Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 369: Family?

Chapter 369: Family?

Date- 27 Mar 2321

Time- 19:12

Location- Sky Blossom City, Card stadium, VIP box no.1

Having warned the old fool Lorenzo, Anna turned to me with an apologetic smile. She said, “I am sorry. I was too wrapped up thinking about how to protect you and crossed some lines. Please forgive me for planning your life for you. I was out of line, and I know now.

Let’s forget about faking your death to the world or the research on empty space. But I still think Sky Blossom City is not a safe space for you. How about this, We shift you to a top-secret Southern watch facility where you will be safe and increase your strength.”

“That will also work.” Lorenzo seemed to have compromised and no longer tried to implant the idea of faking my death to the world in Anna’s mind.

“That’s good, I will shift my lab to that facility too, so if you want to, you can participate in the research.” Luna shamelessly added.

“You people are at it again and will never learn. I am leaving. Today was a total bust. I won the tournament, but the sponsors ran away with my prize. I was almost assassinated. But one good thing did come out of this. Now I know I can not trust the Heatsend Royal family.” Saying that, I headed out of the VIP box.

Was I not worried for the safety of my life? Yes, I was. But whoever assassinated me thinks I am dead; it will take some time, but they will soon know that their assassination was a failure and will try to assassinate me again. Therefore during this limited time, while whoever attempted to kill me thought I was dead, I would make some arrangements for the next assassination attempt on me.

I wanted to know who was after my life but seeing the way Anna was hesitant to answer, I guessed she would not respond even if it were me who was asking. And it did not matter because someone who could afford to send 39 card emperors to kill me was not someone I could fight against. For now, the best thing would be to defend.

Yes, defend till the Heatsend Royal family takes care of the hit on my head. I did say that I could not trust Anna’s family, but I trusted the soul contract between Anna and me, which forces those guys to do their best to protect me so that my death doesn’t become a threat to their princess. The royal family may not care for a card soldier from a third-rate city, but they care about their princess. This one reason was enough for the royal family and its subordinates to treat the threat towards my life with seriousness and not dare to laze around.

“Wait, you can’t leave. We still have to talk to you.” The younger card emperor blocked my path.

“I don’t care. I am done talking. Now step aside.” I did not try to be polite. After all, I did not care who this guy was and how he could crush me to death with a thought because, for my safety, I sold the exclusive rights of my patent to the Heatsend royal family. I don’t care if he is a card emperor as a third-rate card emperor is not worth my time.

I planned to show tolerance and act hand in hand with the Heatsend royal family. But now that the royal family has made their stance clear, I no longer intend to be polite. Fook if you want to turn me into a slave, then guys are all in for a hell of a pain.

“I said we have to talk to you. So stay put.” The younger card emperor said in a stern voice. It seems he has started to show his true colors of bullying the weak and bowing to the strong. In front of Anna, Lorenzo, and Luna, this fooker did not dare to raise his voice or show his attitude, but in front of me, a meer card soldier, he started to act high and mighty.

“I said get outta my way, you dumbass.” Yep, I cursed at a card emperor. It felt good. I didn’t just curse at him but also taunted him with a disband-filled stare.

“You scum! How dare you curse at your elders? Let me teach you stead of your parents.” feeling the disband-filled gaze of mine; the unknown card emperor lost it and let out an invisible pressure from his body pressing on me.

“Die!” Before I could even feel the pressure from the unknown younger card emperor, Anna yelled in rage, and suddenly, the left half of the card emperor’s body blocking my path was vaporized.

“Healing Silk! Last revival” The unknown older card emperor yelled and rushed for the younger card emperor’s rescue. And a silky green light enveloped the body of the younger card emperor like a mummy. Despite using a card, all the older card emperor could salvage was a live body with the left arm and chest missing. It seems Card emperor’s vitality is no joke. Having lost his left arm, lungs, and 3/4th of his heart, the card emperor was still alive, and through the hole of the silky light covering him, he stared at Anna in horror.

“Your highness Southern emperor, what are you doing? This is Duskborn family matters. You have no right to interfere. My nephew was only teaching our family junior.” No matter how wise and tolerant the unknown older card emperor was. Seeing his nephew being beaten to the brink of death, he lost his rational mind and yelled at Anna.

But the fook, does this old fellow mean by family junior? Who is his family junior? Young Wyatt? As far as I know, papa Wyatt is an orphan, and Mama Wyatt is a runaway. No way, these people can not be related to Mama Wyatt. Wait, did he say Duskborn family? These fools are indeed relatives of mama Wyatt.

Mama Wyatt never told young Wyatt about her family. She kept it hidden. She was very secretive about her past. Young Wyatt even believed that she was an orphan, just like his dad. And I never bothered to ask my newfound aunt about Mama Wyatt’s family either as I thought it should be a wealthy family in a higher-tier city, but who knew that Mama Wyatt’s family had two card emperors in her family. Are there more? Do they have a demigod in the family?

That’s not the point. These boomers tried to sell me to the Heatsend family to become one of the distributors of the silver milk powder in the capital city. They did not even try to hide the fact that they were selling me to the Heatsend royal family.

Having finally understood what was happening here, I no longer planned to leave the VIP box. Because I wanted to listen to what these two card emperors had to say to me, and also I was worried that in the absence of Anna, these two card emperors would try to kidnap me. Come to think of it, I am worth more dead to the Duskborn family than alive.

If I am dead, the patent of the silver milk powder will go to my immediate relative. That is the Duskborn family. If not for the Heatsend family’s protection, I think these people would have already killed me for the patent rights and the royalty. It seems money does bring the family together. Until yesterday I was an orphan, and now I have many relatives and a big family waiting to swallow my wealth.

“Step aside,” I said, looking at the older card emperor. I did plan to stay, but I can’t just remain after saying I will leave, hence the drama.

“Young man, listen to me. I am your grand uncle. Please don’t be hasty. Listen to what I have to say to you. Then you can decide to leave if you want to.” The Older Card emperor addressed me politely as he had to because it didn’t, then he had already witnessed the consequences.

“Seeing how you are being polite, I will give you two minutes, be quick.” Yep, smoothly done. After saying that, I slowly returned to Anna’s side. Because of the new news, I felt more insecure, and right now, only Anna could give me a sense of security. I didn’t trust Anna. I counted on the soul contract between us.


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