Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 416 - : Explained The Reason Why He Was Blocked

Chapter 416: Explained The Reason Why He Was Blocked

Having spent two days together, Han Xiao felt that they were a lot alike.

Just as Hua Wuyan once said, a woman changes eighteen times as they grow up but the one thing that remains the same is the shape of their eyes and the line of their brows.

He pursed his lips and after a while, he said, “I feel that you are my Xiao Budian. We learnt martial arts together on Mount Qi. Hua Wuyan was there with us, and so were the others. We all used fake names.”

Qin Shu knew that regardless of how she tried to explain herself, Han Xiao was unlikely to believe her.

She sighed. “Whether you believe it or not, I’m really not your Xiao Budian. My mother never sent me to learn martial arts on Mount Qi. I would still like to be your friend, though. I have heard that Mount Qi is quite far away.

An indescribable feeling welled up in her chest. They had not spent much time together yet, for some odd reason, she felt a trace of familiarity in his disposition.

That feeling had grown in the past two days. It was almost a sense of déjà vu.

“You didn’t learn your martial arts on Mount Qi?” Han Xiao frowned, a trace of scepticism creeping into his voice. “Then where did you learn your martial arts? Who told you of Mount Qi?”

Walking over, Gu Yan patted her shoulder and urged, “We should go. It’s best if we reach the foot of the mountain before dark.”

“Alright.” Qin Shu strapped on her backpack and readied herself for the trek back to civilization.

Gu Yan’s bodyguards carried the rest of their provisions.

Han Xiao mirrored her actions, lifting his camping pack, and kept pace with her.

They hiked for some time.

“Do you really have to return to River City?” Han Xiao tilted his head towards Qin Shu and asked.

Qin Shu nodded. “Yes, I do.”

Seeing Qin Shu nod in confirmation, Han Xiao asserted, “I spent three years in River City, studying in the school next to yours, yet not once did I notice your existence.”

“Huh?” Qin Shu peered at Han Xiao, a look of perplexion hovering over her face.

Han Xiao continued, “Whether or not you are Xiao Budian, the fact is, I never noticed you except for that one time when you fought with three girls on the field. I hid in a tree nearby. You’re not what I expected. You’re different from how the rumours make you out to be.”

Recalling the events of her past, Qin Shu drew a vague picture of the timeframe Han Xiao was referring to.

“I didn’t know you had a habit of spying on people.” Laughter bubbled in her throat when she heard that Han Xiao had been hiding in a tree. “Honestly, If it weren’t for you, they wouldn’t have found trouble with me.”

Han Xiao was startled by Qin Shu’s frank admission. “It was because of me?”

“It was because of you. One friendly game of basketball and your photo became the hottest topic on the school’s forum. You achieved celebrity status overnight. There were so many girls who liked you. In the end, a rumour began making its rounds describing an illicit relationship I was supposed to have had with you. Things spiralled from there and they wouldn’t stop hounding me.” Qin Shu complained half-heartedly.

Hua Wuyan had mentioned this matter, but he had not paid much attention to it back then. “That was a private photo. I didn’t take any or sent them to anyone. I didn’t know that it would cause such trouble for you.”

Qin Shu believed Han Xiao’s words. An intensely private person like Han Xiao was unlikely to have circulated those photos on purpose.

“You still brought a mob to denounce me, though. Had I not known better, I would have thought you a gangster with the way I was surrounded by a group of strangers at the school gate.” Qin Shu grumbled. It was an intimidating experience, to say the least.

“Hua Wuyan was the one who dragged me there. Everyone else just wanted to join in on the fun…” Han Xiao responded earnestly. It was apparent that he had been an innocent party in the whole debacle.

It was the first time someone dared announce that they had dated Han Xiao, so Hua Wuyan wanted to see who had the gall to make such a claim.

That was how Hua Wuyan dragged everyone to Linxi. Those who wanted in on the fun naturally wouldn’t allow such an opportunity to slip by.

