Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 368: Slave

Chapter 368: Slave

Date- 27 Mar 2321

Time- 18:54

Location- Sky Blossom City, Card stadium, VIP box no.1

Getting kidnapped and being confined in a dark room to slave for my abductor was what I was scared of when I knew how this world worked. The soul pupils and my past life memories made me a gifted Card creationist. In this world where the law of the jungle trumps all the laws, I was scared to show my gift to the world.

But I should shine so bright that no darkness could swallow my light. This is why I tried so hard to build my force in this world, from running my card boutique to taking over the three allied guilds, all of this my attempt to lessen the fear in me.

When I chose to patent the silver milk powder, I thought the silver milk powder was the thing that would allow me to shine so brightly that no darkness could swallow me. But something happened, and I ended up forming a soul contract with Anna. And finally, all my fears came true today.

‘Declare my death to the rest of the world.’

‘Hide me in a secret lab.’

‘Have me help them research a way to stop attacks and invasion from Empty space.’

What the fook? How is this different from kidnapping me and locking me up in a dark room to slave for the Heatsend royal family. These people didn’t even bother to ask my opinion on this, and they dare to say that they are doing all these for my safety.

I can see where Anna was coming from. She was being overprotective. But Oldman Lorenzo and his granddaughter Luna, these two they wanted to turn me into a slave of their Heatsend royal family. I would be damned if I let them do as they pleased.

And who the fook are the two unknown card emperors? These fookers seem to know something, and their suspicious deal about their family becoming one of the distributors of silver milk powder in the capital city. There is something afoot here, and I seem to be at the center of it.

I glared at Anna, Luna, Oldman Lorenzo, the two unknown card emperors, with raging anger. Fortune favored these guys, and I was not strong enough; otherwise, I would have taught them a lesson from trying to trick me into becoming a slave for the rest of my life.

They say once I was strong enough to protect myself, I could travel the truth to the world. In this world filled with mysterious cards and demigods, what level of strength should I have to be considered strong enough to protect myself. In this world, even demigods do not dare to roam around alone; worried hostile demigods would gang upon them. In such a world, what strength should I pose to protect myself?

These guys were indirectly telling me that they would enslave me for the rest of my life. Do they expect me to believe their lie and allow them to erase my footprints from this world and enslave me for the rest of my life? What the fool are these guys thinking?

It must be the slave contract between Anna and me, yes that’s it. Because of the soul contract, people from the Heatsend Royal family cannot force me into doing anything. Therefore they use this indirect way to fool me into becoming their slave indirectly. Thinking of this, a chill went down my spine.

Fook, these guys are crafty. Is Anna in on this? Or does she not know a thing and is just being overprotective. I don’t feel like Anna is acting, but this might be the hormones in my body confusing me. And clouding my judgment from seeing the truth. I cannot be certain, which is a good thing as Certainty is the mother of fools. Anyway, I have to proceed with caution. And being a little cautious towards Anna wouldn’t be a bad thing for me.

The plan of Lorenzo the old fool became clear to me. He wanted to manipulate Anna’s overprotective side towards me to fool Anna and me and turn me into a slave for his family.

“Wyatt, you misunderstand my intentions. I do care about you. This is for your good. You have to understand where I am coming from.” Anna defended her actions.

“Understand you? What’s there to understand? You want me to turn into a slave for your family. What’s the difference between imprisoning me in a dark room and what you just proposed?” I glared at Anna and asked.

“…” Anna’s eyes avoided my eyes after hearing my words.

“Wyatt, you are overreacting. All we want to do is protect you. We are just looking out for your safety. Please understand.” Seeing Anna’s eyes waver, Luna spoke up.

“Right, you would say that, wouldn’t you? You know I was once like you. Apart from research, other things did not matter to me. Seeing you reminds me of the old obsessed me.” Luna was a workaholic who would do anything for her research, kind of like the old me.

“What are you talking about? You are barely out of high school and think that you are the same as me?” Hearing me compare myself to her, Luna rebuttal to my words in disband.

“Huh, you are right. We’re not the same. I discovered silver milk powder. What did you discover or invent? What do you have to show for your years of research? Please don’t answer unless it is on the same level as silver milk powder.” Seeing Luna disband me, another fuse went off in my head. Lina was weak compared to Anna and other card emperors in the room but was strong enough to kill me with a thought. Was I not worried that verbal abuse would turn to physical abuse. I was, but I still went ahead cause with Anna by my side, I knew none of the people in the room would dare to harm me.

“Really now? How can something you discovered by mistake be compared to my years of hard work? Boy, you are not on my level. If not for Anna, I would not even bother to care about you.” Unable to win the argument, Luna chose to hide behind her realm and status.

“Yeah, right. It does not matter. Your opinion doesn’t matter. If you dare to interfere with my life once again, don’t blame me for being cruel?” I warned Luna from Interfering with my life and planning things for me.

“Oh, I am so scared.” Luna sarcastically responded to my threat, which I chose to ignore. And turned to face her grandfather, the old fool Lorenzo.

” Old fool, don’t think I don’t see what you are trying to achieve. I would rather die than turn into a slave. Henceforth keep that in your conniving mind before you try to pull something like this.” Looking deep into Lorenzo’s eyes, I warned him. So that he understood I was being serious. I know my current prowess was not enough to take me seriously, but I made sure to help him see if I died, his precious princess would die with me.

“Boy, don’t think that the soul contract will shield you from everything. If not for me considering the princess’s feelings, I would have already tuned you. Thank the princess for favoring you otherwise….” Lorenzo stopped his words midway, feeling a killing intent from Anna.

“How dare you? It’s one thing that you try to fool me, but for you to treat me deaf… believe it or not, I will have your tongue cut.” Anna was confused at first. As she did not understand why I was angry, all she did was try to protect me. But after hearing old fool Lorenzo’s words, Anna’s confusion washed away with raging anger and replaced it with the intent to kill.

“Anna… you have to understand that’s the best for the boy and the family. Do you think that the card emperor would not return if he knew his assassination was a failure? This time the boy was lucky, and he could fool them by faking his death, but next time, he will not be that lucky.” Lorenzo did not give up on having me be declared dead to the world and turn me into a slave for the royal family.

“Enough! I am letting this one slide as your intentions stemmed from serving the royal family, but next time you try to pull something like this, your tongue will be a few inches shorter.”


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