Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 417 - Keep Your Wife’s Body as A Jade and Find A Woman to Accompany You

Chapter 417: Keep Your Wife’s Body as A Jade and Find A Woman to Accompany You

When Mo Chengyu heard him agree, he couldn’t help but laugh. “Then I’ll order us some good wine. Don’t keep me waiting for long.”

Fu Tingyu hung up his phone, noting the time on its display. He would join Mo Chengyu as soon as he wrapped up his paperwork for the day.

Elsewhere, in a private room numbered 808…

Mo Chengyu pocketed his phone and said to Yun Qichen, “Brother Yu will be here shortly. Drink as much as you’d like. You shan’t leave till you are drunk tonight.

Yun Qichen eyed the girl seated next to Mo Chengyu. Her name was Yang Yuan. She was a student who had just entered university. She was an astounding beauty with a body to die for. Unlike other women in the bar, Yang Yuan was dressed differently. With her head lowered, she looked the very picture of demure innocence.

Worry clouded his thoughts. “Chengyu, are you sure it is wise to have her drink with brother Yu?”

Mo Chengyu snuck a glance at Yang Yuan who was seated next to him. “But of course! It took me ages to find a woman as good as she is. The most important thing is that she’s clean. She’s far better than those women loitering in the bar.”

Yang Yuan stared at the floor. Her cheeks were flushed a vivid rouge. It was hard to say if she was feeling afraid or embarrassed.

Mo Chengyu noticed her scarlet cheeks, the hands gripping the hem of her blouse tightly, and whispered in her ear, “Are you nervous?”

Yang Yuan recoiled like she had been burnt. Mo Chengyu was too close to her. Any closer and his lips would have brushed against the tip of her ear. It made her ear tingle.

Shaking her head, Yan Yuan murmured, “No.”

Mo Chengyu paused. “He likes girls who are timid.”

Just then, the door to their private room was pushed open. Fu Tingyu’s svelte silhouette strode in. His eyes immediately latched onto the seated woman in the room, causing his brows to furrow.

Mo Chengyu was the first to greet the man who had entered. “Brother Yu, you’ve kept us waiting for quite a while! Come sit with us. As punishment, you’ll have to drink three glasses of wine..

Fu Tingyu closed the door behind him and settled next to Yun Qichen.

True to his word, Mo Chengyu filled three glasses with wine.

Yun Qichen laughed. “I heard that you’ve been very busy lately. Chengyu has asked you out a few times but today has been the only occasion you have accepted his invite.”

“Yes, I have been a little busy with a project of mine.” Fu Tingyu inclined his head in the woman’s direction. His voice sounded in an emotionless monotone. “Is she your new girlfriend?”

“Brother Yu doesn’t know me well at all. Her name is Yang Yuan. She is a student. I invited her over for a drink.” Mo Chengyu picked up the glasses of wine he had poured and handed them to Fu Tingyu, a gaudy smile hanging on his lips.

“You’ve invited me out for a drink quite a few times already. It would be impolite of me to reject you again. I’ll happily accept the punishment of drinking three glasses of wine.” Fu Tingyu brought his glass of wine to his lips and relished the rich, full-bodied taste of the alcohol.

Pleased by Fu Tingyu’s candid actions, Mo Chengyu poured Yang Yuan a glass of wine too.

“A toast.” Mo Chengyu offered a glass to Yang Yuan.

Yang Yuan hesitated for a few seconds but eventually received the proffered glass. She sidled over from where she sat and positioned herself opposite Mo Chengyu.

Previously, Mo Chengyu had spent a considerable amount of time educating her on Fu Tingyu’s preferences and right down to his appearance.

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. No matter how well he tried to describe Fu Tingyu’s likes or dislikes, Yang Yuan would only know how to respond when she actually met him.

Fu Tingyu’s appearance was, by far, more impressive than she had ever imagined. He was an adonis made flesh but one who gave off a cool, unapproachable feel.

Mo Chengyu informed her that everyone simply referred to him as fourth young master.

Yang Yuan raised her wine glass in a toast and called out, “Fourth young master.”

Her tone was neither cold nor warm. It trembled with a note of nervousness.

Fu Tingyu returned her greeting and raised his own glass of wine to his lips.

Yang Yuan stood where she was with her glass still raised, at a loss as to how she ought to proceed.

