Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 420: Submerging to the Seabed

Chapter 420: Submerging to the Seabed

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The animated rock looked a little like a hamster, but its body was half-transparent. It had a short tail, and eyes as big as beans. It looked really pretty and had thin limbs. The little guy frolicked around the floor after being animated, looking very happy.

Silverlight pet the thing tenderly after floating again. Even though she had no physical touch in her spiritual form, the little thing mysteriously closed its eyes in enjoyment, even affectionately rubbing its head against Silverlight’s palm. When it found that it went through Silverlight’s palm everytime it tried, it showed an obviously pitiful expression.

“I raised it to adulthood back then, and I haven’t seen it for years. I felt its aura when we reached this place; I can’t believe we managed to reunite after so many years.” SIlverlight’s cold gaze turned unusually warm, but her words were shocking. It was not a matter of one or two years.

“Hold on, you’re saying this little guy is an animal from Atlantis’s time?”

“That’s right.”

“How did it survive for so many years?” Gu Xiaoyue asked in disbelief.

“Just like what you saw earlier: hibernation. It can stop all the functions in its body, causing its metabolism to be essentially zero, allowing it to live for many years. Only, hibernating like that requires our race’s powers to revert.”

“What’s it called?”

“#@[email protected]” Silverlight uttered a strange language.

“What? Oh, you’re talking in your language.” It was obvious this animal had no direct translation. Xiao Lin looked around, smiling, “Let’s just call it Little Bai for now.”

Gu Xiaoyue rolled her eyes at him, but Silverlight did not object. She said, “It will bring us to the bottom of the sea. Follow me.”

The volcano was near the sea, and once they got to the beach, Little Bai did not even need Silverlight’s commands before it jumped right into the sea, disappearing beneath the waves. Xiao Lin had been worried that its frail body would not be able to withstand the waves, but a gigantic figure appeared in front of them not long after.

Compared to its form the size of a palm earlier, the Little Bai in front of them had expanded by dozens of times. Its body was still half-transparent, as if it were a sponge that had taken in water.

“It can change its body shape and size at will.” Silverlight explained.

Xiao Lin could only sigh at the ancient creature. The way they dived into the sea was also strange, as Silverlight made them go into the animal’s stomach.

It was quite a big difference from what they had anticipated. Xiao Lin and Gu Xiaoyue exchanged looks, obviously not willing to be swallowed, but they were already in a difficult spot, and could no longer afford to turn around. After hesitating, Xiao Lin carefully walked into Little Bai’s open mouth, although it might be better to call it Big Bai at that point.

Its stomach was quite warm, and Xiao Lin’s feet felt sticky, but other than that, there were no other uncomfortable feelings. Xiao Lin also noticed that there did not seem to be any internal organs; its entire stomach seemed to be very empty. After swallowing the two of them, Big Bai jumped into the sea.

With their rapid descent, their surroundings got gradually darker, and the beast quickly started to emit a warm glow. The glow was quite strong, illuminating almost an entire kilometer around them. Its body was good at withstanding the water pressure as well, allowing Xiao Lin to admire the view underwater in peace. Even though they did not have the mood, it was still a memorable underwater journey.

After a few minutes Gu Xiaoyue furrowed her eyebrows, softly asking, “It’s strange. Why can’t we see any other aquatic life?”

“Is it because of Poseidon?” Xiao Lin guessed.

Speaking caused their ears to buzz, and there was a lot of echoing around them too, which was why they spoke softly. The spirit Silverlight had things the easiest; she said, “Yes, Poseidon’s power comes from the ocean. Even after tens of thousands of years, sea creatures have a natural fear of him in their genes, and will naturally run away.”

The sea was really devoid of life; they could not even see a single fish swimming around. All that was left was cold and silence, Silverlight said that her beast was very sensitive to the auras of living beings, and it had interacted with Poseidon before, so it was familiar and able to find Poseidon.

“Silverlight, you mentioned genes earlier; did Atlantis already study genetics all those years ago?” They were still quite a distance away from the remnant of Atlantis that Silverlight spoke of, so Xiao Lin used idle chatter to fill up the time. Talking in the quiet seabed was quite a new experience.

“Yes, but it’s not that complete. I translated it into your language, but we’ve always regarded it as god’s forbidden domain. In truth, genetics are somewhat related to talents on Planet Norma. Talents come from genes; it’s something people are born with. We’ve also researched it back then, but never went deep into it as it was too difficult.”

“God’s forbidden domain? Meaning that only god can study it? How interesting. You were talking about Poseidon earlier, and based on our current legends, Poseidon is basically a god. I’m curious, did gods really exist back then?” Xiao Lin’s interest peaked.

“Yes, but not entirely,” Silverlight said something similar to the last time.

The corner of Xiao Lin’s mouth twitched. “Why do I feel like you’re just patronizing me?”

Silverlight glanced at him. “To put it simply, you once told me humans evolved from apes, then to apes, humans were basically a god-like existence, but do you really think yourself as gods?”

Xiao Lin pursed his lips, only half understanding. “So gods are only more evolved beings, is that it? Poseidon is still basically a human, but of course a human from your era.”

“Yes, but not entirely.”

“Can you not give me a different answer?”

“Evolution doesn’t go in a straight path; it moves in many interweaving paths. The destination of each path is unknown and unpredictable. We had an interesting view back then. Every living thing has the same foundation. In the beginning, Earth only had single-celled beings, and those beings went through countless years growing and evolving, and after that, their descendants did so too, finally transforming into the countless living beings on Earth, but you still can’t say that every living thing is the same.”

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