing through the hardest armor, let alone normal stones and sand.

After a few minutes, the surroundings started to get brighter, but it was not from the light of Big Bai’s body. They had arrived in a sealed off space, and Big Bai opened its mouth to let them out. Xiao Lin observed his surroundings, all around them were strangely smooth stone walls. There were indentations in fixed distances that had football-sized diamonds on them, which was the origin of the light.

The hole that they smashed through already had seawater pouring in, but under Silverlight’s instructions, Big Bai shrunk down into a white lump before bouncing up into the hole, plugging it like plaster, leaving no cracks for the seawater to flow in.

Xiao Lin was speechless; that little guy could do anything.

“It still looks the same!” Silverlight looked around, sighing.

“Is this the temple? There are no signs of damage inside.”

“We built it to be able to withstand the most severe of earthquakes, so that’s no surprise. If not for the fact that the entire mainland had been submerged into the sea, the temple would still be perfectly fine now.” Silverlight walked as she introduced the temple to Xiao Lin.

In truth, the actual area of the temple was larger and more majestic than that. That was obvious from Silverlight’s descriptions, but the outer buildings had already been destroyed by the disaster, or eroded away after thousands of years under the sea, so the only part that was left were the remnants in front of them.

The corridor they were walking on connected the outer section to the inner section; it was the most central corridor in the temple. The inner area was isolated, completely sealed away from the masses. Xiao Lin could not help but admire the Atlantean architects for being able to design such a unique building, allowing the temple’s innermost area to be undamaged to this day; it really was quite miraculous.

The corridor was very long, and artwork adorned the walls around them. Xiao Lin could not understand most of them, but after patient observation, he tried to find some clues of the ancient civilization from them. It was a futile endeavor, however, as Atlantis and current civilizations were way too different, be it in their lifestyle or their values, so it was hard to understand anything.

After a moment, Xiao Lin’s eyes shone as he shouted, “Hold on!”

His voice echoed for a long time, sounding quite scary. Gu Xiaoyue turned around with an annoyed look, and Silverlight looked back in confusion. Xiao Lin had already walked to the wall on the left, using the light that the diamonds emitted, he pointed toward one of the drawings, and said to Gu Xiaoyue in a strange tone, “Do you still remember what it looked like when we took the interspatial carriage back?”

As Gu Xiaoyue nodded, she noticed the strange thing as well. She sucked in a breath, unable to help herself as she walked closer to the wal.

The artwork was very simple: a simple passage represented by a line. In the passage were countless dots, and on both sides of the passage were two very strange people. One had a third eye that was glowing and the other had a pair of wings.

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