Mo Chengyu understood Fu Tingyu’s personality well. Laughing heartily, he explained, “Brother Yu has mysophobia. He doesn’t drink wine that others toast. I’ll drink it on his behalf.” Mo Chengyu swiped the wine glass out of her hand and downed it in one gulp.

Yang Yuan: “…”

If he knew Fu Tingyu was a germaphobe, why on earth did he insist that she offer him a toast?

Clearly, he was just trying to make a fool of her.

Seeing Yang Yuan’s stationary form, Mo Chengyu prompted her, “Don’t just stand there. You should have a drink too.”

Yang Yuan chewed on her lips in embarrassment but she still picked up the wine bottle and poured both Mo Chengyu and herself a glass of wine. Bringing her wine glass to her mouth, she savoured the velvety taste of the wine.

Mo Chengyu sat up, picking up his glass of wine, and took a sip.

Yun Qichen glanced at Mo Chengyu. He was not sure what Mo Chengyu was scheming. Putting his behaviour out of his mind for the moment, Yun Qichen chatted with Fu Tingyu. “I tried looking for Gu Yan yesterday but he was not around. I couldn’t get through to him on his phone either. Have you been in touch with him?”

Fu Tingyu paused for a moment before replying, “He went into the mountains to pick herbs. There’s no signal out there.”

“No wonder.” Yun Qichen sipped his wine contemplatively. “There’s a class reunion tomorrow. Are you going?”

Fu Tingyu shook his head, “I don’t have time.”

Mo Chengyu drank a few glasses of wine. He put down the glass in his hand and placed his hands on Yang Yuan’s shoulders. He angled her towards Fu Tingyu’s and asked with a smile, “Brother Yu, what do you think of Yang Yuan’s looks?”

Fu Tingyu considered Yang Yuan’s figure with an arched brow. He chuckled, “Are you fond of women like her?”

Mo Chengyu’s face darkened in displeasure. “I’m the one asking you, not the other way around. She’s on the timid side and looks a little like Qin Shu.”

Yang Yuan: “…”

“I can’t tell.” Fu Tingyu turned away disinterestedly, pouring himself another glass of wine while doing so.

“Of course you can’t tell. You’ll know if she looks like Qin Shu after you get to know her better.” Mo Chengyu leaned in closer to Fu Tingyu suggestively. The corners of his mouth curled up into a knowing smile. “Brother Yu, Qin Shu is far away in the imperial capital anyway. We’re both men. I understand. How about letting her accompany you for a drink or two?”

Mo Chengyu’s words drifted into her ears with absolute clarity. Clenching her wine glass firmly, she mustered her resolve and drank a mouthful of the alcoholic beverage.

Fu Tingyu’s eyes narrowed into slits. The more he looked at Mo Chengyu, the more it seemed like he was asking for a beating. “Keep it to yourself. Are you impotent?

Yang Yuan choked on the wine she failed to finish. Had she any less control over herself, she would have spewed it all out. Sputtering, she tried her best to swallow the giggles that threatened to escape. Though it was not loud, the sound of her muted laughter tolled like bells in their ears.

Mo Chengyu glared at Yang Yuan. She had the nerve to laugh at him. Turning to Fu Tingyu he spat, “Brother Yu, I’m doing this for your sake and you have the cheek to call me impotent! I have no lack of women by my side.”

“Neither do I” Fu Tingyu finished the wine in his glass and poured himself another. He sipped at it slowly.

“Don’t tell me you are a virgin? Which man hasn’t played with a few women before? Must you be that conservative?” Mo Chengyu needled.

“I’ve never laid my hands on a woman either.” Yun Qichen knew Mo Chengyu was trying to provoke a reaction from Fu Tingyu so he interjected hastily hoping to defuse the situation.

Mo Chengyu’s face fell. “Why don’t you just become a monk?”

Yun Qichen: “…”

Fu Tingyu sent Mo Chengyu a withering look. His eyes were two pinpricks of cold obsidian.

A chill ran down Mo Chengyu’s spine as he felt the full weight of Fu Tingyu’s flinty gaze. It was not long before Mo Chengyu surrendered in defeat, “Brother Yu if you have something to say, just say it. Please don’t stare at me like that. It’s creepy.”

Fu Tingyu spoke faintly but with an edge of steel in his voice, “You’re right. I’m remaining celibate for my wife. All that is mine is hers and hers alone. No one else can dream of taking it from her.”

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