Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 542 - Helpless Father

Date- 30 Mar 2321

Time- 9:32

Location- Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon

Just when Bloodette was going to take the final step into her demise, something deep inside her awakened, feeling the grasp of death over Bloodette. With its awakening, Bloodette emitted brilliant white light. With the emission of light, dark vapors could be seen, leaving Bloodette as the influence of the river of souls over Bloodette evaporated, her awareness of her surroundings returned.

As Bloodette's awareness returned, she had a vision. In the vision, she saw a handsome sharp jawed bright-eyed male facing a charming, gorgeous beauty with red hair matching her red eyes. The male appeared to be troubled and had a guilty expression. The female seemed to be consoling the male as he looked at her with eyes filled with guilt.

"Father, please don't feel guilt. It's not your fault. People are not ready to expect me yet."

"..." Hearing the words of the beauty, the guilt in the male's eyes deepened. And tears could be seen at the corner of the heroic male's eyes. Swallowing his guilt, he looked at the beauty and said, " Honey, despite all your sacrifices and hardships to prove yourself… Sign, this world."

"Father, these tears of yours are enough consolation for me."

"Despite being unparalleled in the world, I still cannot fight for my daughter and what she deserves. But can only watch with my hands tied. I am sorry… I am sorry." Hearing the humble words of the redhead beauty, the man could not suppress his guilt and apologized to her.

"Father, you have done enough for me. From rescuing me in the way beyond to giving me the warmth of a family, you have done a lot for me. Let me do this for you.

I still remember what you said to me on the day you accepted me as your daughter, that I will be the cornerstone of the human and supreme beings' peaceful existence.

Now the time has come. Let me fulfill my duty. If my sacrifice can put an end to this eternal grudge, then it is a small price to pay. Please do not feel sad as death is not an end for people of our strength. Let's hope during our reunion we are not helpless as today."

"If not for you tying my hand, I would have slaughtered all the opposition____."

"But father, isn't that the opposite of what you fought for?"

"What kind of father am I If I cannot even fight for my daughter?"

"The world's greatest!"

Soon the vision ended, leaving Bloodette's emotion in total chaos. She felt like crying, but something deep inside her told her that if she cried, the man inside the vision would be sad.

As Bloodette was in a state of chaos, the light that awakened in Bloodette returned to its original resting place, leaving behind a shiver of light deep inside Bloodette's soul. The place where the light originated was where Bloodette's soul was connected to the spiritual plane where the world's will and its rules existed. The light seemed to be part of the world's will, and it returned to its slumber within the embrace of the world's will, having helped Bloodette. Meanwhile, Bloodette, who had regained her awareness, finally harmonized her chaotic emotions. She wanted to contemplate the sudden blackout, the light that awakened her, or the vision she saw, but she did not have the time to do so.

"What the ___." Finding herself at the edge of the bridge, Bloodette could not help but cuss, but the words from her mouth came to an abrupt halt as her attention was caught by sight in front of her.

Right now, she was standing at the brim of the bloodline bridge, right in front of the entrance to the river of souls. Which meant Bloodette had the first row tickets to peek at the river of soul. Peering through the gate, Bloodette saw vast pitch-black darkness, and inside the darkness was a trunk of light with various roots digging into numerous planes. The trunk of light then branched out, meeting the cycle of reincarnation at multiple points. The river of souls could be described as a tree rooted in various planes and branching out to join the cycle of reincarnation.

For Bloodette, this sight was nothing more than looking at the night sky, but this night sky is not filled with stars but souls harvested from the planes and soon to be released into the cycle of reincarnation. Bloodette's perspective on the river of souls was simple yet accurate. After all, the river of soul was nothing but a soul recycling machine meant to collect the old and process them through time erosion then pump them back in to the cycle of reincarnation for a new chapter.

While Bloodette was mesmerized by the river of souls, she suddenly remembered about the blackout and her standing at the edge of the bloodline bridge. Alerted, Bloodette hurriedly backed up, running far away, where she felt safe from the influence of the river of souls. Having run to safety, Bloodette did not relax. Instead, she hurriedly used her power to explore the malicious presence to find the location of the demigod soul that was trying to return to the material plane through the bloodline bridge. To Bloodette's astonishment, the demigod soul had already neared the gate to the bloodline bridge.

Seeing that the demigod soul can invade the material plane through the bloodline bridge any minute, now Bloodette had no time to think about the vision she had, much less the blackout in her memory or the light that helped her in her dire need and later returned to the worlds will. Knowing that the threat was almost at the doorstep, Bloodette hurriedly decided to execute her plan to destroy the bloodline bridge.

Bloodette gathered all of her mental strength and will, then she started to hammer the junction between the girl's bloodline and the bloodline bridge. Seeing that a single hammer wasn't enough to get any response from the intersection, Bloodette started barraging it with her full power, but still, she could not get any reaction for her action. Realizing that her strength was not enough to destroy the bloodline bridge, Bloodette's face paled feeling the weight of the imminent danger as the demigods' soul got closer and closer to the bloodline bridge connecting the river of souls to the material plane.. Pressed by time, bloodette knew she was in deep shit now.


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