Another World’s Versatile Crafting Master

Chapter 880 - The Crazy Prince

Chapter 880: The Crazy Prince

A simple example here would be a Legendary magical crystal which acted as the source of mana in a mageweath array. If they did not use the mana transferring tube before the mana entered the circuit, the lifespan of both the source of mana and the mana transferring tube would only be able to reach 100 years. If one were to add the mana transferring tube to the source of mana, he would be able to slow down the usage of the source of mana, and lengthen the lifespan of both the source of mana and the mana transferring tube. The mageweath array might be able to sustain activity for more than 1,000 years. Furthermore, as the use of mana became more efficient, the mageweath array would be able to exert greater powers.

Hence, the mana transferring tube was extremely important to a mageweath array (especially if it was one of a large scale). An example would be the All-Kill Array from the Tower of Dusk. Although those Wards of Bad Luck were inscribed by Moke, Lin Li had used mana transferring tubes to allow the source of mana to transfer its mana outwards. If not, the All-Kill Array would definitely not have been able to exert half of its current capability. The rate of its energy usage would decrease by more than half as well.

The mana transferring tube that the Caesar Family had found was not only an important tool for the mageweath arrays, the fact that it was embedded with the High Elves’ technologies also gave it a great significance. Even if the Caesar Family was unable to perfectly replicate the mana transferring tube despite their network and tremendous research, it would certainly be a great reward if they were able to create one that had a little resemblance in effect to the original transferring tube.

In fact, although the mana transferring tube the Caesar Family had found was not very attractive, it was more valuable as compared to the heart of the Whispering God in Joseph’s hands. However, Lin Li might be the only person who thought this. There was an inconcealable excitement on Joseph’s face, and the rest of them all seemed extremely jealous of his findings.

The Tower of Dusk and Glittergold Trade Union were searching through the ruins very thoroughly as well. Elvan, the Master of Inscription from the Glittergold Trade Union, as well as Angelano, the Alchemy Guru from the Tower of Dusk, also found some loose yet valuable items.

Seeing that the different forces were expanding their area of search, Lin Li also decided that he should not waste any more time. He leaped into the water again.

More than half of the water from the lake was spilled out due to the earlier explosion. It was fortunate that the lake was deep to start with, so nothing was brought out with the water. This helped to prevent other forces from vying for treasures with Lin Li. Of course, it might mean that there was nothing within the water as well. After all, the explosion was so violent that it forced Lin Li to stay away from the center of explosion.

Joseph, who had just put away the heart of the Whispering God, smirked after watching Lin Li leap into the water. He was certain that the spell that caused the explosion had to be at the peak of the Legendary-level. Now that the incubation room had turned into ruins, how would there be any valuable items left in it? Any treasure would have turned into ashes.

This was what Lin Li was thinking about as well. He only jumped into the water with a glimpse of hope. After he entered the water, he swam along the familiar path towards the black crystal. However, when he reached the area, he had the shock of his life.

Lin Li originally planned to see if there were any loose parts left behind. After all, this was a place used to imprison the Whispering God. It had to be the most important place within the incubation room. Yet, what shocked him was that although the mana transferring pillar had collapsed, the pedestal the black magical crystal was etched in was lying very quietly at the bottom of the lake. It seemed like it had not been really damaged.

This was definitely not what Lin Li had expected. He wouldn’t be so shocked if it was another thing that survived the impact of the explosion, but this pedestal was located in the epicenter of the explosion. If it could still maintain its original shape, the pedestal had to be something else.

Lin Li took extra precaution when he went over to pick up that item. He was prepared that it might be an illusion that would disappear with human touch. It wasn’t until he felt the concrete object that he sighed in relief, and proceeded to scrutinize the item from up close.

Yet, Lin Li’s knowledge and experience were not sufficient to help him understand the origin of the item immediately. Hence, he could only bring it out of the lake. He was putting his hopes on Connoris, the ancient deity who had been living for a long time, and Angelano, the goblin who was at the peak of the Guru-level in the domain of Alchemy. He thought that their experience could help identify this item.

Lin Li leaped out of the water with the item in his hands, and that attracted the attention of many. Although these people did not recognize what was in his hands, they were aware that it had to be something that survived the explosion. Hence, it had to be something extraordinary.

Joseph could not help but sulk at Lin Li’s findings. Why hadn’t he thought of heading into the lake when it was where that monster had emerged from? But, all was too late. Joseph was skeptical that there would be anything valuable left inside the lake that had been searched by Lin Li.

After returning to his team, Lin Li immediately summoned Connoris and Angelano. He showed them the item in his hands, and asked, “What do you think about this—”

Before Lin Li finished his question, Angelano slammed the seated alchemy machine. Its two mechanical arms reached over to Lin Li to snatch the item for a closer scrutiny. “This is a miracle. This has to be a miracle in the whole history of alchemy! It is perfect. Am I dreaming?” He gasped in amazement repeatedly.

Although Lin Li knew that the item was not simple, he did not expect such an extreme reaction from Angelano. He turned to look at Connoris, and saw that Connoris did not share the same excitement as Angelano. It seemed like he did not recognize that item.

