Cultivation Online

Chapter 1341 Golden Immortal Physique's Prowess

Chapter 1341 Golden Immortal Physique's Prowess

It only took a few exchanges for Prince Hellak to realize the immense difference between him and Yuan, who was clearly playing with him.

'Damn it! Where is his strength coming from?!' Prince Hellak cried inwardly.

Each of Yuan's strikes possessed enough force to obliterate an entire mountain, and his body's durability was just as impressive as his strength if not even more terrifying.

Faced with an opponent whose attacks he couldn't block and whose defenses he couldn't penetrate, Prince Hellak had no choice but to rely on his innate physique and the royal bloodline that flowed through his veins, swallowing his pride in the process.

'Great Mammoth Body Refinement!' Prince Hellak activated the Great Mammoth Body Refinement that brought Giant Emperor Kulas to his position as emperor of giants!

The next instant, Prince Hellak sensed an overwhelming surge of strength coursing through his entire being, giving him this feeling of invincibility.

Externally, Prince Hellak's appearance remained largely unchanged. However, for those with a discerning eye, subtle signs revealed that his muscles were becoming more taut while maintaining their size.

Empowered by this technique, Prince Hellak's strength and defense surged to a level at least 20 times greater than his original capabilities

"Allow me to show you the power of my Royal Family's—"

Before Prince Hellak could complete his sentence, Yuan's fist suddenly collided with his stomach, contorting Prince Hellak's face in agony before sending him to the edge of the stage the next moment.

"Urgh!" Prince Hellak, after steadying himself, coughed up a mouthful of blood. The area where Yuan had struck still throbbed with intense pain.

"Sorry, did you just say something?" Yuan pretended as though he didn't hear anything.

Prince Hellak glared at Yuan with a look of disbelief on his face.

'Impossible! I am currently empowered by the Great Mammoth Body Refinement! Why is he still overpowering me to such a ridiculous degree?!' He couldn't comprehend the reason for their disparity, as it made no sense.

Meanwhile, Princess Meiya and Giant Emperor Kulas held a serious expression on their faces as they witnessed Yuan's growth.

'Since it's one of the most powerful physiques in existence, I expected the Golden Immortal Physique to be overwhelming, but I could have never predicted that it would be to such a terrifying degree.'

As Giant Emperor Kulas witnessed Yuan wield the overwhelming power of the Golden Immortal Physique, he couldn't help but be consumed by a profound sense of envy, realizing that he had failed to attain such power.

'It's hard to believe that he was on par with Royal Guard Basar just two days ago. After attaining the Golden Immortal Physique, he's able to toy with Elder Brother Hellak, who is easily a hundred times stronger than Royal Guard Basar…' Princess Meiya found herself caught between excitement and terror as she contemplated the immense potential of Yuan's future.

"No way… That human is actually winning against His Highness?"

The audience became silent after Yuan blew away Prince Hellak, and they all held their breaths as they waited to see Prince Hellak's response.

After wiping the blood from his mouth, Prince Hellak stood up and stared at Yuan with a serious expression.

"You're really something. I am starting to understand why my father is so obsessed with you." Prince Hellak sighed, his words carrying a profound acknowledgment of Yuan's exceptional prowess.

"With that being said, I refuse to lose to you."

Prince Hellak closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

When he opened his eyes again, they flickered with determination and resolution.

"I will now fight you with everything I've got—martial techniques and all."

"You can use a weapon too," Yuan said.

"My fists are my weapons."


The two of them fell silent for a moment.

Suddenly, Prince Hellak's entire being gushed with a black aura, and he exuded an overwhelming presence that forced the audience to back away from the stage.

"Dragon Slaying Stance."

Prince Hellak stood in a stance that resembled karate.

The next instant, Prince Hellak moved so fast that it looked like he'd disappeared out of thin air.

When he reappeared, he was standing right in front of Yuan.

"Dragon Slaying Stance: Beheading."

Prince Hellak swung his arm in a chopping motion, aimed at Yuan's neck.

Seeing this, Yuan quickly raised his arm to block the incoming attack.


As Yuan successfully intercepted the attack, the force behind it still pushed him backward. A tingling sensation lingered momentarily in the area where he had defended, swiftly fading away.

'What a deadly technique.' Yuan thought to himself.

If he hadn't acquired the Golden Immortal Physique, that attack would've slashed his body in half with ease.

In fact, even a peak Divine Master would suffer fatal injuries if they took it head-on.

As for Prince Hellak, his bones broke into several pieces after the strike, but he ignored the pain and used his cultivation to quickly restore it.

"Mammoth Slaying Stance."

Prince Hellak suddenly changed his stance.

After a brief pause, he jumped into the air and spun a few times in the air before dropping back down with immense force, using his legs to attack this time.

"Mammoth Slaying Stance: Pulverise."

Yuan, in a display of determination, opted not to evade the impending strike. Instead, he boldly raised his arms above his head, standing steadfast as he awaited the oncoming assault.


When Prince Hellak's strike connected, the force was so potent that it fractured the entire stage, leaving visible cracks that extended across the surface. The region directly beneath Yuan bore the brunt of the impact, forming a crater-shaped depression.

As for the person who took in most of the impact, Yuan finally received some substantial damage to his arm. However, the injuries amounted to little more than a few broken bones, which healed in the blink of an eye.

[Progress: 2%]

Prince Hellak immediately retreated after the attack, his face filled with bewilderment after seeing Yuan's seemingly unscathed condition.

"Are you serious…?" he muttered in a dazed voice.

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