If Han Xiao had told her this before, Qin Shu probably would not have believed a thing he said. Now, she was inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt. She did not believe that Han Xiao would deliberately stop her at the school gates over a piece of trivial gossip.

Gu Yan, who trailed behind them, studied their intimate interaction with a frown on his face. “Why are they chatting so happily?”

He asked Ji Fei who strode at his side.

“I don’t know, young master,” Ji Fei replied.

“They seem to be on good terms,” Gu Yan commented with a questioning lilt.

“It seems so.” Ji Fei was just about to repeat himself when he changed his words at the last second.

Gu Yan stared at Ji Fei for a long time, before asking, “Could it be that Han Xiao harbours those kinds of thoughts for her? He did save Qin Shu twice, after all. He even got injured in the process.”

Ji Fei was puzzled. “What thoughts? Don’t all friends behave in this way? We can’t just leave him in the lurch…” Ji Fei’s voice grew softer as he spoke, becoming little more than a whisper as he finished his sentence.

Gu Yan considered Ji Fei’s words for a moment, conceding. “That’s true.”

It took them a while to reach the parking lot at the foot of the mountain.

Qin Shu hugged the strap of her backpack tightly. She took a peek at Han Xiao. His expression was as cold as ever but it seemed more wooden than usual. Pursing her lips, she mumbled, “You’re injured. You’ll need to be careful on the return trip. I’ll ask Gu Yan to have a bodyguard of his drive you to the city.”

Gu Yan chimed in, “You can’t drive with how severe your injuries are and with night approaching, it would be safer if someone drove you back.”

Han Xiao regarded Qin Shu and then Gu Yan, rejecting him almost immediately. “There’s no need.”

Han Xiao’s rejection twisted her insides into knots. “How can you drive yourself back? It’s almost dark and you’re injured. Safety is of the utmost importance. I would never forgive myself if anything happened to you.”

Han Xiao’s gaze never strayed from Qin Shu’s form. Without her annoying glasses, he could see the delicate curve of her brows and the light that shone in her eyes. It left him transfixed.

Gu Yan interjected more firmly, “Qin Shu is right. You’re injured. You shouldn’t be driving. It’s better to have someone act as your driver so that you don’t tax your body further. My bodyguards are all handpicked by me so their competence is beyond doubt.”

Gu Yan could not help but compare Han Xiao’s temperament with a certain someone. They both liked to put on a brave front.

Han Xiao did not refuse a second time. He inclined his head in Gu Yan’s direction, “If you insist… Thank you for your kindness.”

“Alright, it’s getting dark. Everyone into the cars. ”

Gu Yan marched to the car.

Qin Shu waved at Han Xiao, bidding him farewell. She then fastened the belt of her backpack and got into the car.

Han Xiao watched as Qin Shu left with Gu Yan. He stood there, rooted, as the car slowly sped off into the distance.

A bodyguard of Gu Yan’s walked over. “Mister Han, it’s getting late.”

Han Xiao nodded in acknowledgement and ambled his way to the waiting car.

The bodyguard stepped behind the wheel as soon as Han Xiao was safely strapped in.

With someone else driving, Han Xiao did not need to expend his energy. He leaned against the seat, his camping pack on one side, and closed his eyes to rest.

Xiao Budian’s figure constantly flashed in his mind, appearing in Qin Shu’s form.

Jiang City.


Fu Tingyu retired to his study having had dinner.

It was quiet.

Stacks of documents, pending his signature, sat on his desk.

The silence was broken by the ringing of his mobile phone. Glancing at the caller’s ID, Fu Tingyu’s brows curled in intrigue. It was Mo Chengyu.

He answered the call and heard Mo Chengyu’s voice on the other end. “Brother Yu, are you free to join me for a drink. We’ll go to our old haunt.”

Fu Tingyu pondered for a moment and replied, “Mm.”

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