“Angelano, do you recognize this thing?” inquired Lin Li impatiently when he saw Angelano’s excitement.

“What? How could you say that this is a ‘thing’? This is the mightiest creation in the history of alchemy. I cannot believe that I can witness its existence! This is unbelievable…” Angelano danced on the machine with glee. He was immersed in his excitement.

“Alright, then it will be a miracle, whatever you call it. Now, can you tell me what miracle it is in your hands?” Lin Li replied impatiently. He really had an urge to drag Angelano down from his machine for an interrogation.

“This is the Heart of Stars! Just look at its perfect structure. I really cannot imagine anyone else who has such a marvelous capability in alchemy other than gods!” Angelano cried as he tried to calm himself down.

Angelano’s words took Lin Li’s composure away. While he did not recognize the treasure, it did not mean that he did not know about it. His rich experience in alchemy had given him the knowledge of the ultimate legend of the Heart of Stars in the domain of Alchemy. It was said that alchemists who had the ability to create the Heart of Stars would have reached the level of the Divine Smith. What they lacked would only be that one opportunity…

Lin Li could see that the Heart of Stars he had acquired was made of the perfect ratio of many rare metals. The strengths of these metals were extracted and combined into a type of superb magical metal. The metal was the reason why Heart of Stars was left untouched by the violent explosion. Any other magical metal would not have survived destruction.

The technology that created the Heart of Stars was like a distant dream to Lin Li. He was sure that he would not be able to find anything more powerful than that in Anril or the Endless World. In his memory, only the lost Stars of Fury could be a match for the Heart of Stars.

Of course, this did not mean that the Heart of Stars was very powerful. Although it was made with extremely rare metals, and was processed using high-end alchemical technology, it was, after all, not a magical weapon. It had a totally different function compared to the Stars of Fury.

“But, I cannot understand why Brahere used the Heart of Stars here,” said Angelano doubtfully. He finally could engage in logical thinking after all that excitement. According to his knowledge, a creation as magnificent as the Heart of Stars had to be used in the rarest source of mana. It would be a great waste to use it in an ordinary one.

He has a point here. Why did Brahere use the Heart of Stars here? Lin Li contemplated. He was extremely clear about where the powers of the Heart of Stars could be best used. Hence, like Angelano, he could not comprehend Brahere’s intention. The Heart of Stars was supposed to refine mana. Although the Heart of Stars was used as the source of mana here, it was a medium that emitted mana of a single property. A direct mana source or alchemy array alone would have been able to help to refine the mana. Wouldn’t it be an exaggeration to use the Heart of Stars here?

Unless the mana supplied by the Whispering God was not something it processed from the structure, but…

The thought made Lin Li shiver. Could that black magical crystal be the real magical crystal of the Whispering God instead of the medium that only stored the mana that it devoured?

Lin Li was wondering why the Whispering God could not reach the Sanctuary-realm despite all the mana it had been absorbing. The process of draining mana was akin to how the ingestion of food would create additional nutrients that would be beneficial to one’s growth. The food consumed by the Whispering God was all the different types of mana, but if it wanted to achieve growth, it would need to convert all that mana into its own.

If the Whispering God could only absorb all sorts of mana, but did not have the chance to process it, it would be like a person who suffered from indigestion, which would limit growth and development. That being said, what could have happened to inhibit the opportunity for the Whispering God to process that mana? A possibility would be to snatch the mana from the Whispering God before it could convert it into its own.

Hence, there was a high possibility for the black magical crystal to belong to the Whispering God, except that it was shifted out of its body by Brahere. If this was really the case, there would be nothing unusual for the Heart of Stars to be employed here.

The mana drained by the Whispering God came from different sources. It was like a mana galore, which made it impossible to employ as a direct source of mana. No mageweaths or arrays had the power to use such a disorderly system of mana. If one were to use it forcefully, there would be only one result—an immediate collapse.

This was not only a problem of a set of disorderly mana. It was also a concern that the mageweaths and arrays would require mana with differing magical attributes. Hence, if it was a mana source with a single attribute, it would not be able to fulfill the needs of all the mageweaths and arrays. As a result, they might not function as normal, and it could even affect the lifespan of the mageweaths and arrays.

Hence, the usage of the Heart of Stars was of utmost importance. It had the ability to refine the impure mixture of mana into the purest form, and transfer it to every magical facility that required mana. This would prevent the conflict that would arise due to clashing magical attributes of mana.

However, having a magical crystal that was outside the body was an incredibly absurd idea. The mere thought of it unsettled Lin Li. He could accept the fact that Brahere was trying to nurture the Whispering God in the incubation room, but he just could not agree with Brahere in how he used the Whispering God as the mana source and shifted his magical crystal out of his body. To Lin Li, Brahere was indeed a talented maniac.

“No, the Heart of Stars is in fact used appropriately here,” spoke Lin Li. He briefly told them about the Whispering God. Of course, he would not reveal anything about the Endless World. He only told them about how the Whispering God absorbed mana, and was turned into the source of mana by Brahere.

“This Brahere is even more freaky than Osric! How could he nurture this monster as the source of mana!”

Both Angelano and Connoris were aware of Osric’s personality. They could not imagine that there would be anyone more crazy than Osric.

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