Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 543 - Reckless

Date- 30 Mar 2321

Time- 9:36

Location- Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon

Under the pressure of a nearing demigod soul, unable to think of a way to destroy the junction between the bloodline and bloodline bridge, Bloodette had no time to get nervous or freak out. Instead, she sought help from her friends.

Making use of her replica of Cortney's innate rune, she contacted her, " Cortney, I am unable to destroy the Bloodline Bridge. What should I do? The demigod soul is nearing here."

"What? How am I supposed to know that? You are the expert in Blood Rule. If you don't know what to do, how am I supposed to know what to do?" Hearing Bloodette seek help from her through the connection between their runes, Cortney replied to Bloodette.

"What happened?" Seeing the panicked Cortney, I asked in concern.

"Bloodette just contacted me asking for help as she is unable to destroy the bridge and the demigod soul is fast approaching. How can I be of any use to her when I recently forged my ego gem and barely know how rules operate." Cortney hurriedly explained what was going on.

"..." As expected, it is not easy to break the bloodline bridge. I had already predicted that the bloodline bridge would not be destroyed but considering its Bloodette, I hoped for a positive outcome, but it seems I overestimated her strength.

Inside the blood bridge, unable to destroy the junction between the girl's bloodline and the bloodline bridge connecting to the River of Souls, Bloodette was perplexed, contemplating whether she should directly destroy the bloodline bridge, but that was too risky. Considering the saying, one should not cut the branch you are sitting on.

The reason why Bloodette did not directly attack the Bloodline Bridge and instead chose to attack the junction connecting it to the girl's bloodline was simple: what would happen to her if she were to destroy the bridge she is standing on? In the best-case scenario, she will get tangled up in the girl's bloodline. In the worst-case scenario, she would fall into the river of souls.

If the worst-case scenario were to happen, she is as good as dead as there is no helping her once she sets foot in the river of souls. Therefore in order to avoid the worst-case scenario, Bloodette chose to avoid destroying the bridge instead of destroying the connection, keeping it in the material plane and preventing it from falling into the river of souls. Hence she attacked the junction connecting the girl's bloodline and the bloodline bridge. If the Bloodline bridge were to lose the support of the girl's bloodline, it would be damned to fall in the river of souls as the gate to it closes.

Finding no other answers from her friend to break the junction between the bloodline and bloodline bridge, Bloodette planned to take the risk and directly attack the bloodline bridge. By doing this, Bloodette would be putting herself at the risk of falling into the river of souls, but at least this way, she would be able to save her friends from the threat that is to come.

And also, there is a chance that she might fall back in the bloodline, not into the bloodline bridge. If it is for her friends, Bloodette is willing to take this risk. If only she had not fooled around trying to peek into the river of souls, they might have had extra time on their hands to come up with a better course of action. So Bloodette had her curiosity and adventurous bone to blame for the current lack of time.

Finding that the malicious presence of the demigod soul got stronger in the bloodline of the girl, Bloodette knew that the soul was fast approaching, and she had no time to hesitate. Leaving behind all her hesitation, Bloodette walked on the bridge and started smashing it with all her might. Alas, her action barely managed to shake the bridge, let alone destroy it. This was not surprising as Bloodette's strength was not enough to break the febal junction between the bloodline and the Bloodline bridge, so how could she damage the sturdy bridge with the same amount of strength.

Seeing that her attack could not even leave a dent on the bloodline bridge Bloodette was desperate. The girl was clearly in the Card Soldier realm, yet how could her bloodline give birth to such an anomaly. If the enhancement due to the blood rule and its meaning is taken into consideration, breaking this Bloodline bridge for a Card Overlord like her should be easy as cracking a nut, but why was she not able to leave a single scratch in the bloodline bridge or the junction? Bloodette could not understand this. No matter how she saw it, she appeared to be superior to the girl in terms of realm or affinity with blood rule. How come her prowess was not enough to destroy the Bloodline Bridge?

What Bloodette had not taken into consideration was that the girl was a direct descendant of a demigod, and her bloodline was of the highest purity meaning her bloodline was created using the power of a demigod. And it was not diluted by the mixture of other low-level blood.

Helpless, Bloodette relayed the devastating development to Cortney through her rune, " Cortney, I can't destroy the bridge either. What to do?"

"What? Why would you try that? What if you had fallen into the river of souls along with the destroyed bridge? Girl! Have you gone mad?" Cortney reprimanded Bloodette for her reckless actions.

"But the bridge did not get destroyed." Bloodette reasoned in her defense.

"What if it had? Thankfully the bloodline bridge was sturdy otherwise… promise me you won't some so stupid again." Cortney totally forgot about the impending doom and continued to nag Bloodette.

"Fine… Tell Wyatt that I will be destroying the girl's bloodline. I did not want to do this, but that's the only option left."

"I just warned you not to take a risk. Did you not hear me?"



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